Dear all,
I read filenames from a given Directory (path) which works well. Now I'd like to read the filenames from a Directory to which I have no Access, but a technical user has (I know userid and Password).
My question is: how can I use this userid in the code?, i.e. Change the user to read the filenames? Please see code below.
Best wishes
%macro find_files (p_startdir = );
data dirs_found (compress=no);
length Root $120.;
root = "&p_startdir.";
/* Updated list of directories searched */
data dirs_found
files_found (compress=no); /* Names of files found. */
keep Path FileName FileType;
length fref $8 Filename $120 FileType $16;
/* Read the name of a directory to search. */
modify dirs_found;
/* Make a copy of the name, because we might reset root. */
Path = root;
rc = filename(fref, path);
if rc = 0 then do;
did = dopen(fref);
rc = filename(fref);
else do;
length msg $200.;
msg = sysmsg();
putlog msg=;
did = .;
if did <= 0 then do;
putlog 'ERR' 'OR: Unable to open ' Path=;
dnum = dnum(did);
do i = 1 to dnum;
filename = dread(did, i);
fid = mopen(did, filename);
/* It's not explicitly documented, but the SAS online */
/* examples show that a return value of 0 from mopen */
/* means a directory name, and anything else means */
/* a file name. */
if fid > 0 then do;
/* FileType is everything after the last dot. If */
/* no dot, then no extension. */
FileType = prxchange('s/.*\.{1,1}(.*)/$1/', 1, filename);
if filename = filetype then filetype = ' ';
output files_found;
else do;
/* A directory name was found; calculate the complete */
/* path, and add it to the dirs_found data set, */
/* where it will be read in the next iteration of this */
/* data step. */
root = catt(path, "/", filename);
output dirs_found;
rc = dclose(did);
data sas_progs_found (keep=filename);
set files_found (where=(Filetype eq "sas"));
filename_alt = filename;
laenge = length(filename_alt);
filename= "%" || substr(filename_alt,1, laenge-4);
proc sort data=sas_progs_found nodupkey;
by filename;
%if "&p_DebugMode." eq "J" %then %do;
title ****** Directories *******;
proc print data=dirs_found; run;
title ****** Files *******;
proc print data=files_found; run;
title ****** SAS-Programme *******;
proc print data=sas_progs_found; run;
title ;
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