Bruce, Goptions has nothing to do with proc sgplot thus suppress those two instructions then try to use a datalabel as option in your hbar instructions Here to show you some code for another example HTH Andre data a.fig1; informat femmes hommes numx3.1; input Age $5. Femmes Hommes ; cards; < 25 4,9 5,8 25-29 3,4 5,0 30-34 2,1 3,5 35-39 3,5 5,5 40-49 5,7 9,2 run; proc sgplot data=a.fig1 ;*noautolegend; vbar age / response=femmes /*stat=sum*/ nostatlabel datalabel discreteoffset=-0.2 barwidth=0.4 fillattrs=(color=thistle) name="f"; vbar age / response=hommes /*stat=sum*/ nostatlabel datalabel discreteoffset=+0.2 barwidth=0.4 fillattrs=(color=turquoise) name="h"; yaxis grid label='En %' values=(1 to 10 by 1); keylegend "f" "h" /across=2 down=1 location=inside position=topleft title="" ; run;
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