Why not use SAS Visual Analytics and one of my favorite coordinate plot visualizations to spread some love this season! For this example - I'm borrowing some existing ASCII arts from site https://www.asciiart.eu/holiday-and-events/valentine - but you can easily apply this example to other drawings or try with your own creativity.
I simply copied the related text into a text file (vi.txt) and wrote a short SAS data step to generate a data set for my SAS Visual Analytics report.
filename in "vi.txt";
/* the width of the grid depends on the input data */
%let GRID_WIDTH=68;
data valentine(compress=yes);
infile in truncover;
input line $CHAR&GRID_WIDTH..;
/* generate 4 columns: X/Y (coordinates), C (color code) and DATE */
length x y c date 8.;
format date year.;
y = &GRID_WIDTH. - _n_;
do i = 1 to &GRID_WIDTH.;
tmp = put(line,$char&GRID_WIDTH..);
n = substrn(tmp,i,1);
c = rank(n); /* a simple rank to distinguish between different chars */
x = i;
if (c ne 32) then do; /* */
id = put(x,z2.) || put(y,z2.);
if (c eq 88) then c = 100; /* 'X' */
/* animate the color code for some color ranges (>100) */
do year = 1950 to 1960 by 1;
date = mdy(1,1,year);
if (c ge 100) then c = c + (year - 1950);
do year = 1961 to 1970 by 1;
date = mdy(1,1,year);
if (c ge 100) then c = c - (year - 1950);
keep id y x c date;
With that data set loaded into SAS Visual Analytics, we can add a coordinate plot visualization to the canvas. I decided to use the Geo Coordinate object as it allows me to animate the data using a date variable. The original geo map background is hidden using related option in the Options panel. As geographic item, I used the ID variable with related X & Y coordinates variables and a custom coordinate space EPSG:900913 for better flat rendering of the data points.
SAS Visual Analytics report - Spreading Love
Some finishing touches around additional header and footer - produces the example above.
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!
Struck by Cupid's arrow, @FalkoSchulz?
L❤️VE it!