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Calcite | Level 5

This encoding will be used to process the file.
1 /**********************************************************************
3 * VERSION: 9.4
4 * CREATOR: External File Interface
5 * DATE: 11MAR24
6 * DESC: Generated SAS Datastep Code
7 * TEMPLATE SOURCE: (None Specified.)
8 ***********************************************************************/
9 data WORK.lab ;
10 %let _EFIERR_ = 0; /* set the ERROR detection macro variable */
11 infile
13 informat encounter_study_id $6. ;
14 informat specimen_collected_timestamp anydtdtm40. ;
15 informat lab_base_name $5. ;
16 informat lab_component_name $44. ;
17 informat numeric_value best32. ;
18 informat string_value best32. ;
19 informat units $15. ;
20 format patient_study_id $6. ;
21 format encounter_study_id $6. ;
22 format specimen_collected_timestamp datetime. ;
23 format lab_base_name $5. ;
24 format lab_component_name $44. ;
25 format numeric_value best12. ;
26 format string_value best12. ;
27 format units $15. ;
28 input
29 patient_study_id $
30 encounter_study_id $
31 specimen_collected_timestamp
32 lab_base_name $
33 lab_component_name $
34 numeric_value
35 string_value
36 units $
37 ;
38 if _ERROR_ then call symputx('_EFIERR_',1); /* set ERROR detection macro variable */
39 run;

NOTE: A byte-order mark in the file

NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 69 87-90.
RULE: ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9--
69 GJYXY2,GN3PV2,2012-10-05 10:29:00,UMA,"MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF)",10000000.0,<5.0,m
93 g/L 95
patient_study_id=GJYXY2 encounter_study_id=GN3PV2 specimen_collected_timestamp=05OCT12:10:29:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF) numeric_value=10000000
string_value=. units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=68
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 188 87-90.
188 GJYWZS,GL6NQU,2013-05-06 09:25:00,UMA,"MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF)",10000000.0,<5.0,m
93 g/L 95
patient_study_id=GJYWZS encounter_study_id=GL6NQU specimen_collected_timestamp=06MAY13:09:25:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF) numeric_value=10000000
string_value=. units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=187
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 201 80-98.
201 GJZCP1,GL9ILP,2013-04-19 12:58:00,UMACR,ALB/CRET RATIO URINE (UWHC),10000000.0,Calculation I
93 nvalid,mg/g cret 108
patient_study_id=GJZCP1 encounter_study_id=GL9ILP specimen_collected_timestamp=19APR13:12:58:00
lab_base_name=UMACR lab_component_name=ALB/CRET RATIO URINE (UWHC) numeric_value=10000000
string_value=. units=mg/g cret _ERROR_=1 _N_=200
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 202 80-99.
202 GJZFJD,GLYUUA,2014-12-05 11:08:00,UMACR,ALB/CRET RATIO URINE (UWHC),10000000.0,Unable to cal
93 culate.,mg/g cret 109
patient_study_id=GJZFJD encounter_study_id=GLYUUA specimen_collected_timestamp=05DEC14:11:08:00
lab_base_name=UMACR lab_component_name=ALB/CRET RATIO URINE (UWHC) numeric_value=10000000
string_value=. units=mg/g cret _ERROR_=1 _N_=201
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 480 79-82.
480 GJZ4NH,GKG3FF,2017-06-13 08:44:00,UMA,"MICROALBUMIN, URINE (UWMF)",10000000.0,<5.0,mg/L 87
patient_study_id=GJZ4NH encounter_study_id=GKG3FF specimen_collected_timestamp=13JUN17:08:44:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN, URINE (UWMF) numeric_value=10000000 string_value=.
units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=479
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 481 78-79.
481 GJZ8XU,GJPLFT,2020-06-15 10:20:00,UMA,"MICROALBUMIN, URINE (UWH)",10000000.0,<5,mg/L 84
patient_study_id=GJZ8XU encounter_study_id=GJPLFT specimen_collected_timestamp=15JUN20:10:20:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN, URINE (UWH) numeric_value=10000000 string_value=.
units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=480
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 500 87-90.
500 GJZ95J,GMMH3E,2012-07-26 12:16:00,UMA,"MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF)",10000000.0,<5.0,m
93 g/L 95
patient_study_id=GJZ95J encounter_study_id=GMMH3E specimen_collected_timestamp=26JUL12:12:16:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF) numeric_value=10000000
string_value=. units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=499
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 547 78-79.
547 GJZ5BE,GL81B5,2021-12-14 10:23:00,UMA,"MICROALBUMIN, URINE (UWH)",10000000.0,<5,mg/L 84
patient_study_id=GJZ5BE encounter_study_id=GL81B5 specimen_collected_timestamp=14DEC21:10:23:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN, URINE (UWH) numeric_value=10000000 string_value=.
units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=546
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 614 87-90.
614 GJZ5VF,GJIGU7,2011-01-03 08:16:00,UMA,"MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF)",10000000.0,<5.0,m
93 g/L 95
patient_study_id=GJZ5VF encounter_study_id=GJIGU7 specimen_collected_timestamp=03JAN11:08:16:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF) numeric_value=10000000
string_value=. units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=613
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 833 76-77.
833 GJZ0N5,GJIWHW,2015-02-17 09:11:00,UMA,MICROALBUMIN URINE (UWHC),10000000.0,<5,mg/L 82
patient_study_id=GJZ0N5 encounter_study_id=GJIWHW specimen_collected_timestamp=17FEB15:09:11:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN URINE (UWHC) numeric_value=10000000 string_value=.
units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=832
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 854 78-79.
854 GJZE5W,GNB0CL,2023-07-17 08:25:00,UMA,"MICROALBUMIN, URINE (UWH)",10000000.0,<5,mg/L 84
patient_study_id=GJZE5W encounter_study_id=GNB0CL specimen_collected_timestamp=17JUL23:08:25:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN, URINE (UWH) numeric_value=10000000 string_value=.
units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=853
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 863 80-98.
863 GJYXGO,GM9EHO,2014-02-18 14:31:00,UMACR,ALB/CRET RATIO URINE (UWHC),10000000.0,Calculation I
93 nvalid,mg/g cret 108
patient_study_id=GJYXGO encounter_study_id=GM9EHO specimen_collected_timestamp=18FEB14:14:31:00
lab_base_name=UMACR lab_component_name=ALB/CRET RATIO URINE (UWHC) numeric_value=10000000
string_value=. units=mg/g cret _ERROR_=1 _N_=862
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 890 78-79.
890 GJZ9HH,GLCQ2I,2022-02-10 16:13:00,UMA,"MICROALBUMIN, URINE (UWH)",10000000.0,<5,mg/L 84
patient_study_id=GJZ9HH encounter_study_id=GLCQ2I specimen_collected_timestamp=10FEB22:16:13:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN, URINE (UWH) numeric_value=10000000 string_value=.
units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=889
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 1083 76-85.
1083 GJZENA,GKXVLB,2014-11-09 12:30:00,LDL,LDL CHOLESTEROL (OUTSIDE),10000000.0,Not Tested,mg/dL 91
patient_study_id=GJZENA encounter_study_id=GKXVLB specimen_collected_timestamp=09NOV14:12:30:00
lab_base_name=LDL lab_component_name=LDL CHOLESTEROL (OUTSIDE) numeric_value=10000000 string_value=.
units=mg/dL _ERROR_=1 _N_=1082
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 1103 87-90.
1103 GJZ8Q1,GLUYEK,2015-06-28 11:22:00,UMA,"MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF)",10000000.0,<5.0,m
RULE: ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9--
93 g/L 95
patient_study_id=GJZ8Q1 encounter_study_id=GLUYEK specimen_collected_timestamp=28JUN15:11:22:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF) numeric_value=10000000
string_value=. units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=1102
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 1354 87-90.
1354 GJYY34,GLKCPR,2015-06-04 08:14:00,UMA,"MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF)",10000000.0,<5.0,m
93 g/L 95
patient_study_id=GJYY34 encounter_study_id=GLKCPR specimen_collected_timestamp=04JUN15:08:14:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF) numeric_value=10000000
string_value=. units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=1353
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 1386 78-79.
1386 GJYZ61,GLHF4L,2022-05-18 08:56:00,UMA,"MICROALBUMIN, URINE (UWH)",10000000.0,<5,mg/L 84
patient_study_id=GJYZ61 encounter_study_id=GLHF4L specimen_collected_timestamp=18MAY22:08:56:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN, URINE (UWH) numeric_value=10000000 string_value=.
units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=1385
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 1529 87-90.
1529 GJZ1SW,GKHA62,2011-03-08 08:46:00,UMA,"MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF)",10000000.0,<5.0,m
93 g/L 95
patient_study_id=GJZ1SW encounter_study_id=GKHA62 specimen_collected_timestamp=08MAR11:08:46:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF) numeric_value=10000000
string_value=. units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=1528
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 1650 87-90.
1650 GJZ57M,GLXKGE,2012-01-02 09:04:00,UMA,"MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF)",10000000.0,<5.0,m
93 g/L 95
patient_study_id=GJZ57M encounter_study_id=GLXKGE specimen_collected_timestamp=02JAN12:09:04:00
lab_base_name=UMA lab_component_name=MICROALBUMIN, URINE OLYMPUS (UWMF) numeric_value=10000000
string_value=. units=mg/L _ERROR_=1 _N_=1649
NOTE: Invalid data for string_value in line 1738 71-90.
WARNING: Limit set by ERRORS= option reached. Further errors of this type will not be printed.
1738 GJZMIA,GJRRKF,2015-09-05 05:12:00,LDL,EST. LDL CHOL (UWHC),10000000.0,Unable to calculate.,m
93 g/dL 96
patient_study_id=GJZMIA encounter_study_id=GJRRKF specimen_collected_timestamp=05SEP15:05:12:00
lab_base_name=LDL lab_component_name=EST. LDL CHOL (UWHC) numeric_value=10000000 string_value=.
units=mg/dL _ERROR_=1 _N_=1737
NOTE: 2167731 records were read from the infile
The minimum record length was 33.
The maximum record length was 179.
NOTE: The data set WORK.LAB has 2167731 observations and 8 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 1:30.71
cpu time 3.67 seconds

Errors detected in submitted DATA step. Examine log.

ERROR: Import unsuccessful. See SAS Log for details.


How I can fix it. I see the error is "string value" and I should ask sas that read it as character, not numerical value


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