Hi, all
I have a question with regard to stand error output when using glimmix.
I am trying to run a model on how the No. of veterinarians are determined by animal stocks. Since I have both male vets and female vets for each county, and the explanatory variables are the same for them, I think they are correlated, so I am trying to run a bivariate poisson model here.
I use the R-side covariance structure is used to model the correlations. I find in the output, General Chi-square/DF is 1 if I use this regresion.
My code is like:
First I combine "male vet" and "female vet" into one variable "gender":
data gender2000;
length dist $7;
length class $7;
set sea2000;
gender =male;
dist = "poisson";
gender = female;
class = "female";
dist = "poisson";
keep gender hog Cattle horse sheep dist class obs;
Then I run glimmix:
proc glimmix data=gender2000;
nloptions maxiter = 100;
class obs class;
model gender = class class*hog class*cattle class*horse class*sheep/
noint s dist=byobs(dist);
random _residual_ / subject=obs type=chol;
This is part of the output I get:
Solutions for Fixed Effects
Effect class Estimate Error DF t Value Pr > |t|
Hog*class female -1.43E-7 0 1387 -Infty <.0001
Hog*class male 3.888E-7 0 1387 Infty <.0001
cattle*class female 4.039E-7 0 1387 Infty <.0001
cattle*class male 1.507E-6 0 1387 Infty <.0001
Horse*class female 0.000032 9.712E-6 1387 3.33 0.0009
Horse*class male 0.000052 6.942E-6 1387 7.44 <.0001
Sheep*class female 2.83E-6 1.709E-6 1387 1.66 0.0980
Sheep*class male -2.98E-7 1.209E-6 1387 -0.25 0.8056
As you can see, several explanatory variables have standard error equal to 0. I have never encountered this problem before. As we always expect low standard error is a good sign, but with almost everything equal to 0 is weird here. Is it because my data? For example, I have the Mean for hog as 85603, with a standard deviation of 258881. I have total 1409 observations in the original data set.
I wonder whether anyone could provide an insight into my problem. Is there a way to correct it? Or is there some materials I can read to better understand the glimmix procedures, e.g, how this std. error is calculated? Thanks a lot!