Before dealing with multiple tests, your input data file is not what you think. You are specifying that the first flower type is A and the first colour type is "18", with a count of 12. Because of the @@, the next flower type is "12", the next colour is "B", with a count of "44". And so on. If your really have three flower types (and how many colours?), you should best have three values per record:
Flower, Colour, Count
If you have 3 flower types and 3 colour types (as an example), you would have 9 records.
Then, the rest of your code would work fine.
If you want to analyze several groups, you need a fourth variable per record, indicating the group.
Group, Flower, Colour, Count
There would be nine records for each of the groups. You would need to sort by Group, before the FREQ analysis.