species | shell_color | flesh_color |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | beige_black |
Otala_punctata | white_brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | white_brown | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | white_brown | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | beige_black |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | beige_black |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | beige_black |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown | Black_gray |
Otala_punctata | brown_beige | Black_gray |
Hi guys,
need i quick help please, here is above a cut for my data, and i need to apply the Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) using proc correspbut this is my fist time and the syntax is so complicate, you know sas doc, also, i cant make a difference between Var statment and table statment.
i need to plot differents species by shell and flesh color.
Thank you all
Others have answered your questions so let me just add that the VAR statement is used when you want to read an existing table, and the TABLES statement is used when you want to create a table from raw categorical data (similar to but not identical to the TABLES statement in PROC FREQ).
The example here creates a similar plot to the one you are asking for.
Do i need to encoding my data or just leave it, because with some code icoudnt get the scatter plot .
Thank you
proc corresp mca observed data=snails; tables shell_color flesh_color; run;
with this code doesnt work, please what im missing here. thank you
Doesn't work is awful vague.
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Others have answered your questions so let me just add that the VAR statement is used when you want to read an existing table, and the TABLES statement is used when you want to create a table from raw categorical data (similar to but not identical to the TABLES statement in PROC FREQ).
TABLE statement is for your raw data like you post.
VAR statement is for NxM contingency table (like PROC FREQ), you need change your raw data into NxM table .
So your code looks right. Could you post your LOG to see where is not working ?
@Ksharp Sorry, but it is the other way around.
Sorry. My bad. my brain must run into some problem .
TABLE is for raw data, VAR is for mxn table just like PROC FREQ .
Thank all for your help is appreciated.
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ANOVA, or Analysis Of Variance, is used to compare the averages or means of two or more populations to better understand how they differ. Watch this tutorial for more.
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