1hello everyone, I am doing research paper and I need to select firm year observations rather than month year observation
No. company ID announcement date
1 0 5/2/2014
2 0 7/9/2014
3 0 1/4/2015
4 1 2/4/2013
5 1 4/8/2013
6 1 4/24/2013
7 2 2/6/2015
8 2 2/8/2016
as long as firms send announcements in a given year, the observation is included in the new sample. So I need to select No. 2, 3, 6, 7,8. How could I do it? I very appreciate your help.
Code like below should work.
proc sql;
/* create table want as*/
select *
from have
group by company_id, year(announcement_date)
having max(announcement_date)=announcement_date
Code like below should work.
proc sql;
/* create table want as*/
select *
from have
group by company_id, year(announcement_date)
having max(announcement_date)=announcement_date
You may as like to try the below code
data have;
input No company_ID announcement_date:mmddyy10.;
format announcement_date date9.;
1 0 5/2/2014
2 0 7/9/2014
3 0 1/4/2015
4 1 2/4/2013
5 1 4/8/2013
6 1 4/24/2013
7 2 2/6/2015
8 2 2/8/2016
proc sort data=have;
by company_ID year announcement_date;
data want;
set have;
by company_ID year announcement_date;
if last.year;
Thank you so much! it works!
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