Hello all!
In the following code I would like to test whether the random farm effect can be removed from the model, whether the repeatedly measured response = score on the subjects=animals is independent from the farm effect, respectively.
As I understand this can be done in Proc Glimmix by using the covtest statement, which can be specified multiple times.
But it does not work as done below, the procedure does not consider the covtest statement. I am using SAS 9.2.
What's wrong with the syntax? How can I obtain statistical inference on the random farm effect in proc glimmix ?
proc glimmix data=x METHOD=LAPLACE;
class farm genotype animal;
model score = genotype sweek genotype*sweek /
dist=multinomial link=cumlogit solution;
random int / subject=farm solution;
covtest DiagG;
random int sweek / subject=animal solution;
Any help appreciated !