I am trying to match based on gender and facility, but am running into trouble with repeated controls. Is there a way to specify that each control observation can only be picked once so I don't wind up with repeats? This is what I have so far and my dataset looks somewhat like this
MRN Gender Facility
1 1 facility1
2 0 facility2
CREATE table controls_id
as select
one.Gender as control_Gender,
two.Gender as case_Gender,
one.Facilitys as control_fac,
two.Facilitys as case_fac,
FROM control one, cases two
where ( one.Facilitys=two.Facilitys and one.Gender=two.Gender);
proc sort data =controls_id out=controls_ids;
by control_id case_id ;
proc surveyselect data=controls_ids method=srs n=3 out=caseids;
strata control_id ;
Try adding the NODUPKEY option in the PROC SORT. Does that fix it?
Try adding the NODUPKEY option in the PROC SORT. Does that fix it?
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ANOVA, or Analysis Of Variance, is used to compare the averages or means of two or more populations to better understand how they differ. Watch this tutorial for more.
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