Hi, I have made my codes using the GlIMMIX procedure and the MIXED procedure. Both have resulted in an "intercept" line in the "Solution for fixed effects" table, and no values for my fourth treatment. Here is my code:
proc mixed data=ZOO_TRUIE;
class TRAIT truie;
model PDS_SAILLIE=TRAIT/alpha=0.05;
repeated / group=TRAIT;
ods output tests3=tests;
lsmeans TRAIT / cl;
ods output lsmeans=lsm;
proc glimmix data=ZOO_TRUIE;
class trait truie;
model PDS_SAILLIE=trait/alpha=0.05;
lsmeans trait / adjust=tukey lines;
output out=second predicted=pred residual=resid residual(noblup)=mresid student=studentresid student(noblup)=smresid;
Here is what the output table from both procedures look like:
Your code:
model BW=trait/alpha=0.05/noint;
should be
model BW=trait/alpha=0.05 noint;
All options follow a single front-slash.
The usage note below explains how to interpretate the parameter estimates for CLASS variables:
38384 - Interpreting the results of the SOLUTION option in the MODEL statement of PROC GLM (sas.com)
Hope this helps,
Is there a way to run these code with no intercept line?
Add the NOINT option to your MODEL statement.
Thank you!!
I've added the NOINT option, but now my codes won't work and I'm not sure why.
Here is my code:
proc mixed data=GLANDES_TRUIE;
class TRAIT truie;
model BW=TRAIT/alpha=0.05/noint;
repeated / group=TRAIT;
ods output tests3=tests;
lsmeans TRAIT / cl;
ods output lsmeans=lsm;
proc glimmix data=glandes_truie;
class trait truie;
model BW=trait/alpha=0.05/noint;
lsmeans trait / adjust=tukey lines;
output out=second predicted=pred residual=resid residual(noblup)=mresid student=studentresid student(noblup)=smresid;
Here is the error message:
70 proc mixed data=GLANDES_TRUIE; 71 class TRAIT truie; 72 model BW=TRAIT/alpha=0.05/noint; _ 22 200 ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: ;, ALPHA, ALPHAP, CHISQ, CL, CONTAIN, CORRB, COVB, COVBI, DDF, DDFM, DDFMETHOD, DF, DFM, DFMETHOD, DFP, E, E1, E2, E3, E4, EST, FULLX, HTYPE, INFLUENCE, INTERCEPT, LCOMPONENTS, NOCONTAIN, NOINT, NOTEST, NOUNIQUE, NOUNIQUENAME, OUTP, OUTPM, OUTPRED, OUTPREDM, RESIDUAL, RESIDUALS, SINGCHOL, SINGRES, SINGULAR, SOLUTION, UNIQUE, UNIQUENAME, VCIRY, XPVIX, XPVIXC, XPVIXI, ZETA. ERROR 200-322: The symbol is not recognized and will be ignored. 73 repeated / group=TRAIT; 74 ods output tests3=tests; 75 lsmeans TRAIT / cl; 76 ods output lsmeans=lsm; 77 run; 78 22 200 ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: ;, ALPHA, CENTER, CHISQ, CL, CORRB, COVB, COVBI, D, DDF, DDFM, DDFMETHOD, DF, DFM, DFMETHOD, DIST, DISTRIBUTION, E, E1, E2, E3, EI, EII, EIII, ERR, ERROR, EST, HTYPE, INTERCEPT, ITPRINT, LINK, LWEIGHT, LWEIGHTS, NOCENTER, NOINT, NOSCALE, OBSWEIGHT, ODDSRATIO, ODDSRATIOS, OFFSET, OR, REFLINP, SOLUTION, SOLUTIONS, STANDARDIZE, STDC, STDCOEF, ZETA. ERROR 200-322: The symbol is not recognized and will be ignored. 82 lsmeans trait / adjust=tukey lines; 83 output out=second predicted=pred residual=resid residual(noblup)=mresid student=studentresid student(noblup)=smresid; 84 Run; 85 86 OPTIONS NONOTES NOSTIMER NOSOURCE NOSYNTAXCHECK; 96
Can I only have one option in the MODEL line? I've run codes before with more than one option. It says the symbol is not recognized by NOINT is an option listed in the symbols it's expecting.
I appreciate your help!! Thank you
remove the "/" before NOINT.
Your code:
model BW=trait/alpha=0.05/noint;
should be
model BW=trait/alpha=0.05 noint;
All options follow a single front-slash.
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