I am having trouble getting the result I need from my proc mixed models. I am comparing 3 different types but for some reason my Proc Mixed model with the covariance structure Type=un (unstructured) ran and I add the intercept on the random line the result are an warning, the solution LSMEANS is missing, and no out put of my predicted values. For the proc mixed model type= cs everything is fine with the intercept added. I attached the output to this post and the code and code log is below. What do I need to change for me to used intercept and year in my un proc mixed model?
NOTE: 7898 observations are not included because of missing values.
NOTE: The data set WORK.PRED has 0 observations and 0 variables.
------>WARNING: Data set WORK.PRED was not replaced because new file is incomplete.<-----
NOTE: PROCEDURE MIXED used (Total process time):
real time 0.88 seconds
cpu time 0.68 seconds
SAS Code:
proc sort data = youthavgvl_yr out= youthavgvl_yr_sorted nodupkey; *remove duplicates;
by rfa_id year time avgvlyryouth;
*When I ran the procedure without adding intercept or int after random the output showed everything but with it some outputs where
cut out;
PROC MIXED data= youthavgvl_yr_sorted covtest noitprint method=reml PLOTS(MAXPOINTS=NONE);
class sex_hars (ref="F") res_at_hiv_dx (ref="Urban") race_combined (ref="Black") hiv_risk (ref="MSM") baseline_cd4 (ref="> 500") agegroup(ref="20-24");
model avgvlyryouth= year ccd4c ctimeyr sex_hars res_at_hiv_dx race_combined hiv_risk baseline_cd4
agegroup ccd4c*sex_hars ccd4c*res_at_hiv_dx ccd4c*race_combined ccd4c*hiv_risk ccd4c*baseline_cd4
ccd4c*agegroup ctimeyr*sex_hars ctimeyr*res_at_hiv_dx ctimeyr*race_combined ctimeyr*hiv_risk
ctimeyr*baseline_cd4 ctimeyr*agegroup/ solution outp = pred;
random intercept / subject=rfa_id Type= un;
lsmeans sex_hars res_at_hiv_dx race_combined hiv_risk baseline_cd4 agegroup /diff;
title 'Mixed Model Test for Youth Unstructured';
proc sort data = youthavgvl_yr out= youthavgvl_yr_sorted nodupkey; *remove duplicates;
by rfa_id year time avgvlyryouth;
PROC MIXED data= youthavgvl_yr_sorted order=data PLOTS(MAXPOINTS=NONE);
class sex_hars (ref="F") res_at_hiv_dx (ref="Urban") race_combined (ref="Black") hiv_risk (ref="MSM") baseline_cd4 (ref="> 500") agegroup(ref="20-24");
model avgvlyryouth= year ccd4c ctimeyr sex_hars res_at_hiv_dx race_combined hiv_risk baseline_cd4
agegroup ccd4c*sex_hars ccd4c*res_at_hiv_dx ccd4c*race_combined ccd4c*hiv_risk ccd4c*baseline_cd4
ccd4c*agegroup ctimeyr*sex_hars ctimeyr*res_at_hiv_dx ctimeyr*race_combined ctimeyr*hiv_risk
ctimeyr*baseline_cd4 ctimeyr*agegroup/ solution outp = pred_cs;
random intercept year / subject=rfa_id Type= cs;
lsmeans sex_hars res_at_hiv_dx race_combined hiv_risk baseline_cd4 agegroup /diff;
title 'Mixed Model Test for Youth Compound Symmetry';
SAS log:
SAS log
458 proc sort data = youthavgvl_yr out= youthavgvl_yr_sorted nodupkey; *remove duplicates;
459 by rfa_id year time avgvlyryouth;
460 run;
NOTE: There were 57534 observations read from the data set WORK.YOUTHAVGVL_YR.
NOTE: 10467 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.
NOTE: The data set WORK.YOUTHAVGVL_YR_SORTED has 47067 observations and 19 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
real time 0.04 seconds
cpu time 0.04 seconds
461 *When I ran the procedure without adding intercept or int after random the output showed
461! everything but with it some outputs where
462 cut out;
463 PROC MIXED data= youthavgvl_yr_sorted covtest noitprint method=reml PLOTS(MAXPOINTS=NONE);
464 class sex_hars (ref="F") res_at_hiv_dx (ref="Urban") race_combined (ref="Black")
464! hiv_risk (ref="MSM") baseline_cd4 (ref="> 500") agegroup(ref="20-24");
465 model avgvlyryouth= year ccd4c ctimeyr sex_hars res_at_hiv_dx race_combined hiv_risk
465! baseline_cd4
466 agegroup ccd4c*sex_hars ccd4c*res_at_hiv_dx ccd4c*race_combined ccd4c*hiv_risk
466! ccd4c*baseline_cd4
467 ccd4c*agegroup ctimeyr*sex_hars ctimeyr*res_at_hiv_dx ctimeyr*race_combined
467! ctimeyr*hiv_risk
468 ctimeyr*baseline_cd4 ctimeyr*agegroup/ solution outp = pred;
469 random intercept / subject=rfa_id Type= un;
470 lsmeans sex_hars res_at_hiv_dx race_combined hiv_risk baseline_cd4 agegroup /diff;
471 title 'Mixed Model Test for Youth Unstructured';
472 RUN;
NOTE: 7898 observations are not included because of missing values.
NOTE: The data set WORK.PRED has 0 observations and 0 variables.
WARNING: Data set WORK.PRED was not replaced because new file is incomplete.
NOTE: PROCEDURE MIXED used (Total process time):
real time 0.88 seconds
cpu time 0.68 seconds
NOTE: PROCEDURE MIXED used (Total process time):
real time 0.88 seconds
cpu time 0.68 seconds
474 proc sort data = youthavgvl_yr out= youthavgvl_yr_sorted nodupkey; *remove duplicates;
475 by rfa_id year time avgvlyryouth;
476 run;
NOTE: There were 57534 observations read from the data set WORK.YOUTHAVGVL_YR.
NOTE: 10467 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.
NOTE: The data set WORK.YOUTHAVGVL_YR_SORTED has 47067 observations and 19 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
real time 0.04 seconds
cpu time 0.04 seconds
478 PROC MIXED data= youthavgvl_yr_sorted order=data PLOTS(MAXPOINTS=NONE);
479 class sex_hars (ref="F") res_at_hiv_dx (ref="Urban") race_combined (ref="Black")
479! hiv_risk (ref="MSM") baseline_cd4 (ref="> 500") agegroup(ref="20-24");
480 model avgvlyryouth= year ccd4c ctimeyr sex_hars res_at_hiv_dx race_combined hiv_risk
480! baseline_cd4
481 agegroup ccd4c*sex_hars ccd4c*res_at_hiv_dx ccd4c*race_combined ccd4c*hiv_risk
481! ccd4c*baseline_cd4
482 ccd4c*agegroup ctimeyr*sex_hars ctimeyr*res_at_hiv_dx ctimeyr*race_combined
482! ctimeyr*hiv_risk
483 ctimeyr*baseline_cd4 ctimeyr*agegroup/ solution outp = pred_cs;
484 random intercept year / subject=rfa_id Type= cs;
485 lsmeans sex_hars res_at_hiv_dx race_combined hiv_risk baseline_cd4 agegroup /diff;
486 title 'Mixed Model Test for Youth Compound Symmetry';
487 RUN;
NOTE: 7898 observations are not included because of missing values.
NOTE: Convergence criteria met.
NOTE: Estimated G matrix is not positive definite.
NOTE: The data set WORK.PRED_CS has 47067 observations and 26 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE MIXED used (Total process time):
real time 50.90 seconds
cpu time 50.49 seconds
I think your DATA step to compute group from year is wrong. You didn't set the LENGTH of group, so the first assignment sets the length. Depending on the data, that might be one character, which means that the group variable has mostly value "1" because "10" through "19" get truncated to "1".
LENGTH group $2;
or even better use a numeric variable:
group = year-1998;
It is not obvious to me what the problem might be. At first I thought you may be trying to estimate too many parameters in the UN structure, but as you have it written you should get a single parameter estimate called UN(1,1). The mysterious part of all this is that there are no other relevant NOTEs, WARNINGs or ERRORs in the log. There may be something in the .lst file that would help explain what is happening.
I would like to push this to some folks who are really good with this sort of thing, so @jiltao , @STAT_Kathleen , you guys have helped me in the past, so please give @cjacks21 something to work with.
Thank you so much for you help in advance. I have be trouble shooting this for a couple days.
If you want to fit a random intercept model, you might want to use --
random intercept / subject=rfa_id;
If you want to fit a random intercept and slope model, you might want to use --
random intercept year / subject=rfa_id type=un;
I would not use type=CS for a random coefficients model.
Are you saying that the random intercept model (model 1 above) worked but the random intercept and slope model (model 2 above) did not? What exactly happened for the model 2 above?
Hello very close. I am sorry for the confusion. Model 1 is the TYPE= UN and Model 2 = CS. For both models I am trying to use the random intercept and time which equal year on my model. When I use:
random intercept year / subject=rfa_id type=un
I do not get any outputs. It seems as if the code stops. For the compound symmetry type (model 2) I get a result.
For the UN structure situation, how many levels of year are in your data?
I added the year to the class statement in the proc mixed model and for year there are 21 levels.
Courtney Jacks
For this model --
random intercept year / subject=rfa_id type=un;
can you send in the Log (including the program and messages) and Output?
Yes. The log out put is below for that structure.
268 proc sort data = youthavgvl_yr out= youthavgvl_yr_sorted nodupkey;
268! *remove duplicates;
269 by rfa_id year time avgvlyryouth;
270 run;
NOTE: There were 57534 observations read from the data set
NOTE: 10467 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.
NOTE: The data set WORK.YOUTHAVGVL_YR_SORTED has 47067 observations and
19 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
real time 0.04 seconds
cpu time 0.03 seconds
271 *When I ran the procedure without adding intercept or int after
271! random the output showed everything but with it some outputs where
272 cut out;
273 PROC MIXED data= youthavgvl_yr_sorted covtest noitprint method=reml
274 class sex_hars (ref="F") res_at_hiv_dx (ref="Urban")
274! race_combined (ref="Black") hiv_risk (ref="MSM") baseline_cd4 (ref=">
274! 500") agegroup(ref="20-24");
275 model avgvlyryouth= year ccd4c ctimeyr sex_hars res_at_hiv_dx
275! race_combined hiv_risk baseline_cd4
276 agegroup ccd4c*sex_hars ccd4c*res_at_hiv_dx
276! ccd4c*race_combined ccd4c*hiv_risk ccd4c*baseline_cd4
277 ccd4c*agegroup ctimeyr*sex_hars ctimeyr*res_at_hiv_dx
277! ctimeyr*race_combined ctimeyr*hiv_risk
278 ctimeyr*baseline_cd4 ctimeyr*agegroup/ solution outp =
278! pred_un ;
279 random intercept year/ Type= un subject=rfa_id;
280 *random year / type= un subject= rfa_id;
281 lsmeans sex_hars res_at_hiv_dx race_combined hiv_risk
281! baseline_cd4 agegroup /diff;
282 title 'Mixed Model Test for Youth Unstructured';
283 RUN;
NOTE: 7898 observations are not included because of missing values.
NOTE: The data set WORK.PRED_UN has 0 observations and 0 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE MIXED used (Total process time):
real time 1.21 seconds
cpu time 0.88 seconds
Please also send the Output from your PROC MIXED program. Thanks!
I am so sorry. I missed that part of the reply. My Output window was empty but I did have the Result. I attached it to the reply as a word document. The code log is below again:
346 ************************************* 1st Proc Mixed Code
346! *****************************************************;
347 ************************************* Youth Part 1
347! *****************************************************;
348 *sort data set with average viral load by rfa_id time and average
348! viral load by year;
349 *proc sort data = youthavgvl_yr out= youthavgvl_yr_sorted nodupkey;
349! *remove duplicates;
350 *by rfa_id year time avgvlyryouth;
351 *run;
353 *ods rtf;
354 *Proc mix to look at youth mean viral load by residence, cd4, sex,
354! race, and gender ;
355 * multilevel (ref="Black") hiv_risk (ref="MSM") baseline_cd4 (ref=">
355! 500") agegroup(ref="20-24");
356 *PROC MIXED data= youthavgvl_yr_sorted covtest noitprint method=reml
357 *class rfa_id sex_hars (ref="F") res_at_hiv_dx (ref="Urban")
357! race_combined (ref="Black") hiv_risk (ref="MSM") baseline_cd4 (ref=">
357! 500") agegroup(ref="20-24");
358 *model avgvlyryouth = year ccd4c ctimeyr sex_hars res_at_hiv_dx
358! race_combined hiv_risk baseline_cd4 agegroup/ solution outp = pred;
359 * random int year / subject=rfa_id Type= un vcorr;
360 *title 'Mixed Model Results For Viral Load Trend Over Time For
360! Youth Visits (Reference 1)';
361 *RUN;
362 *ods rtf close;
364 *ccd4c*sex_hars ccd4c*res_at_hiv_dx ccd4c*race_combined
364! ccd4c*hiv_risk ccd4c*baseline_cd4 ccd4c*agegroup ctimeyr*sex_hars
364! ctimeyr*res_at_hiv_dx ctimeyr*race_combined ctimeyr*hiv_risk
364! ctimeyr*baseline_cd4 ctimeyr*agegroup
367 ************************************* Youth Proc Mixed Models
367! *****************************************************;
368 *CJacks notes;
369 *3 proc mixed models where used to determine which TYPE= was the best
369! for the data analysis of mean vl over time;
370 *TYPE= UN, CS, and AR(1);
371 *sort data set with average viral load by rfa_id time and average
371! viral load by year;
373 proc sort data = youthavgvl_yr out= youthavgvl_yr_sorted nodupkey;
373! *remove duplicates;
374 by rfa_id year time avgvlyryouth;
375 run;
NOTE: There were 57534 observations read from the data set
NOTE: 10467 observations with duplicate key values were deleted.
NOTE: The data set WORK.YOUTHAVGVL_YR_SORTED has 47067 observations and
19 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time):
real time 0.04 seconds
cpu time 0.04 seconds
376 *When I ran the procedure without adding intercept or int after
376! random the output showed everything but with it some outputs where
377 cut out;
378 PROC MIXED data= youthavgvl_yr_sorted covtest noitprint method=reml
379 class sex_hars (ref="F") res_at_hiv_dx (ref="Urban")
379! race_combined (ref="Black") hiv_risk (ref="MSM") baseline_cd4 (ref=">
379! 500") agegroup(ref="20-24");
380 model avgvlyryouth= year ccd4c ctimeyr sex_hars res_at_hiv_dx
380! race_combined hiv_risk baseline_cd4
381 agegroup ccd4c*sex_hars ccd4c*res_at_hiv_dx
381! ccd4c*race_combined ccd4c*hiv_risk ccd4c*baseline_cd4
382 ccd4c*agegroup ctimeyr*sex_hars ctimeyr*res_at_hiv_dx
382! ctimeyr*race_combined ctimeyr*hiv_risk
383 ctimeyr*baseline_cd4 ctimeyr*agegroup/ solution outp =
383! pred_un ;
384 random intercept year/ Type= un subject=rfa_id;
385 *random year / type= un subject= rfa_id;
386 lsmeans sex_hars res_at_hiv_dx race_combined hiv_risk
386! baseline_cd4 agegroup /diff;
387 title 'Mixed Model Test for Youth Unstructured';
388 RUN;
NOTE: 7898 observations are not included because of missing values.
NOTE: The data set WORK.PRED_UN has 0 observations and 0 variables.
WARNING: Data set WORK.PRED_UN was not replaced because new file is
NOTE: PROCEDURE MIXED used (Total process time):
real time 1.21 seconds
cpu time 0.92 seconds
389 ods rtf close;
Your PROC MIXED program did not converge, and that is why your OUTP= data set is empty.
I wonder if your response variable has very large values. If so you might want to rescale it so the values are within a reasonable range. If you can send in your SAS data set I might take a look to see what I can recommend.
@jiltao Hello,
So I am still working on this issue. I round the dependent variables to just one decimal place after the decimal. I also recoded the years for example 1999 and put for example, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.It still did not work. It also removed the warning but the OUTP=data set is empty. With no columns nor rows.
Courtney Jacks
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