I am using below proc s3 statement.
proc s3 profile="sas_aws";
list "s3://vertex-rwe/RWE_S3/Premier_20190226/Compressed_Source_Files/2018Q3";
sas_aws profile is defined in AWS CLI configuration file.
region is us-east-1
I am getting below error after execution of below code.
84 proc s3 profile="sas_aws";
85 list "s3://vertex-rwe/RWE_S3/Premier_20190226/Compressed_Source_Files/2018Q3";
86 run;
ERROR: Unknown region.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE S3 used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds