It looks like you have a one-way layout, which means you can use the Kruskal-Wallis test (in the NPAR1WAY procedure). I bet the macro you found is using the results from this KW analysis to do the pairwise comparisons. Be very careful in using parametric methods with ranks (as you are doing with GLM). There are several books that tell you to simply perform parametric (e.g., ANOVA) methods on the ranks when there is not a customized nonparametric method available. But there is a lot of good statistical theory from the last 15 years to show that this is very misleading. With a 1-way layout, there is not much of an issue (your situation), but when you get to factorials, there are all kinds of problems with this "rank transformation method". A very good (but technical) description/synthesis of appropriate methods is in Brunner and Puri (2001) in the journal Statistical Papers (vol. 42, pages 1-52). The basic problem is that with ranks, one get unequal variances for the different groups, even if the variances were all equal with the original (unranked) data. Thus, one needs test statistics that take account of the variance heterogeneity. This can be done with the MIXED procedure, with the ANOVAF option in the MIXED statement, and with other options to specify unequal variances. For your example, I would use:
proc mixed data=ra order=data ANOVAF ;
class group;
model rxx=group;
repeated / group=group type=un(1); *<--use this even though you do not have repeated measures;
lsmeans group /adjust=bon pdiff cl ;
estimate "gp1 vs gp2" group 1 -1 0 0 0 ;
estimate "gp2 vs gp4" group 0 1 0 -1 0 ;
estimate "gp3 vs gp5" group 0 0 1 0 -1 ;
Ignore the regular F statistic, but use the test results from the additional table that is generated in the output.