Dear friends,
I would like to use the McFadden’s R2
for my model fit in logistic regressions.
I am running sequential adjusted regression models.
Model 1 = crude model with fatty acid patterns only.
model 2 = adjusted for age and gender
Model 3 = adjusted for lifestyle confounders,
*model 1;
proc logistic data=Alisama;*plasma FA;
model Weightchange_Indicator (event='1')= SCD_D9D_Plasma_2005 n6_PLASMA_2005 n3_PLASMA_2005 EFA_PLASMA_2005 / rsq ;/*put the model in this form -> response = predictors*/
*model 2;
proc logistic data=Alisama;*plasma FA;
class Gender_Code_2005;*put categorical variables here*/;
model Weightchange_Indicator(event='1')= SCD_D9D_Plasma_2005 n6_PLASMA_2005 n3_PLASMA_2005 EFA_PLASMA_2005 Age2005 Gender_Code_2005 / rsq;/*put the model in this form -> response = predictors*/
*model 3;
proc logistic data=Alisama;*plasma FA;
class Gender_Code_2005 Urbanisation_2005 Tobbaco_2005 Education_2005;/*put categorical variables here*/
model Weightchange_Indicator(event='1')= SCD_D9D_Plasma_2005 n6_PLASMA_2005 n3_PLASMA_2005 EFA_PLASMA_2005 Age2005 Gender_Code_2005
Gender_Code_2005 Urbanisation_2005 FFQALCOHOL_2005 Tobbaco_2005 Education_2005
FFQKJOUL_2005 Weighted_PA_Index_2005 / rsq;/*put the model in this form -> response = predictors*/
the model fit I generated only includes these three
Model Fit Statistics
Criterion Intercept Only Intercept and
AIC 565.422 558.473
SC 569.441 578.566
-2 Log L 563.422 548.473
I know I can use the loglikelihood, But I would prefer to use the McFadden’s R2
So how do I generate the McFadden’s R2?????
Please help.
Very kind regards
You can also get McFadden's R-square in PROC HPLOGISTIC by using the PARTITION statement. Note that you do not have to actually do any partitioning of your data. For example:
proc hplogistic data=remiss;
model remiss(event='1') = smear blast;
partition fraction(test=0 validate=0);
I think you do the right thing.
proc logistic data=sashelp.class;
model sex=age weight height/rsquare;
R-Square0.3724Max-rescaled R-Square0.4970
Several different R-square measures, including McFadden's, are computed by PROC QLIM in SAS/ETS software. LOGISTIC only reports the R-square based on the method of Cox and Snell.
If you fit a model like this in PROC LOGISTIC:
proc logistic;
model y=x1 x2 x3 / rsquare;
you can fit the same model in PROC QLIM like this:
proc qlim;
model y=x1 x2 x3 / discrete(d=logistic);
and it will print all the R-square measures by default.
You can also get McFadden's R-square in PROC HPLOGISTIC by using the PARTITION statement. Note that you do not have to actually do any partitioning of your data. For example:
proc hplogistic data=remiss;
model remiss(event='1') = smear blast;
partition fraction(test=0 validate=0);
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