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Fluorite | Level 6

I'd like to run some analysis using any of these techniques, but i'm not finding them in SAS 9.4 student version.  How can i get these?


Proc LCA?




Proc that enables analysis with K-modes?


Many thanks!~




Super User

What are you referring to as the SAS 9.4 Student Version, SAS University Edition, SAS Academics on Demand or a student version you purchased through your school?


Assuming SAS University Edition:


PROC LCA is not a SAS in built procedure, but custom built and requires administration privileges to install. Since the VM is locked down you cannot install and run PROC LCA. 


PROC IMSTAT is part of LASR Server and since this runs on a desktop within a VM it's not applicable or available.


I'm not sure what you mean by K-modes analysis. 


SAS Academics on Demand is another available solution and does have support for LASR so you may have access to IMSTAT through that tool if desired. 


Note that SAS UE is not designed to handle really large data sets, its more designed to be a teaching/learning tool. 

Large varies depending on the processing of course, I can easily process data sets with 20 million rows in a data step, but running a regression would likely be an issue. 


@sheilaphillips wrote:

I'd like to run some analysis using any of these techniques, but i'm not finding them in SAS 9.4 student version.  How can i get these?


Proc LCA?




Proc that enables analysis with K-modes?


Many thanks!~






Fluorite | Level 6

In the SAS Machine Learning Quick Reference: Algorithms (page 2), k-means is listed as a specific algorithm type, and k-modes is a variation of that to be used with categorical data.


It would be great to have the functionality to run k-means, and k-modes.  What version of SAS will let me do this, and what procedure?


Kindest regards,


Fluorite | Level 6

Also i went to SAS Academics on Demand seeking to use LASR so i can run IMSTAT, and I'm not seeing where i access the app online rather it seems to want me to download.  If i currently have the university version downloaded, although it is not fully functional (i'm not sure what happened during the install but i'm not able to do some basic things like importing an *.xls), what additional app do i need to download?


Please guide on specifics for what is needed or how i can access proc IMSTAT.


Kind regards,




Community Manager

I don't think that IMSTAT is available in any of the student versions (SAS University Edition or SAS OnDemand for Academics).  

For K-means, look at PROC FASTCLUS (link to doc)-- see this tip for starters.



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Super User

For AoD choose the independent learner path:


PROC IMSTAT is supported, but there's no LASR server set up so that doesn't work either.  


 NOTE: PROCEDURE IMSTAT used (Total process time):
       real time           0.00 seconds
       user cpu time       0.00 seconds
       system cpu time     0.00 seconds
       memory              259.71k
       OS Memory           25252.00k
       Timestamp           2017-11-19 07:37:07 PM
       Step Count                        14  Switch Count  0
       Page Faults                       0
       Page Reclaims                     68
       Page Swaps                        0
       Voluntary Context Switches        0
       Involuntary Context Switches      0
       Block Input Operations            0
       Block Output Operations           0
 ERROR: The IMSTAT procedure processes only data stored in LASR Analytic Servers. You are accessing a non-LASR data source.
 NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
 60         proc imstat data=sashelp.prdsale;
 61             partitioninfo;
 62             summary actual predict / partition; 2
 63         run;

You can run PROC SETINIT to see what modules are available, though some are not due to technical reasons as above.


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