I have some difficulties in calculating differences in time dependent AUC using Proc Phreg (SAS 14.3). I have only been able to calculate the estimates and the confidence intervals and not the p-values using this equation:
proc phreg data=survival_ph plots(overlay=individual)=roc(tick)
rocoptions(method=ipcw(cl iter=50 seed=20918) at=12 auc aucdiff);
model ITTtime*ITTdeath(0)=diabetic age Albumin0 nPNA0 GFR0
/roclabel='Full Model';
roc "diabetic age Albumin0 nPNA0" diabetic age Albumin0 nPNA0;
roc "diabetic age Albumin0" diabetic age Albumin0;
roc "diabetic Albumin0 nPNA0" diabetic Albumin0 nPNA0;
roc "diabetic Albumin0 nPNA0 GFR0" diabetic Albumin0 nPNA0 GFR0;
I sincerely hope that someone can help med finding a way to show the p-values.
Thank you in advance
Best regards