I want to assess the association between EmergencyVisitDueToInfection vs. Temperature. My question is how I can control age and gender in the model, please?
Table 1 is Emergency Visit per row per patient.
Table 2 is Daily temperature (per row per date).
I created table 3 which contains: my dependent variable Infection-Count per date, my independent variable temperature per date. I also want to include age-related or gender-related variable in table 3 before I feed the PROC GENMOD Poisson Model. However, I am not sure what kind format of gender/age I should create in table 3, so I can control age/gender confounders in PROC GENMOD.
Table 1:
ID Date Age Gender Infection (1=Yes, 0=No)
1 2018-01-01 20 M 1
2 2018-01-01 30 F 0
3 2018-01-02 40 F 1
4 2018-01-02 50 F 1
5 2018-01-02 60 M 1
Table 2:
Date Temperature
2018-01-01 5
2018-01-02 10
Table 3:
Date Count of Infection Temperature
2018-01-01 1 5
2018-01-02 2 10
MODEL CountOfInfection = Temperature Gender? Age? /Link= Log Disk=P;
How can I put age and gender in the table 3, please?
Thanks a lot,
Many thanks,
Your response is binary at the individual level (table 1). Simply add the temperature to the individual data and fit a logistic model with temperature, gender, and age as predictors.
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ANOVA, or Analysis Of Variance, is used to compare the averages or means of two or more populations to better understand how they differ. Watch this tutorial for more.
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