I am using proc hpspit in order to create a decision tree. I am usin SAS/STAT in SAS 9.04.01M5P091317
This is my code:
proc hpsplit data = train nodestats=arbol;
target baja / level=nominal;
input cod_posicion educacion sexo / level=nominal;
input edad ant salario eval / level = interval;
/* Export information about variable importance */
output importance=import;
/* Export the model code so this can be used to score testing data */
code file="/home/user1/pgmas/model_arbol3.sas";
rules file="/home/user1/pgmas/fich/reglas3.txt";
and when I execute, I gets an error:
ERROR: Levelization contains no levels!
But I have specified the level of each variable.
The same proc and options runs well with other datasets
Can anybody help me??