I am trying to complete an assignment where I utilize DMINE
I was able to generate the correct outputs for the regression node. However when I try the DMINE, Partial Least Squares and the LARS nodes I keep getting an error message. See error message below:
Below is the flow of my dataset:
I have attempted to right click edit variables but I do not see any variables that are interval or binary target see below.
I am a little confused because previously we were comparing the gender and employment status variables. There is also no Fraudulent_claim variable which is generally the target variable. When running the normal regression the full list of variables is presented and the node runs correctly. See below:
I have tried reconnecting to various different points for my diagram and nothing has worked. For example from transform variables -> DMINE. Even from the original CLAIM_DATA_V2_TRAIN -> DMINE.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,