I'm trying to output the duncan test from a glm, however I keep get a warning that MCLines wasn't created, despite me seeing the results available in the viewer.
Data example:
Compounds | Concentration | Matrix | Days | Recovery | Purpose |
Compound1 | 100 | M1 | Day1 | 0.800 | |
0.830 | |||||
0.870 | |||||
Day2 | 1.200 | ||||
0.920 | |||||
1.210 | |||||
M2 | Day1 | 1.310 | |||
0.970 | |||||
1.000 | |||||
Day2 | 0.970 | ||||
1.040 | |||||
1.020 | |||||
M3 | Day1 | 0.960 | |||
0.960 | |||||
1.010 | |||||
Day2 | 1.090 | ||||
0.880 | |||||
1.050 | |||||
M4 | Day1 | 0.980 | |||
1.050 | |||||
1.040 | |||||
Day2 | 1.000 | ||||
0.990 | |||||
1.020 | |||||
500 | M1 | Day1 | 0.874 | CCAlpha | |
0.940 | CCAlpha | ||||
1.030 | CCAlpha | ||||
Day2 | 1.016 | CCAlpha | |||
1.194 | CCAlpha | ||||
0.980 | CCAlpha | ||||
M2 | Day1 | 1.316 | CCAlpha | ||
1.086 | CCAlpha | ||||
1.230 | CCAlpha | ||||
Day2 | 1.016 | CCAlpha | |||
0.916 | CCAlpha | ||||
1.296 | CCAlpha | ||||
M3 | Day1 | 1.010 | CCAlpha | ||
0.850 | CCAlpha | ||||
1.086 | CCAlpha | ||||
Day2 | 1.062 | CCAlpha | |||
0.938 | CCAlpha | ||||
0.944 | CCAlpha | ||||
M4 | Day1 | 1.034 | CCAlpha | ||
1.016 | CCAlpha | ||||
1.014 | CCAlpha | ||||
Day2 | 1.060 | CCAlpha | |||
1.002 | CCAlpha | ||||
0.852 | CCAlpha | ||||
1000 | M1 | Day1 | 0.996 | ||
0.921 | |||||
1.035 | |||||
Day2 | 1.217 | ||||
0.942 | |||||
1.302 | |||||
M2 | Day1 | 1.149 | |||
1.098 | |||||
1.106 | |||||
Day2 | 1.030 | ||||
0.955 | |||||
1.004 | |||||
M3 | Day1 | 0.993 | |||
0.923 | |||||
0.912 | |||||
Day2 | 0.929 | ||||
0.929 | |||||
0.957 | |||||
M4 | Day1 | 1.056 | |||
1.001 | |||||
1.073 | |||||
Day2 | 0.994 | ||||
1.055 | |||||
0.906 |
SAS code (There's a reference to LOD Data, but it's for a separate calculation).
DATAFILE= "P:\working\data.xlsx"
ods html body="&type proc varcomp with type I.html" path="desktop\SASOUTPUT" style=minimal;
option pagesize=90 linesize=90 formdlim='_';
ods trace on;
data sastx;
retain conc;
retain matr;
retain day;
retain compnd titletemp Purptemp file2open;
set SASUSER.IMPW_0001 /*(firstobs=2)*/;
if lengthn(compounds) gt 0 then compnd= compounds; else compounds= compnd;
if lengthn(Title) gt 0 then titletemp= Title;
if concentration gt 0 then conc= concentration; else concentration=conc;
if lengthn(matrix) gt 0 then matr= matrix; else matrix= matr;
if lengthn(days) gt 0 then day= days; else days= day;
if Recovery gt 0 then nobs+ 1;
if Recovery < 0 then Recovery = ' ';
if lengthn(Filename) gt 0 then file2open= Filename;
Keep concentration matrix days compounds Recovery nobs file2open Purpose Title;
proc sql noprint;
select file2open
into :procfile
from Work.sastx;
%let procfile=P:\working\data.xlsx;
data CCAlphaCalc;
set sastx;
if Purpose = "CCAlpha" then output;
Keep concentration compounds Recovery Purpose Title;
DATAFILE= "P:\working\data.xlsx"
SHEET="'LOD Data$'";
data CalcLOD;
retain compnd;
set WORK.LODData /*(firstobs=2)*/;
if lengthn(compounds) gt 0 then compnd= compounds; else compounds= compnd;
Keep compounds UnspikedConc SpikedConc ;
proc sort data=CCAlphaCalc;
by compounds;
proc sort data=CalcLOD;
by compounds;
proc sort data=sastx;
by nobs;
proc sql noprint;
select Title
into :type
from Work.sastx;
%let type=&type;
Proc Means data=CalcLOD N Mean STD MIN Max;
var UnspikedConc SpikedConc;
by compounds;
TITLE " Simple Descriptive Statistics of LOD Data for &type";
ods output Summary = LODCompounds;
Proc Means data=CCAlphaCalc N Mean STD MIN Max;
var Recovery concentration;
by compounds;
TITLE " Simple Descriptive Statistics of CCAlpha Data for &type";
ods output Summary = CCAlphaCompounds;
proc print;
where nobs lt 21;
title "Analysis of &type by proc glm and varcomp with method=type I";
title2 " &type ";
proc sort data=sastx;
by compounds;
proc glm data=sastx;
by compounds;
class concentration matrix days;
model Recovery = concentration matrix(concentration) days(matrix concentration)/ss3;
test h=concentration e=matrix(concentration);
test h=matrix(concentration) e=days(matrix concentration);
lsmeans concentration matrix(concentration) days(matrix concentration)/stderr;
random concentration matrix(concentration) days(matrix concentration)/test;
means concentration matrix(concentration) days(matrix concentration)/duncan;
ods output LSMeans = LSMeanCompounds AltErrTests
= AltErrTestsCompounds OverallANOVA
= OverallANOVACompounds Means = MeansCompounds MCLines
= DuncanCompounds;
Data RSDCompounds;
Set MeansCompounds;
PercentRSDcompound = 100 * SD_Recovery /Mean_Recovery;
proc sort data=sastx;
by compounds concentration;
ods select all;
ods show;
Data CalcValues;
Set sastx;
CalcValue = concentration * Recovery;
Conc2 = concentration**2;
W1 = 1/concentration;
w2 = 1/Conc2;
And what I get for output:
NOTE: Analytical products: SAS/STAT 15.1 SAS/ETS 15.1 SAS/IML 15.1 SAS/QC 15.1 NOTE: Additional host information: X64_10PRO WIN 10.0.19041 Workstation NOTE: SAS initialization used: real time 2.28 seconds cpu time 1.29 seconds 1 PROC IMPORT OUT= SASUSER.IMPW_0001 2 DATAFILE= "P:\working\data.xlsx" 3 DBMS=EXCELCS REPLACE; 4 SHEET="'Data$'"; 5 SCANTEXT=YES; 6 USEDATE=YES; 7 SCANTIME=YES; 8 RUN; NOTE: SASUSER.IMPW_0001 data set was successfully created. NOTE: The data set SASUSER.IMPW_0001 has 14999 observations and 18 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE IMPORT used (Total process time): real time 1.43 seconds cpu time 0.21 seconds 9 10 11 ods html body="&type proc varcomp with type I.html" path="desktop\SASOUTPUT" style=minimal; WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference TYPE not resolved. NOTE: Writing HTML Body file: &type proc varcomp with type I.html ERROR: Physical file does not exist, P:\working\desktop\SASOUTPUT\&type proc varcomp with type I.html. ERROR: No body file. HTML output will not be created. 12 option pagesize=90 linesize=90 formdlim='_'; 13 14 ods trace on; 15 16 17 18 data sastx; 19 retain conc; 20 retain matr; 21 retain day; 22 retain compnd titletemp Purptemp file2open; 23 24 25 set SASUSER.IMPW_0001 /*(firstobs=2)*/; 26 if lengthn(compounds) gt 0 then compnd= compounds; else compounds= compnd; 27 if lengthn(Title) gt 0 then titletemp= Title; 28 if concentration gt 0 then conc= concentration; else concentration=conc; 29 if lengthn(matrix) gt 0 then matr= matrix; else matrix= matr; 30 if lengthn(days) gt 0 then day= days; else days= day; 31 if Recovery gt 0 then nobs+ 1; 32 if Recovery < 0 then Recovery = ' '; 33 if lengthn(Filename) gt 0 then file2open= Filename; 34 Keep concentration matrix days compounds Recovery nobs file2open Purpose Title; 35 run; NOTE: Character values have been converted to numeric values at the places given by: (Line):(Column). 32:34 NOTE: Variable Purptemp is uninitialized. NOTE: There were 14999 observations read from the data set SASUSER.IMPW_0001. NOTE: The data set WORK.SASTX has 14999 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.06 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds 36 proc sql noprint; 37 select file2open 38 into :procfile 39 from Work.sastx; 40 %let procfile=P:\working\data.xlsx; NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 41 data CCAlphaCalc; 42 set sastx; 43 if Purpose = "CCAlpha" then output; 44 Keep concentration compounds Recovery Purpose Title; 45 run; NOTE: There were 14999 observations read from the data set WORK.SASTX. NOTE: The data set WORK.CCALPHACALC has 24 observations and 5 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 46 PROC IMPORT OUT= WORK.LODData 47 DATAFILE= "P:\working\data.xlsx" 48 DBMS=EXCELCS REPLACE; 49 SHEET="'LOD Data$'"; 50 SCANTEXT=YES; 51 USEDATE=YES; 52 SCANTIME=YES; 53 RUN; NOTE: WORK.LODDATA data set was successfully created. NOTE: The data set WORK.LODDATA has 19999 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE IMPORT used (Total process time): real time 0.84 seconds cpu time 0.07 seconds 54 55 56 data CalcLOD; 57 retain compnd; 58 set WORK.LODData /*(firstobs=2)*/; 59 if lengthn(compounds) gt 0 then compnd= compounds; else compounds= compnd; 60 Keep compounds UnspikedConc SpikedConc ; 61 62 run; NOTE: There were 19999 observations read from the data set WORK.LODDATA. NOTE: The data set WORK.CALCLOD has 19999 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.02 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds 63 proc sort data=CCAlphaCalc; 64 by compounds; NOTE: There were 24 observations read from the data set WORK.CCALPHACALC. NOTE: The data set WORK.CCALPHACALC has 24 observations and 5 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 65 proc sort data=CalcLOD; 66 by compounds; 67 NOTE: There were 19999 observations read from the data set WORK.CALCLOD. NOTE: The data set WORK.CALCLOD has 19999 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 68 proc sort data=sastx; 69 by nobs; 70 NOTE: There were 14999 observations read from the data set WORK.SASTX. NOTE: The data set WORK.SASTX has 14999 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 71 proc sql noprint; 72 select Title 73 into :type 74 from Work.sastx; 75 %let type=&type; NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 76 Proc Means data=CalcLOD N Mean STD MIN Max; 77 var UnspikedConc SpikedConc; 78 by compounds; 79 TITLE " Simple Descriptive Statistics of LOD Data for &type"; 80 ods output Summary = LODCompounds; NOTE: Writing HTML Body file: sashtml1.htm 81 run; Output Added: ------------- Name: Summary Label: Summary statistics Template: base.summary Path: Means.ByGroup1.Summary ------------- NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Compounds= NOTE: The data set WORK.LODCOMPOUNDS has 1 observations and 15 variables. NOTE: There were 19999 observations read from the data set WORK.CALCLOD. NOTE: PROCEDURE MEANS used (Total process time): real time 0.36 seconds cpu time 0.20 seconds 82 Proc Means data=CCAlphaCalc N Mean STD MIN Max; 83 var Recovery concentration; 84 by compounds; 85 TITLE " Simple Descriptive Statistics of CCAlpha Data for &type"; 86 ods output Summary = CCAlphaCompounds; 87 run; Output Added: ------------- Name: Summary Label: Summary statistics Template: base.summary Path: Means.ByGroup1.Summary ------------- NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Compounds=Compound1 NOTE: The data set WORK.CCALPHACOMPOUNDS has 1 observations and 15 variables. NOTE: There were 24 observations read from the data set WORK.CCALPHACALC. NOTE: PROCEDURE MEANS used (Total process time): real time 0.04 seconds cpu time 0.04 seconds 88 proc print; 89 where nobs lt 21; ERROR: Variable nobs is not on file WORK.CCALPHACOMPOUNDS. 90 91 title "Analysis of &type by proc glm and varcomp with method=type I"; 92 title2 " &type "; NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 93 proc sort data=sastx; 94 by compounds; 95 NOTE: There were 14999 observations read from the data set WORK.SASTX. NOTE: The data set WORK.SASTX has 14999 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time): real time 0.02 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 96 proc glm data=sastx; 97 by compounds; 98 class concentration matrix days; 99 model Recovery = concentration matrix(concentration) days(matrix 99 ! concentration)/ss3; 100 test h=concentration e=matrix(concentration); 101 test h=matrix(concentration) e=days(matrix concentration); 102 lsmeans concentration matrix(concentration) days(matrix concentration)/stderr 102! ; 103 random concentration matrix(concentration) days(matrix concentration)/test; 104 means concentration matrix(concentration) days(matrix concentration)/duncan; 105 ods output LSMeans = LSMeanCompounds AltErrTests 106 107 = AltErrTestsCompounds OverallANOVA 108 = OverallANOVACompounds Means = MeansCompounds MCLines 109 = DuncanCompounds; Output Added: ------------- Name: ClassLevels Label: Class Levels Template: STAT.GLM.ClassLevels Path: GLM.ByGroup1.Data.ClassLevels ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: NObs Label: Number of Observations Template: STAT.GLM.NObsNotitle Path: GLM.ByGroup1.Data.NObs ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: OverallANOVA Label: Overall ANOVA Template: stat.GLM.OverallANOVA Path: GLM.ByGroup1.ANOVA.Recovery.OverallANOVA ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: FitStatistics Label: Fit Statistics Template: stat.GLM.FitStatistics Path: GLM.ByGroup1.ANOVA.Recovery.FitStatistics ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: ModelANOVA Label: Type III Model ANOVA Template: stat.GLM.Tests Path: GLM.ByGroup1.ANOVA.Recovery.ModelANOVA ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: AltErrTests Label: Type III Tests with Error = Type III Matrix(Concentratio) SS Template: stat.GLM.Tests Path: GLM.ByGroup1.ANOVA.Recovery.AltErrTests ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: AltErrTests Label: Type III Tests with Error = Type III Days(Concent*Matrix) SS Template: stat.GLM.Tests Path: GLM.ByGroup1.ANOVA.Recovery.AltErrTests ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: LSMeans Label: LSMeans Template: stat.GLM.LSMeans Path: GLM.ByGroup1.LSMEANS.Concentration.Recovery.LSMeans ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: MeanPlot Label: Concentration Mean Plot Template: Stat.GLM.Graphics.MeanPlot Path: GLM.ByGroup1.LSMEANS.Concentration.Recovery.MeanPlot ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: LSMeans Label: LSMeans Template: stat.GLM.LSMeans Path: GLM.ByGroup1.LSMEANS.Matrix_Concentratio_.Recovery.LSMeans ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: MeanPlot Label: Matrix(Concentratio) Mean Plot Template: Stat.GLM.Graphics.MeanPlot Path: GLM.ByGroup1.LSMEANS.Matrix_Concentratio_.Recovery.MeanPlot ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: LSMeans Label: LSMeans Template: stat.GLM.LSMeans Path: GLM.ByGroup1.LSMEANS.Days_Concent_Matrix_.Recovery.LSMeans ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: MeanPlot Label: Days(Concent*Matrix) Mean Plot Template: Stat.GLM.Graphics.MeanPlot Path: GLM.ByGroup1.LSMEANS.Days_Concent_Matrix_.Recovery.MeanPlot ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: ExpectedMeanSquares Label: Model Expected Mean Squares Template: Stat.GLM.ExpectedMeanSquares Path: GLM.ByGroup1.Random.ExpectedMeanSquares ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: RandomModelANOVA Label: Type III Model ANOVA Template: STAT.GLM.RTests Path: GLM.ByGroup1.Random.Recovery.RandomModelANOVA ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: RandomModelANOVA Label: Type III Model ANOVA Template: STAT.GLM.RTests Path: GLM.ByGroup1.Random.Recovery.RandomModelANOVA ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: RandomModelANOVA Label: Type III Model ANOVA Template: STAT.GLM.RTests Path: GLM.ByGroup1.Random.Recovery.RandomModelANOVA ------------- NOTE: Means from the MEANS statement are not adjusted for other terms in the model. For adjusted means, use the LSMEANS statement. Output Added: ------------- Name: BoxPlot Label: Distribution of Recovery by Concentration Template: Stat.GLM.Graphics.MeansBoxPlot Path: GLM.ByGroup1.Means.Concentration.Recovery.BoxPlot ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: MCLinesInfo Label: Information Template: stat.GLM.SquashFact Path: GLM.ByGroup1.Means.Concentration.Recovery.MCLines.Duncan.MCLinesInfo ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: MCLinesRange Label: Critical Ranges Template: stat.GLM.Range Path: GLM.ByGroup1.Means.Concentration.Recovery.MCLines.Duncan.MCLinesRange ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: LinesPlot Template: Stat.GLM.Graphics.MeanLinesPlot Path: GLM.ByGroup1.Means.Concentration.Recovery.MCLines.Duncan.LinesPlot ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: BoxPlot Label: Distribution of Recovery by Matrix(Concentratio) Template: Stat.GLM.Graphics.MeansBoxPlot Path: GLM.ByGroup1.Means.Matrix_Concentratio_.Recovery.BoxPlot ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: Means Label: Means Template: stat.GLM.Means Path: GLM.ByGroup1.Means.Matrix_Concentratio_.Means ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: BoxPlot Label: Distribution of Recovery by Days(Concent*Matrix) Template: Stat.GLM.Graphics.MeansBoxPlot Path: GLM.ByGroup1.Means.Days_Concent_Matrix_.Recovery.BoxPlot ------------- Output Added: ------------- Name: Means Label: Means Template: stat.GLM.Means Path: GLM.ByGroup1.Means.Days_Concent_Matrix_.Means ------------- NOTE: The above message was for the following BY group: Compounds=Compound1 NOTE: The data set WORK.MEANSCOMPOUNDS has 36 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.OVERALLANOVACOMPOUNDS has 3 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.ALTERRTESTSCOMPOUNDS has 2 observations and 11 variables. NOTE: The data set WORK.LSMEANCOMPOUNDS has 39 observations and 9 variables. WARNING: Output 'MCLines' was not created. Make sure that the output object name, label, or path is spelled correctly. Also, verify that the appropriate procedure options are used to produce the requested output object. For example, verify that the NOPRINT option is not used. NOTE: PROCEDURE GLM used (Total process time): real time 2.02 seconds cpu time 0.89 seconds 110 Data RSDCompounds; 111 112 Set MeansCompounds; 113 PercentRSDcompound = 100 * SD_Recovery /Mean_Recovery; 114 run; NOTE: There were 36 observations read from the data set WORK.MEANSCOMPOUNDS. NOTE: The data set WORK.RSDCOMPOUNDS has 36 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 115 proc sort data=sastx; 116 by compounds concentration; 117 ods select all; 118 ods show; Current OVERALL select list is: ALL NOTE: There were 14999 observations read from the data set WORK.SASTX. NOTE: The data set WORK.SASTX has 14999 observations and 9 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 119 Data CalcValues; 120 Set sastx; 121 CalcValue = concentration * Recovery; 122 Conc2 = concentration**2; 123 W1 = 1/concentration; 124 w2 = 1/Conc2; 125 run; NOTE: Missing values were generated as a result of performing an operation on missing values. Each place is given by: (Number of times) at (Line):(Column). 14927 at 121:31 NOTE: There were 14999 observations read from the data set WORK.SASTX. NOTE: The data set WORK.CALCVALUES has 14999 observations and 13 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.03 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds
The concerning error is:
WARNING: Output 'MCLines' was not created. Make sure that the output object name, label, or path is spelled correctly. Also, verify that the appropriate procedure options are used to produce the requested output object. For example, verify that the NOPRINT option is not used.
I've checked other data, and it all seems to be the same issue, but I can't figure out how to have the duncan test show as a work table.
I think you need to add the LINESTABLE option to the MEANS statement:
means concentration matrix(concentration) days(matrix concentration)/duncan LINESTABLE;
By default, the procedure creates a graph (the LinesPlot). To get the table too, use the LINESTABLE option. See the documentation .
Your trace output has mclinesinfo and mclinesrange but not mclines. You need to specify the exact names that GLM uses.
Depending on exactly what you intend by "output" you may want to address the cause of this
11 ods html body="&type proc varcomp with type I.html" path="desktop\SASOUTPUT" style=minimal; WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference TYPE not resolved. NOTE: Writing HTML Body file: &type proc varcomp with type I.html ERROR: Physical file does not exist, P:\working\desktop\SASOUTPUT\&type proc varcomp with type I.html. ERROR: No body file. HTML output will not be created.
Where the output file cannot be created because at the time the code ran there was not definition for the macro variable TYPE. Where you code sets a macro variable value for TYPE the output could also very well reflect the LAST time this code executed, not the current set.
Then you have this error:
88 proc print; 89 where nobs lt 21; ERROR: Variable nobs is not on file WORK.CCALPHACOMPOUNDS. 90
using a variable, NOBS, not in the data set. If you mean a number of observations to process then you need to specify the data set and use the data set option OBS=20 to select the first 20 observations to process.
Generic warning about Proc Import: You never know what variable name or type may come in, especially with XLSX files because of many poor behaviors by users or file creators. So anything with an Import in the middle I practically expect to fail periodically. Suggestion would be IMPORT (or better use a controlled read approach such as save to CSV and read that) as a separate step and verify the the data set before any use.
I think you need to add the LINESTABLE option to the MEANS statement:
means concentration matrix(concentration) days(matrix concentration)/duncan LINESTABLE;
By default, the procedure creates a graph (the LinesPlot). To get the table too, use the LINESTABLE option. See the documentation .
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ANOVA, or Analysis Of Variance, is used to compare the averages or means of two or more populations to better understand how they differ. Watch this tutorial for more.
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