When I turned on parallel processing in EG, I got this at the top of my SAS logs:
1 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
1 /*******************************************
2 MACRO: defineworkfolder
3 PURPOSE: define a macro variable
4 that contains the file system
5 path of the WORK library on the
6 server. Note that different
7 logic is needed depending on the
8 server type.
9 ********************************************/
10 %macro defineworkfolder;
11 %global sasworkfolder;
12 %if &sysscp=OS %then %do; /* MVS Server */
13 %if %sysfunc(getoption(filesystem))=MVS %then %do;
14 /* By default, physical file name will be considered a classic MVS data
15 set. */
16 /* Construct dsn that will be unique for each concurrent session under a
17 particular account: */
18 filename egtemp '&egtemp' disp=(new,delete); /* create a temporary data set */
19 %let tempdsn=%sysfunc(pathname(egtemp)); /* get dsn */
20 filename egtemp clear; /* get rid of data set - we only wanted its name */
21 %let unique_dsn=".EGTEMP.%substr(&tempdsn, 1, 16).PDSE";
22 filename egtmpdir &unique_dsn
23 disp=(new,delete,delete) space=(cyl,(5,5,50))
24 dsorg=po dsntype=library recfm=vb
25 lrecl=8000 blksize=8004 ;
26 options fileext=ignore ;
27 %end;
28 %else %do;
29 /*
30 By default, physical file name will be considered an HFS
31 (hierarchical file system) file.
32 Note: This does NOT support users who do not have an HFS home directory.
33 It also may not support multiple simultaneous sessions under the same account.
34 */
35 filename egtmpdir './';
36 %end;
37 %let path=%sysfunc(pathname(egtmpdir));
38 %let sasworkfolder=%sysfunc(quote(&path));
39 %end; /* MVS Server */
40 %else %do;
41 %let sasworkfolder = "%sysfunc(getoption(work))/";
42 %end;
43 %if &sysscp=VMS_AXP %then %do; /* Alpha VMS server */
44 %let sasworkfolder = "%sysfunc(getoption(work))";
45 %end;
46 %if &sysscp=CMS %then %do;
47 %let path = %sysfunc(getoption(work));
48 %let sasworkfolder = "%substr(&path, %index(&path,%str( )))";
49 %end;
50 %mend defineworkfolder;
52 %defineworkfolder;
2 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
56 libname UL8IL4DC BASE 'J:\SASwork\_TD18600_DOHNSSASCS01_\EC_nwluwrp1';
NOTE: Libref UL8IL4DC was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: BASE
Physical Name: J:\SASwork\_TD18600_DOHNSSASCS01_\EC_nwluwrp1
3 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
1 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
1 options validvarname=ANY validmemname=EXTEND;
2 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
1 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
3 %LET _CLIENTUSERID = '60078851';
7 %LET _CLIENTAPP = 'SAS Enterprise Guide';
11 %LET _SASHOSTNAME = 'SASCS.doh.health.nsw.gov.au';
13 /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
14 /* Copyright (c) 2005 by SAS Institute Inc, Cary NC 27512 USA */
15 /* */
16 /* This file contains SAS code that will be submitted to a SAS */
17 /* server whenever a new SAS session is established from */
18 /* within Enterprise Guide. */
19 /* */
20 /* DO NOT EDIT this file unless you are sure of the changes */
21 /* that you are making. Inappropriate changes to this file */
22 /* might result in SAS errors during your Enterprise Guide */
23 /* session. */
24 /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 /* ---------------------------------- */
27 /* MACRO: enterpriseguide */
28 /* PURPOSE: define a macro variable */
29 /* that contains the file system */
30 /* path of the WORK library on the */
31 /* server. Note that different */
32 /* logic is needed depending on the */
33 /* server type. */
34 /* ---------------------------------- */
35 %macro enterpriseguide;
36 %global sasworklocation;
37 %local tempdsn unique_dsn path;
39 %if &sysscp=OS %then %do; /* MVS Server */
40 %if %sysfunc(getoption(filesystem))=MVS %then %do;
41 /* By default, physical file name will be considered a classic MVS data set. */
42 /* Construct dsn that will be unique for each concurrent session under a particular
42 ! account: */
43 filename egtemp '&egtemp' disp=(new,delete); /* create a temporary data set */
44 %let tempdsn=%sysfunc(pathname(egtemp)); /* get dsn */
45 filename egtemp clear; /* get rid of data set - we only wanted its name */
46 %let unique_dsn=".EGTEMP.%substr(&tempdsn, 1, 16).PDSE";
47 filename egtmpdir &unique_dsn
48 disp=(new,delete,delete) space=(cyl,(5,5,50))
49 dsorg=po dsntype=library recfm=vb
50 lrecl=8000 blksize=8004 ;
51 options fileext=ignore ;
52 %end;
53 %else %do;
2 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
54 /*
55 By default, physical file name will be considered an HFS
56 (hierarchical file system) file.
57 */
58 %if "%sysfunc(getoption(filetempdir))"="" %then %do;
59 filename egtmpdir '/tmp';
60 %end;
61 %else %do;
62 filename egtmpdir "%sysfunc(getoption(filetempdir))";
63 %end;
64 %end;
65 %let path=%sysfunc(pathname(egtmpdir));
66 %let sasworklocation=%sysfunc(quote(&path));
67 %end; /* MVS Server */
68 %else %do;
69 %let sasworklocation = "%sysfunc(getoption(work))/";
70 %end;
71 %if &sysscp=VMS_AXP %then %do; /* Alpha VMS server */
72 %let sasworklocation = "%sysfunc(getoption(work))";
73 %end;
74 %if &sysscp=CMS %then %do;
75 %let path = %sysfunc(getoption(work));
76 %let sasworklocation = "%substr(&path, %index(&path,%str( )))";
77 %end;
78 %mend enterpriseguide;
80 %enterpriseguide
81 /* EGAuto.sas */
83 /* ---------------------------------- */
85 /* PURPOSE: use simple ASCII line */
86 /* chars for text plots */
87 /* ---------------------------------- */
88 OPTIONS FORMCHAR="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
90 /* ---------------------------------- */
91 /* OPTION; */
92 /* PURPOSE: Turn off overprint for */
93 /* log and listing output. */
94 /* ---------------------------------- */
97 /* ---------------------------------- */
98 /* OPTION; */
99 /* PURPOSE: Prevent missing formats */
100 /* from causing data to be */
101 /* inaccessible. */
102 /* ---------------------------------- */
103 options NOFMTERR;
106 /* ---------------------------------- */
107 /* TITLE; */
3 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
108 /* PURPOSE: Clear the default title. */
109 /* ---------------------------------- */
110 TITLE;
112 /* ---------------------------------- */
113 /* Make sure LISTING really closes */
114 /* for 8.2 servers. */
115 /* ---------------------------------- */
119 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
120 /* These two functions, eclibassign and eclibunassign, are intended */
121 /* to be used when establishing or clearing LIBREFs on an OS/390 server. */
122 /* They check the state of the LIBREF before actually defining or clearing */
123 /* the library. They use the LIBNAME function to do the work. */
124 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
125 %macro eclibassign(libtoassign, libpath, libeng, libopt);
126 %local success;
127 %if "&libopt" ne "" %then
128 %let success = %sysfunc(libname(&libtoassign, &libpath, &libeng, &libopt));
129 %else %if "&libeng" ne "" %then
130 %let success = %sysfunc(libname(&libtoassign, &libpath, &libeng));
131 %else
132 %let success = %sysfunc(libname(&libtoassign, &libpath));
134 %if %eval(&success > 0) %then
135 %put WARNING: Libref &libtoassign could not be assigned;
136 %else
137 %put NOTE: Libref &libtoassign was successfully assigned;
138 %mend;
141 /* free the library if it is currently assigned */
142 %macro eclibunassign(libtofree);
143 %if %sysfunc(libname(&libtofree)) ne 0 %then
144 %put WARNING: Libref &libtofree could not be unassigned;
145 %else
146 %put NOTE: Libref &libtofree has been unassigned;
147 %mend;
151 /* Conditionally delete set of tables or views, if they exists */
152 /* If the member does not exist, then no action is performed */
153 %macro _eg_conditional_dropds /parmbuff;
155 %local num;
156 %local stepneeded;
157 %local stepstarted;
158 %local dsname;
159 %local name;
161 %let num=1;
4 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
162 /* flags to determine whether a PROC SQL step is needed */
163 /* or even started yet */
164 %let stepneeded=0;
165 %let stepstarted=0;
166 %let dsname= %qscan(&syspbuff,&num,',()');
167 %do %while(&dsname ne);
168 %let name = %sysfunc(left(&dsname));
169 %if %qsysfunc(exist(&name)) %then %do;
170 %let stepneeded=1;
171 %if (&stepstarted eq 0) %then %do;
172 proc sql;
173 %let stepstarted=1;
175 %end;
176 drop table &name;
177 %end;
179 %if %sysfunc(exist(&name,view)) %then %do;
180 %let stepneeded=1;
181 %if (&stepstarted eq 0) %then %do;
182 proc sql;
183 %let stepstarted=1;
184 %end;
185 drop view &name;
186 %end;
187 %let num=%eval(&num+1);
188 %let dsname=%qscan(&syspbuff,&num,',()');
189 %end;
190 %if &stepstarted %then %do;
191 quit;
192 %end;
193 %mend _eg_conditional_dropds;
194 /* save the current settings of XPIXELS and YPIXELS */
195 /* so that they can be restored later */
196 %macro _sas_pushchartsize(new_xsize, new_ysize);
197 %global _savedxpixels _savedypixels;
198 options nonotes;
199 proc sql noprint;
200 select setting into :_savedxpixels
201 from sashelp.vgopt
202 where optname eq "XPIXELS";
203 select setting into :_savedypixels
204 from sashelp.vgopt
205 where optname eq "YPIXELS";
206 quit;
207 options notes;
208 GOPTIONS XPIXELS=&new_xsize YPIXELS=&new_ysize;
209 %mend;
211 /* restore the previous values for XPIXELS and YPIXELS */
212 %macro _sas_popchartsize;
213 %if %symexist(_savedxpixels) %then %do;
214 GOPTIONS XPIXELS=&_savedxpixels YPIXELS=&_savedypixels;
215 %symdel _savedxpixels / nowarn;
5 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
216 %symdel _savedypixels / nowarn;
217 %end;
218 %mend;
219 %*--------------------------------------------------------------*
220 * Tests the current version against a required version. A *
221 * negative result means that the SAS server version is less *
222 * than the version required. A positive result means that *
223 * the SAS server version is greater than the version required. *
224 * A result of zero indicates that the SAS server is exactly *
225 * the version required. *
226 * *
227 * NOTE: The parameter "maint" is optional. *
228 *--------------------------------------------------------------*;
229 %MACRO _SAS_VERCOMP(major, minor, maint);
231 %local CurMaj;
232 %local CurMin;
233 %local CurMnt;
235 %* Pull the current version string apart.;
236 %LET CurMaj = %SCAN(&SYSVLONG, 1, %STR(.));
237 %LET CurMin = %SCAN(&SYSVLONG, 2, %STR(.));
240 %* Now perform the version comparison.;
241 %IF %EVAL(&major NE &CurMaj) %THEN
242 %EVAL(&CurMaj - &major);
243 %ELSE
244 %IF %EVAL(&minor NE &CurMin) %THEN
245 %EVAL(&CurMin - &minor);
246 %ELSE
247 %IF "&maint" = "" %THEN
248 %STR(0);
249 %ELSE
250 %EVAL(&CurMnt - &maint);
251 %MEND;
253 %*--------------------------------------------------------------*
254 * This macro calls _SAS_VERCOMP() with the passed version. *
255 * If the current server version matches or is newer, then the *
256 * true code (tcode) is executed, else the false code (fcode) *
257 * is executed. *
258 * Example: *
259 * %let isV92 = *
260 * %_SAS_VERCONDCODE(9,2,0, *
261 * tcode=%NRSTR(Yes), *
262 * fcode=%NRSTR(No)); *
263 *--------------------------------------------------------------*;
264 %MACRO _SAS_VERCONDCODE( major, minor, maint, tcode=, fcode= );
265 %IF %_SAS_VERCOMP(&major, &minor, &maint) >= 0 %THEN
266 %DO;
267 &tcode
268 %END;
269 %ELSE
6 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
270 %DO;
271 &fcode
272 %END;
273 %MEND;
277 /* Build where clauses from stored process parameters */
281 %local q1 q2 sq1 sq2;
282 %local isEmpty;
283 %local isEqual isNotEqual;
284 %local isIn isNotIn;
285 %local isString;
286 %local isBetween;
288 %let isEqual = ("%QUPCASE(&OPERATOR)" = "EQ" OR "&OPERATOR" = "=");
289 %let isNotEqual = ("%QUPCASE(&OPERATOR)" = "NE" OR "&OPERATOR" = "<>");
290 %let isIn = ("%QUPCASE(&OPERATOR)" = "IN");
291 %let isNotIn = ("%QUPCASE(&OPERATOR)" = "NOT IN");
292 %let isString = (%QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq S or %QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq STRING );
293 %if &isString %then
294 %do;
295 %let q1=%str(%");
296 %let q2=%str(%");
297 %let sq1=%str(%');
298 %let sq2=%str(%');
299 %end;
300 %else %if %QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq D or %QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq DATE %then
301 %do;
302 %let q1=%str(%");
303 %let q2=%str(%"d);
304 %let sq1=%str(%');
305 %let sq2=%str(%');
306 %end;
307 %else %if %QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq T or %QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq TIME %then
308 %do;
309 %let q1=%str(%");
310 %let q2=%str(%"t);
311 %let sq1=%str(%');
312 %let sq2=%str(%');
313 %end;
314 %else %if %QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq DT or %QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq DATETIME %then
315 %do;
316 %let q1=%str(%");
317 %let q2=%str(%"dt);
318 %let sq1=%str(%');
319 %let sq2=%str(%');
320 %end;
321 %else
322 %do;
7 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
323 %let q1=;
324 %let q2=;
325 %let sq1=;
326 %let sq2=;
327 %end;
329 %if "&PARM" = "" %then %let PARM=&COLUMN;
331 ! ;
333 %if "&MAX" = "" %then %do;
334 %let MAX = &parm._MAX;
335 %if &isBetween %then %let PARM = &parm._MIN;
336 %end;
338 %if not %symexist(&PARM) or (&isBetween and not %symexist(&MAX)) %then %do;
339 %if &IS_EXPLICIT=0 %then %do;
341 %end;
342 %else %do;
343 not 1=1
344 %end;
345 %end;
346 %else %if "%qupcase(&&&PARM)" = "%qupcase(&MATCHALL)" %then %do;
347 %if &IS_EXPLICIT=0 %then %do;
349 %end;
350 %else %do;
351 1=1
352 %end;
353 %end;
354 %else %if (not %symexist(&PARM._count)) or &isBetween %then %do;
355 %let isEmpty = ("&&&PARM" = "");
356 %if (&isEqual AND &isEmpty AND &isString) %then
357 &COLUMN is null;
358 %else %if (&isNotEqual AND &isEmpty AND &isString) %then
359 &COLUMN is not null;
360 %else %do;
361 %if &IS_EXPLICIT=0 %then %do;
362 &COLUMN &OPERATOR %unquote(&q1)&&&PARM%unquote(&q2)
363 %end;
364 %else %do;
365 &COLUMN &OPERATOR %unquote(%nrstr(&sq1))&&&PARM%unquote(%nrstr(&sq2))
366 %end;
367 %if &isBetween %then
368 AND %unquote(&q1)&&&MAX%unquote(&q2);
369 %end;
370 %end;
371 %else
372 %do;
373 %local emptyList;
374 %let emptyList = %symexist(&PARM._count);
375 %if &emptyList %then %let emptyList = &&&PARM._count = 0;
8 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
376 %if (&emptyList) %then
377 %do;
378 %if (&isNotin) %then
379 1;
380 %else
381 0;
382 %end;
383 %else %if (&&&PARM._count = 1) %then
384 %do;
385 %let isEmpty = ("&&&PARM" = "");
386 %if (&isIn AND &isEmpty AND &isString) %then
387 &COLUMN is null;
388 %else %if (&isNotin AND &isEmpty AND &isString) %then
389 &COLUMN is not null;
390 %else %do;
391 %if &IS_EXPLICIT=0 %then %do;
392 &COLUMN &OPERATOR (%unquote(&q1)&&&PARM%unquote(&q2))
393 %end;
394 %else %do;
395 &COLUMN &OPERATOR (%unquote(%nrstr(&sq1))&&&PARM%unquote(%nrstr(&sq2)))
396 %end;
397 %end;
398 %end;
399 %else
400 %do;
401 %local addIsNull addIsNotNull addComma;
402 %let addIsNull = %eval(0);
403 %let addIsNotNull = %eval(0);
404 %let addComma = %eval(0);
406 %do i=1 %to &&&PARM._count;
407 %let isEmpty = ("&&&PARM&i" = "");
408 %if (&isString AND &isEmpty AND (&isIn OR &isNotIn)) %then
409 %do;
410 %if (&isIn) %then %let addIsNull = 1;
411 %else %let addIsNotNull = 1;
412 %end;
413 %else
414 %do;
415 %if &addComma %then %do;,%end;
416 %if &IS_EXPLICIT=0 %then %do;
417 %unquote(&q1)&&&PARM&i%unquote(&q2)
418 %end;
419 %else %do;
420 %unquote(%nrstr(&sq1))&&&PARM&i%unquote(%nrstr(&sq2))
421 %end;
422 %let addComma = %eval(1);
423 %end;
424 %end;)
425 %if &addIsNull %then OR &COLUMN is null;
426 %else %if &addIsNotNull %then AND &COLUMN is not null;
427 %do;)
428 %end;
429 %end;
9 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
430 %end;
431 %mend;
432 %macro _eg_hidenotesandsource;
433 %global _egnotes;
434 %global _egsource;
436 %let _egnotes=%sysfunc(getoption(notes));
437 options nonotes;
438 %let _egsource=%sysfunc(getoption(source));
439 options nosource;
440 %mend _eg_hidenotesandsource;
441 %macro _eg_restorenotesandsource;
442 %global _egnotes;
443 %global _egsource;
445 options &_egnotes;
446 options &_egsource;
447 %mend _eg_restorenotesandsource;
448 %macro _eg_ensureHtmlBlueExists;
450 proc sql noprint;
451 select count(*)
452 into :htmlbluecount
453 from sashelp.vstyle
454 where UPCASE(style)=UPCASE("Styles.HtmlBlue");
455 quit;
457 %if %trim(&htmlbluecount)=0 %then
458 %do;
459 %put NOTE: HtmlBlue not detected, creating HtmlBlue style;
461 proc template;
462 define Style styles.def;
463 class fonts "Fonts used in the default style" /
464 "docFont"=("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif", 3)
465 "headingFont"=("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif", 4, bold)
466 "headingEmphasisFont"=("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif", 4, italic bold)
467 "FixedFont"=("<monospace>, Courier", 2)
468 "BatchFixedFont"=("SAS Monospace, <monospace>, Courier, monospace", 2 )
469 "FixedHeadingFont"=("<monospace>, Courier, monospace", 2 )
470 "FixedStrongFont"=("<monospace>, Courier, monospace", 2, bold)
471 "FixedEmphasisFont"=("<monospace>, Courier, monospace", 2, italic)
472 "EmphasisFont"=("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif", 3, italic)
473 "StrongFont"=("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif", 4, bold)
474 "TitleFont"=("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif", 5, italic bold)
475 "TitleFont2"=("<sans-serif>, Helvetica, sans-serif", 4, italic bold);
476 class GraphFonts "Fonts used in graph styles" /
477 "GraphAnnoFont"=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>", 10pt)
478 "GraphTitle1Font"=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>", 14pt, bold)
479 "GraphTitleFont"=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>", 11pt, bold)
480 "GraphFootnoteFont"=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>", 10pt)
481 "GraphLabelFont"=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>", 10pt, bold)
482 "GraphValueFont"=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>", 9pt)
483 "GraphUnicodeFont"=("<MTsans-serif-unicode>", 9pt)
10 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
484 "GraphDataFont"=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>", 7pt);
485 class color_list "Colors used in the default style" /
486 "bgA"=cxE0E0E0
487 "fgA"=cx002288
488 "bgA1"=cxF0F0F0
489 "fgA1"=cx000000
490 "bgA2"=cxB0B0B0
491 "fgA2"=cx0033AA
492 "bgA3"=cxD3D3D3
493 "bgA4"=cx880000
494 "fgA4"=cxAAFFAA
495 "fgB1"=cx004488
496 "fgB2"=cx0066AA;
497 class colors "Abstract colors used in the default style" /
498 "docbg"=color_list("bgA")
499 "docfg"=color_list("fgA")
500 "contentbg"=color_list("bgA2")
501 "contentfg"=color_list("fgA2")
502 "link1"=color_list("fgB1")
503 "link2"=color_list("fgB2")
504 "Contitlefg"=color_list("fgA")
505 "Confolderfg"=color_list("fgA")
506 "Conentryfg"=color_list("fgA2")
507 "systitlebg"=color_list("bgA")
508 "systitlefg"=color_list("fgA")
509 "titlebg"=color_list("bgA")
510 "titlefg"=color_list("fgA")
511 "proctitlebg"=color_list("bgA")
512 "proctitlefg"=color_list("fgA")
513 "captionbg"=color_list("bgA")
514 "captionfg"=color_list("fgA1")
515 "bylinebg"=color_list("bgA2")
516 "bylinefg"=color_list("fgA2")
517 "notebg"=color_list("bgA")
518 "notefg"=color_list("fgA")
519 "tablebg"=color_list("bgA1")
520 "tableborder"=color_list("fgA1")
521 "batchbg"=color_list("bgA3")
522 "batchfg"=color_list("fgA1")
523 "databg"=color_list("bgA3")
524 "datafg"=color_list("fgA1")
525 "databgstrong"=color_list("bgA3")
526 "datafgstrong"=color_list("fgA1")
527 "databgemph"=color_list("bgA3")
528 "datafgemph"=color_list("fgA1")
529 "headerbg"=color_list("bgA2")
530 "headerfg"=color_list("fgA2")
531 "headerbgstrong"=color_list("bgA2")
532 "headerfgstrong"=color_list("fgA2")
533 "headerbgemph"=color_list("bgA2")
534 "headerfgemph"=color_list("fgA2");
535 class GraphColors "Abstract colors used in graph styles" /
536 "gdata1"=cx7C95CA
537 "gdata2"=cxDE7E6F
11 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
538 "gdata3"=cx66A5A0
539 "gdata5"=cxB689CD
540 "gdata4"=cxA9865B
541 "gdata7"=cx94BDE1
542 "gdata6"=cxBABC5C
543 "gdata8"=cxCD7BA1
544 "gdata9"=cxCF974B
545 "gdata10"=cx87C873
546 "gdata11"=cxB7AEF1
547 "gdata12"=cxDDD17E
548 "gcdata1"=cx2A25D9
549 "gcdata2"=cxB2182B
550 "gcdata3"=cx01665E
551 "gcdata5"=cx9D3CDB
552 "gcdata4"=cx543005
553 "gcdata7"=cx2597FA
554 "gcdata6"=cx7F8E1F
555 "gcdata8"=cxB26084
556 "gcdata9"=cxD17800
557 "gcdata10"=cx47A82A
558 "gcdata11"=cxB38EF3
559 "gcdata12"=cxF9DA04
560 "gwalls"=cxFFFFFF
561 "gfloor"=cxFFFFFF
562 "glegend"=cxFFFFFF
563 "gshadow"=cx000000
564 "gaxis"=cx000000
565 "ggrid"=cxECECEC
566 "goutlines"=cx000000
567 "gborderlines"=cx000000
568 "glabel"=cx000000
569 "gtext"=cx000000
570 "gramp2cstart"=cxEDEBF6
571 "gramp2cend"=cx5E528B
572 "gconramp2cstart"=cxF3F7FE
573 "gconramp2cend"=cx6497EB
574 "gramp3cstart"=cx6497EB
575 "gramp3cneutral"=cxFFFFFF
576 "gramp3cend"=cxDD6060
577 "gconramp3cstart"=cx0000FF
578 "gconramp3cneutral"=cxFF00FF
579 "gconramp3cend"=cxFF0000
580 "gheader"=colors("docbg")
581 "greferencelines"=cx808080
582 "gdata"=cxB9CFE7
583 "gcdata"=cx000000
584 "goutlier"=cxB9CFE7
585 "gcoutlier"=cx000000
586 "gfit"=cx003178
587 "gfit2"=cx780000
588 "gcfit"=cx003178
589 "gcfit2"=cx780000
590 "gconfidence"=cxB9CFE7
591 "gconfidence2"=cxE7B9B9
12 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
592 "gcconfidence"=cx003178
593 "gcconfidence2"=cx780000
594 "gpredict"=cx003178
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597 "gcpredictlim"=cx003178
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13 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
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14 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
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15 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
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16 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
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17 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
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18 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
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19 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
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980 class GraphHeaderBackground /
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982 BackGroundColor=GraphColors("gheader");
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991 MarkerSize=7px
992 StartColor=GraphColors("gramp3cstart")
993 NeutralColor=GraphColors("gramp3cneutral")
994 EndColor=GraphColors("gramp3cend");
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996 Color=GraphColors("gdata1")
997 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcdata1")
998 linestyle=1
999 markersymbol="circle";
1000 class GraphData2 /
1001 Color=GraphColors("gdata2")
1002 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcdata2")
1003 linestyle=1
1004 markersymbol="circle";
1005 class GraphData3 /
1006 Color=GraphColors("gdata3")
1007 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcdata3")
1008 linestyle=1
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1013 linestyle=1
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1015 class GraphData5 /
1016 Color=GraphColors("gdata5")
1017 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcdata5")
1018 linestyle=1
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1020 class GraphData6 /
1021 Color=GraphColors("gdata6")
1022 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcdata6")
1023 linestyle=1
20 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
1024 markersymbol="circle";
1025 class GraphData7 /
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1028 linestyle=1
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1030 class GraphData8 /
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1033 linestyle=1
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1035 class GraphData9 /
1036 Color=GraphColors("gdata9")
1037 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcdata9")
1038 linestyle=1
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1040 class GraphData10 /
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1043 linestyle=1
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1045 class GraphData11 /
1046 Color=GraphColors("gdata11")
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1048 linestyle=1
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1050 class GraphData12 /
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1053 linestyle=1
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1055 class TwoColorRamp /
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1057 EndColor=GraphColors("gramp2cend");
1058 class TwoColorAltRamp /
1059 StartColor=GraphColors("gconramp2cstart")
1060 EndColor=GraphColors("gconramp2cend");
1061 class ThreeColorRamp /
1062 StartColor=GraphColors("gramp3cstart")
1063 NeutralColor=GraphColors("gramp3cneutral")
1064 EndColor=GraphColors("gramp3cend");
1065 class ThreeColorAltRamp /
1066 StartColor=GraphColors("gconramp3cstart")
1067 NeutralColor=GraphColors("gconramp3cneutral")
1068 EndColor=GraphColors("gconramp3cend");
1069 class GraphOutlier /
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1072 MarkerSymbol="circle"
1073 MarkerSize=7px
1074 LineStyle=42
1075 LineThickness=2px;
1076 class GraphFit /
1077 Color=GraphColors("gfit")
21 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
1078 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcfit")
1079 MarkerSymbol="circle"
1080 MarkerSize=7px
1081 LineStyle=1
1082 LineThickness=2px;
1083 class GraphFit2 /
1084 Color=GraphColors("gfit2")
1085 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcfit2")
1086 MarkerSymbol="X"
1087 MarkerSize=7px
1088 LineStyle=4
1089 LineThickness=2px;
1090 class GraphConfidence /
1091 Color=GraphColors("gconfidence")
1092 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcconfidence")
1093 MarkerSymbol="triangle"
1094 MarkerSize=7px
1095 LineStyle=1
1096 LineThickness=1px;
1097 class GraphConfidence2 /
1098 Color=GraphColors("gconfidence2")
1099 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcconfidence2")
1100 MarkerSymbol="diamond"
1101 MarkerSize=7px
1102 LineStyle=4
1103 LineThickness=1px;
1104 class GraphPrediction /
1105 Color=GraphColors("gpredict")
1106 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcpredict")
1107 MarkerSymbol="plus"
1108 MarkerSize=7px
1109 LineStyle=4
1110 LineThickness=2px;
1111 class GraphPredictionLimits /
1112 Color=GraphColors("gpredictlim")
1113 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcpredictlim")
1114 MarkerSymbol="chain"
1115 MarkerSize=7px
1116 LineStyle=2
1117 LineThickness=1px;
1118 class GraphError /
1119 Color=GraphColors("gerror")
1120 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcerror")
1121 MarkerSymbol="asterisk"
1122 MarkerSize=7px
1123 LineStyle=1
1124 LineThickness=1px;
1125 class GraphBar /
1126 displayopts="fill outline";
1127 class GraphBox /
1128 displayopts="fill caps median mean outliers"
1129 connect="mean"
1130 capstyle="serif";
1131 class GraphBoxMedian /
22 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
1132 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcdata")
1133 LineThickness=1px
1134 LineStyle=1;
1135 class GraphBoxMean /
1136 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcdata")
1137 MarkerSymbol="diamond"
1138 MarkerSize=9px;
1139 class GraphBoxWhisker /
1140 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcdata")
1141 LineThickness=1px
1142 LineStyle=1;
1143 class GraphHistogram /
1144 displayopts="fill outline";
1145 class GraphEllipse /
1146 displayopts="outline";
1147 class GraphBand /
1148 displayopts="fill";
1149 class GraphContour /
1150 displayopts="LabeledLineGradient";
1151 class GraphBlock /
1152 Color=GraphColors("gblock");
1153 class GraphAltBlock /
1154 Color=GraphColors("gablock");
1155 class GraphAnnoLine /
1156 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcdata")
1157 LineThickness=2px
1158 LineStyle=1;
1159 class GraphAnnoText /
1160 Color=GraphColors("gtext")
1161 font=GraphFonts("GraphAnnoFont");
1162 class GraphAnnoShape /
1163 Color=GraphColors("gdata")
1164 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcdata")
1165 LineStyle=1
1166 LineThickness=2px
1167 MarkerSymbol="starfilled"
1168 MarkerSize=12px;
1169 class GraphSelection /
1170 Color=GraphColors("gdata")
1171 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcdata")
1172 LineStyle=1
1173 LineThickness=5px
1174 MarkerSymbol="square"
1175 MarkerSize=11px;
1176 class GraphConnectLine /
1177 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcdata")
1178 LineThickness=1px
1179 LineStyle=1;
1180 class GraphMissing /
1181 Color=GraphColors("gdata12")
1182 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcdata12")
1183 LineStyle=1
1184 LineThickness=1px
1185 MarkerSymbol="square"
23 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
1186 MarkerSize=7px;
1187 class GraphControlLimits /
1188 Color=GraphColors("gcontrollim")
1189 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gccontrollim")
1190 LineStyle=1
1191 LineThickness=1px
1192 MarkerSymbol="circle"
1193 MarkerSize=7px;
1194 class GraphRunTest /
1195 Color=GraphColors("gruntest")
1196 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcruntest")
1197 LineStyle=1
1198 LineThickness=2px
1199 MarkerSymbol="square"
1200 MarkerSize=7px;
1201 class GraphStars /
1202 Color=GraphColors("gstars")
1203 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcstars")
1204 LineStyle=1
1205 LineThickness=2px;
1206 class GraphClipping /
1207 Color=GraphColors("gclipping")
1208 ContrastColor=GraphColors("gcclipping")
1209 LineStyle=2
1210 LineThickness=2px
1211 MarkerSymbol="circlefilled"
1212 MarkerSize=7px;
1213 class LayoutContainer /
1214 BackgroundColor=_undef_
1215 rules=none
1216 frame=void
1217 borderwidth=0
1218 cellspacing=30
1219 cellpadding=0;
1220 end;
1222 define Style styles.stat; parent=styles.def;
1223 style fonts /
1224 'docFont'=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>, Helvetica, Helv",2)
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1226 'headingEmphasisFont'=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>, Helvetica, Helv",2,bold
1226 ! italic)
1227 'FixedEmphasisFont'=("<monospace>, Courier, monospace",2,italic)
1228 'FixedStrongFont'=("<monospace>, Courier, monospace",2,bold)
1229 'FixedHeadingFont'=("<monospace>, Courier, monospace",2)
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1231 'FixedFont'=("<monospace>, Courier",2)
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1233 'StrongFont'=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>, Helvetica, Helv",2,bold)
1234 'TitleFont'=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>, Helvetica, Helv",3,bold)
1235 'TitleFont2'=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>, Helvetica, Helv",2,bold);
1236 style GraphFonts /
1237 "GraphAnnoFont"=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>", 10pt)
1238 'GraphTitle1Font'=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",14pt,bold)
24 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
1239 'GraphTitleFont'=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",11pt,bold)
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1241 'GraphLabelFont'=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",10pt)
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1243 "GraphUnicodeFont"=("<MTsans-serif-unicode>", 9pt)
1244 'GraphDataFont'=("<sans-serif>, <MTsans-serif>",7pt);
1245 style Table /
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1249 borderbottomwidth=0px
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1256 style Header /
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1261 bordercolor=cxC1C1C1
1262 backgroundcolor=cxF5F7F1
1263 font=fonts('HeadingFont');
1264 style Data /
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1292 'Confolderfg'=cx000000
25 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
1293 'Conentryfg'=cx000000
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1301 'datafg'=cx000000
1302 'datafgstrong'=cx000000
1303 'datafgemph'=cx000000
1304 'headerfg'=cx000000
1305 'headerfgstrong'=cx000000
1306 'headerfgemph'=cx000000
1307 'tableborder'=cxC1C1C1
1308 'databorder'=cxC1C1C1
1309 'link1'=cx0000FF
1310 'link2'=cx800080;
1311 style IndexTitle from Index /
1312 font=Fonts('headingEmphasisFont')
1313 backgroundcolor=colors('systitlebg')
1314 color=colors('systitlefg');
1315 style IndexProcName from Index /
1316 font=Fonts('TitleFont2')
1317 backgroundcolor=colors('systitlebg')
1318 color=colors('systitlefg');
1319 style SystemFooter from TitlesAndFooters
1320 "Controls system footer text." /
1321 font=Fonts('docFont');
1322 style GraphColors /
1323 'gdata1'=cx6F7EB3
1324 'gcdata1'=cx445694
1325 'gdata2'=cxD05B5B
1326 'gcdata2'=cxA23A2E
1327 'gdata3'=cx66A5A0
1328 'gcdata3'=cx01665E
1329 'gdata4'=cxA9865B
1330 'gcdata4'=cx543005
1331 'gdata5'=cxB689CD
1332 'gcdata5'=cx9D3CDB
1333 'gdata6'=cxBABC5C
1334 'gcdata6'=cx7F8E1F
1335 'gdata7'=cx94BDE1
1336 'gcdata7'=cx2597FA
1337 'gdata8'=cxCD7BA1
1338 'gcdata8'=cxB26084
1339 'gdata9'=cxCF974B
1340 'gcdata9'=cxD17800
1341 'gdata10'=cx87C873
1342 'gcdata10'=cx47A82A
1343 'gdata11'=cxB7AEF1
1344 'gcdata11'=cxB38EF3
1345 'gdata12'=cxDDD17E
1346 'gcdata12'=cxF9DA04
26 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
1347 'gwalls'=cxFFFFFF
1348 'glegend'=cxFFFFFF
1349 'gfloor'=cxDCDAC9
1350 'gshadow'=cx8F8F8F
1351 'gaxis'=cxA5A5A5
1352 'ggrid'=cxE6E6E6
1353 'goutlines'=cx000000
1354 'gborderlines'=cxD1D1D1
1355 'glabel'=cx000000
1356 'gtext'=cx000000
1357 'gramp2cstart'=cxF3F5FC
1358 'gramp2cend'=cx445694
1359 'gconramp2cstart'=cxFFF1EF
1360 'gconramp2cend'=cxA23A23
1361 'gramp3cstart'=cxAFB5A6
1362 'gramp3cneutral'=cxFFFFFF
1363 'gramp3cend'=cx667FA2
1364 'gconramp3cstart'=cx445694
1365 'gconramp3cneutral'=cxEBC79E
1366 'gconramp3cend'= cxFF3A2E
1367 'gheader'=colors('docbg')
1368 'greferencelines'=cxA5A5A5
1369 'gcerror'=cxA33708
1370 'gerror'=cxCA5E3D
1371 'gcpredictlim'=cx7486C4
1372 'gpredictlim'=cx7486C4
1373 'gcpredict'=cx445694
1374 'gpredict'=cx667FA2
1375 'gcconfidence'=cxE3D5CD
1376 'gcconfidence2'=cxE3D5CD
1377 'gconfidence'=cxB9CFE7
1378 'gconfidence2'=cxE3D5CD
1379 'gcfit'=cx667FA2
1380 'gcfit2'=cxDC531F
1381 'gfit'=cx667FA2
1382 'gfit2'=cxDC531F
1383 'gcoutlier'=cx000000
1384 'goutlier'=cxB9CFE7
1385 'gcdata'=cx003399
1386 'gdata'=cxCAD5E5
1387 "gcontrollim"=cxFFFFE3
1388 "gccontrollim"=cxCCCC97
1389 "gruntest"=cxE6E6CC
1390 "gcruntest"=cxE7774F
1391 'gstars'=cxCAD5E5
1392 'gcstars'=cx445694
1393 "gclipping"=cxE7774F
1394 "gcclipping"=cxDC531F
1395 "gblock"=cxDFE6EF
1396 "gablock"=cxF5F5F0;
1397 style Graph from Graph
1398 "Graph Attributes" /
1399 borderwidth=1
1400 cellspacing=1;
27 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
1401 style GraphBackground from GraphBackground
1402 "Graph background attributes" /
1403 backgroundcolor=GraphColors('gwalls')
1404 color=GraphColors('gwalls');
1405 style GraphGridLines from GraphGridLines
1406 "Grid line attributes";
1407 end;
1409 define style styles.HtmlBlue;
1410 parent=styles.stat;
1411 style GraphColors from GraphColors /
1412 'greferencelines'=cx989EA1
1413 'gaxis'=cx989EA1
1414 'gcclipping'=cxC1C100
1415 'gclipping'=cxFFFFC6
1416 'gcruntest'=cxBF4D4D
1417 'gruntest'=cxCAE3FF
1418 'gccontrollim'=cxBFC7D9
1419 'gcontrollim'=cxE6F2FF
1420 'gramp3cstart'=cx667FA2
1421 'gramp3cneutral'=cxFAFBFE
1422 'gramp3cend'=cxD05B5B
1423 'gconramp3cstart'=cxA23A2E
1424 'gconramp3cneutral'=cx2F6A9C
1425 'gconramp3cend'=cx31702F;
1426 style colors from colors /
1427 'notefg'=cx112277
1428 'bylinefg'=cx112277
1429 'proctitlefg'=cx112277
1430 'titlefg'=cx112277
1431 'systitlefg'=cx112277
1432 'batchbg'=cxFAFBFE
1433 'tablebg'=cxFAFBFE
1434 'notebg'=cxFAFBFE
1435 'bylinebg'=cxFAFBFE
1436 'captionfg'=cx112277
1437 'captionbg'=cxFAFBFE
1438 'headerbg'=cxEDF2F9
1439 'proctitlebg'=cxFAFBFE
1440 'titlebg'=cxFAFBFE
1441 'systitlebg'=cxFAFBFE
1442 'contentbg'=cxFAFBFE
1443 'docbg'=cxFAFBFE
1444 'link1'=cx800080
1445 'link2'=cx0000FF;
1446 style Header from Header /
1447 color=cx112277
1448 backgroundcolor=cxEDF2F9
1449 bordercolor=cxB0B7BB;
1450 style Table from Table /
1451 cellpadding=5;
1452 style GraphFit2 from GraphFit2 /
1453 linestyle=1;
1454 style GraphClipping from GraphClipping /
28 The SAS System 08:43 Thursday, December 1, 2016
1455 markersymbol="circlefilled";
1456 end;
1457 run;
1458 %end;
1459 %else
1460 %do;
1461 %put NOTE: HtmlBlue style detected;
1462 %end;
1463 %mend;
1464 %_eg_ensureHtmlBlueExists;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 2.38 seconds
cpu time 0.53 seconds
NOTE: HtmlBlue style detected
1466 * set my sasautos path ;
That's 1600+ lines of code that doesn't interest me (since I have no control over it).
Can't this code by submitted with options nosource? And perhaps options nonotes? That way I can focus, or at least more easily find, the code that I have written and am working with.
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