Two variables of the same name are used in a merge without being listed in the by statement is usually unintentionnal (usually done by mistake).
As far I'm aware of, the only way to be informed about it is to display information messages in the log using options msglevel=i;.
- That option is not in the default setting.
- The message is not really easy to notice (black color) and not listed in the interface
- Other messages which are usually not that relevant popup on the way with this option.
Would it be possible to have a global option called for example mergeoverwrite= (or any other relevant name) with WARN by default (as VARLENCHK=)?
data one;
key=1; x=1; output;
key=2; x=2; output;
data two;
key=1; x=5; output;
key=2; x=6; output;
*options mergeoverwrite=WARN;
options msglevel=i;
data demo;
merge one two;
by key;