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Calcite | Level 5

I'm working with SAS 9.4 and Azure Blob Storage, accessible with a Shared Access Signature. I'm trying to find a way to make the many CSV files accessible to my SAS Server and it looks like PROC HADOOP is the right way to connect to Azure Blob.


However, I cannot figure out how to provide the Shared Access Signature to PROC HADOOP. In a normal Hadoop cluster, I would set a configuration variable.


I cannot find a configuration setting for PROC HADOOP that would take such a setting and token.  This SAS token is supported in open source Hadoop so I'm expecting it to be supported in PROC HADOOP.


Given the partnership with Microsoft Azure, is there any more detail in the documentation (or even a blog post?) about using Proc Hadoop to access files in Azure Blob Storage?


Thank you for any guidance!