Dear Community,
I cannot replace a 'Large' table (15 milj records) in SAS Viya.
I use EG/DI 9.04 for ETL to Viya.
So I made a custom code where I make separate table for each month:
Proc sort data=dmtbls.dm_sales_agg_2;
By _Month;
proc sql;
select distinct put(_Month,2.) into :valList separated by ',' from dmtbls.dm_sales_agg_2;
%let TABLE=dmtbls.dm_sales_agg_2;
%let COLUMN=strip(put(_Month,2.));
proc sql noprint;
select distinct
cat("DATA out_",&COLUMN.,
"; set &TABLE.(where=(&COLUMN.='", &COLUMN.,
"')); run;") length=500 into :allsteps separated by ';'
from &TABLE.;
%macro runSteps;
Then I use proc CASUTIL to append the table:
cas Casauto host="xxxxxxx" port=5570;
proc casutil sessref=Casauto;
droptable casdata='CAS_SALES_AGG_2' incaslib="SASData" quiet;
proc casutil sessref=Casauto;
droptable casdata='CAS_SALES_AGG_2' incaslib="SASData" quiet;
proc casutil sessref=Casauto;
deletesource incaslib="SASData" casdata='CAS_SALES_AGG_2.sashdat' quiet;
proc casutil outcaslib="SASData" sessref=Casauto;
load data=WORK.OUT_1
%macro CASUTIL_append;
%do i=2 %to 12;
proc casutil outcaslib="SASData" sessref=Casauto;
load data=WORK.OUT_&i
%mend CASUTIL_append;
proc casutil incaslib="SASData" outcaslib="SASData" sessref=Casauto;
save casdata='CAS_SALES_AGG_2'
This was working fine for a month, but now I get a error on the replace part:
ERROR: Failed to save the table "CAS_SALES_AGG_2" from the "SASData" caslib to the "SASData" caslib.
Is there somenthing wrong with my codes?
How can I solve this error?
Yes, those aren't related. Enable the following option in your client program:
options set=CASCLIENTDEBUG=1;
Reproduce the problem and show SAS log from the client as well as the CAS server logs (as files).
This is what I found in the requested logfile:
Host: 'xx', OS: 'LIN X64', Release: '3.10.0-957.el7.x86_64', Command: '/opt/sas/viya/home/SASFoundation/utilities/bin/cas start -permstore /opt/sas/viya/config/etc/cas/default/permstore -userloc /opt/sas/viya/config/data/cas/default/casuserlibraries/%USER -role controller -cfgname viya_default -cfgpath /opt/sas/viya/config/etc/cas/default -launcher /opt/sas/viya/home/SASFoundation/utilities/bin/caslaunch'
Log continued from /opt/sas/viya/config/etc/cas/default/../../../var/log/cas/default/cas_2021-02-21_bw_35298.log
2021-02-22T11:03:53,980 INFO [00000007] cas localhost 15111 cas 492096 [cas.c:1801] - Starting Cloud Analytic Services driver, host=xxxxxxxx, id=0, role=session controller.
2021-02-22T11:03:53,982 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcsesinst.c:725] - Successfully created session 10a14c02-1cbc-9e4b-aa3d-73f1957e946b.
2021-02-22T11:03:53,983 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkhttpserver.c:1293] - Starting HTTP server 'xxxxxxxx', minPort=0 maxPort=0
2021-02-22T11:03:53,984 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkhttpserver.c:1376] - HTTP Server 'xxxxxxxx' listening on port 35120.
2021-02-22T11:03:53,986 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [cashttp.c:1783] - HTTP server is authenticating connections.
2021-02-22T11:03:53,986 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [cashttp.c:1830] - HTTP server listening on HTTPS port 35120.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,379 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action sessionProp.setFmtSearch / fmtLibNames={'SASSuppliedFormats'};
2021-02-22T11:03:54,379 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'setFmtSearch' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,379 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action sessionProp.getSessOpt / name='caslib';
2021-02-22T11:03:54,379 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'getSessOpt' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,381 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action sessionProp.getSessOpt / name='nWorkers';
2021-02-22T11:03:54,381 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'getSessOpt' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,382 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action session.sessionName / name='CAS_MARLO';
2021-02-22T11:03:54,382 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'sessionname' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,383 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action builtins.about;
2021-02-22T11:03:54,383 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasalic.c:465] - Opening license file '/opt/sas/viya/config/etc/cas/default/sas_license.txt'.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,384 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'builtins.about' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,385 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.caslibInfo / caslib='SASDATA';
2021-02-22T11:03:54,386 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'table.caslibInfo' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,388 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.dropTable / name='CAS_SALES_AGG_2', caslib='SASData', quiet=true;
2021-02-22T11:03:54,388 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcastabi.c:2586] - Removed global table CAS_SALES_AGG_2 from caslib SASData.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,388 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'dropTable' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,390 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.dropTable / name='CAS_SALES_AGG_2', caslib='SASData', quiet=true;
2021-02-22T11:03:54,391 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcastabi.c:2586] - Removed global table CAS_SALES_AGG_2 from caslib SASData.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,391 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'dropTable' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,393 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.deleteSource / source='CAS_SALES_AGG_2.sashdat', caslib='SASData', quiet=true;
2021-02-22T11:03:54,393 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'deleteSource' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,399 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.addTable / table='CAS_SALES_AGG_2', caslib='SASData', vars={{name='_SOURCE', label='Source', length=12, rType='CHAR', offset=0, formattedLength=8, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SDAN8', label='Customer', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=16, formattedLength=8, format='F', nfl=8, nfd=0}, {name='SDAN8_NAME', label='Customer Name', length=60, rType='CHAR', offset=24, formattedLength=40, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SDSHAN', label='Ship To', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=88, formattedLength=8, format='F', nfl=8, nfd=0}, {name='SDSHAN_NAME', label='Ship To Name', length=60, rType='CHAR', offset=96, formattedLength=40, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='_MONTH', label='Month', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=160, formattedLength=12, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='_YEAR', label='Year', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=168, formattedLength=12, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='_MONTH_NAME', label='Month name', length=15, rType='CHAR', offset=176, formattedLength=10, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SDSOQS', label='Quantity Shipped', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=192, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=0}, {name='SDSOQS_CUR', label='Quantity Shipped - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=200, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDSOQS_PREV', label='Quantity Shipped - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=208, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDSOQS_PREV_PREV', label='Quantity Shipped - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=216, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDAEXP', label='Gross Sales', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=224, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_GROSS_SALES_CUR', label='Gross Sales - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=232, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_GROSS_SALES_PREV', label='Gross Sales - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=240, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_GROSS_SALES_PREV_PREV', label='Gross Sales - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=248, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDECST_GROSS_COST', label='Gross Cost', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=256, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDECST_GROSS_COST_CUR', label='Gross Cost - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=264, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDECST_GROSS_COST_PREV', label='Gross Cost - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=272, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDECST_GROSS_COST_PREV_PREV', label='Gross Cost - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=280, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDRCD', label='Reason Code', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=288, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='SDRCD_UDC', label='Reason Code Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=296, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SHTKBY', label='Order Taken By', length=15, rType='CHAR', offset=344, formattedLength=10, format='$', nfl=10, nfd=0}, {name='SHURRF', label='User Reserved Reference', length=15, rType='CHAR', offset=360, formattedLength=10, format='$', nfl=10, nfd=0}, {name='SHURRF_UDC', label='User Reserved Reference Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=376, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SHIR01', label='Integration Reference 01', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=424, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='_PRC_NET_SALES', label='Net Sales', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=472, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_SALES_CUR', label='Net Sales - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=480, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_SALES_PREV', label='Net Sales - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=488, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_SALES_PREV_PREV', label='Net Sales - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=496, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_COST', label='Net Cost', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=504, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_COST_CUR', label='Net Cost - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=512, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_COST_PREV', label='Net Cost - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=520, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_COST_PREV_PREV', label='Net Cost - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=528, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SCHNL', label='Sales Channel', length=24, rType='CHAR', offset=536, formattedLength=16, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_SCHNL', label='BU Sales Channel', length=10, rType='CHAR', offset=560, formattedLength=7, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_SCHNL_NAME', label='BU Sales Channel Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=576, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_AC20', label='BU Region', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=624, formattedLength=3, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_AC20_UDC', label='BU Region Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=632, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_CO', label='BU Company', length=7, rType='CHAR', offset=680, formattedLength=5, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_CO_NAME', label='BU Company Name', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=688, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC04_SCD', label='Price condition group code (SCD)', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=736, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC04_SCD_UDC', label='Price condition group code Description (SCD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=744, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC04_SCD_KAM', label='Price condition group key accountmanager', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=792, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC03', label='Sales Person', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=840, formattedLength=3, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC03_UDC', label='Sales Person Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=848, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC03_AUTH', label='Sales Person SAS Authorization', length=15, rType='CHAR', offset=896, formattedLength=10, format='$', nfl=10, nfd=0}, {name='SDLITM', label='2nd Item Number', length=37, rType='CHAR', offset=912, formattedLength=25, format='$', nfl=25, nfd=0}, {name='IMDSC1', label='Description (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=952, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='IMDSC2', label='Description - Line 2 (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1000, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC23', label='Customer Segment', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=1048, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC23_UDC', label='Customer Segment Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1056, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP1', label='Sales Catalog Section (MD)', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=1104, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP1_UDC', label='Sales Catalog Section Description (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1112, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP2', label='Sub Section (MD)', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=1160, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP2_UDC', label='Sub Section Description (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1168, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP6', label='Category Code 6', length=9, rType='CHAR', offset=1216, formattedLength=6, format='$', nfl=6, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP6_UDC', label='Category Code 6 Description (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1232, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='SDITM', label='Item Number - Short', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=1280, formattedLength=8, format='F', nfl=8, nfd=0}, {name='I1$DSSB', label='Description Supplier/Brand', length=75, rType='CHAR', offset=1288, formattedLength=50, form
2021-02-22T13:06:04,643 INFO [00000007] cas localhost 60567 cas 498145 [cas.c:1801] - Starting Cloud Analytic Services driver, host=xxxxxxx, id=0, role=session controller.
2021-02-22T13:06:04,646 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcsesinst.c:725] - Successfully created session 06f66b79-9d74-2343-8fe7-756f37a3d647.
2021-02-22T13:06:04,648 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkhttpserver.c:1293] - Starting HTTP server 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', minPort=0 maxPort=0
2021-02-22T13:06:04,648 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkhttpserver.c:1376] - HTTP Server 'xxxxxxxxxx' listening on port 35849.
2021-02-22T13:06:04,650 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [cashttp.c:1783] - HTTP server is authenticating connections.
2021-02-22T13:06:04,650 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [cashttp.c:1830] - HTTP server listening on HTTPS port 35849.
2021-02-22T13:06:05,140 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action sessionProp.setFmtSearch / fmtLibNames={'SASSuppliedFormats'};
2021-02-22T13:06:05,140 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'setFmtSearch' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T13:06:05,141 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action sessionProp.getSessOpt / name='caslib';
2021-02-22T13:06:05,141 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'getSessOpt' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T13:06:05,141 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action sessionProp.getSessOpt / name='nWorkers';
2021-02-22T13:06:05,142 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'getSessOpt' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T13:06:05,142 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action session.sessionName / name='CASAUTO';
2021-02-22T13:06:05,143 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'sessionname' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T13:06:05,144 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action builtins.about;
2021-02-22T13:06:05,144 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasalic.c:465] - Opening license file '/opt/sas/viya/config/etc/cas/default/sas_license.txt'.
2021-02-22T13:06:05,145 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'builtins.about' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T13:06:05,146 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.caslibInfo / caslib='SASDATA';
2021-02-22T13:06:05,147 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'table.caslibInfo' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T13:06:05,149 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.dropTable / name='CAS_SALES_AGG_2', caslib='SASData', quiet=true;
2021-02-22T13:06:05,149 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcastabi.c:2586] - Removed global table CAS_SALES_AGG_2 from caslib SASData.
2021-02-22T13:06:05,150 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'dropTable' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T13:06:05,152 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.dropTable / name='CAS_SALES_AGG_2', caslib='SASData', quiet=true;
2021-02-22T13:06:05,152 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcastabi.c:2586] - Removed global table CAS_SALES_AGG_2 from caslib SASData.
2021-02-22T13:06:05,152 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'dropTable' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T13:06:05,154 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.deleteSource / source='CAS_SALES_AGG_2.sashdat', caslib='SASData', quiet=true;
2021-02-22T13:06:05,155 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'deleteSource' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T13:06:05,161 INFO [00000007] cas local 60567 cas 498145 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.addTable / table='CAS_SALES_AGG_2', caslib='SASData', vars={{name='_SOURCE', label='Source', length=12, rType='CHAR', offset=0, formattedLength=8, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SDAN8', label='Customer', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=16, formattedLength=8, format='F', nfl=8, nfd=0}, {name='SDAN8_NAME', label='Customer Name', length=60, rType='CHAR', offset=24, formattedLength=40, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SDSHAN', label='Ship To', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=88, formattedLength=8, format='F', nfl=8, nfd=0}, {name='SDSHAN_NAME', label='Ship To Name', length=60, rType='CHAR', offset=96, formattedLength=40, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='_MONTH', label='Month', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=160, formattedLength=12, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='_YEAR', label='Year', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=168, formattedLength=12, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='_MONTH_NAME', label='Month name', length=15, rType='CHAR', offset=176, formattedLength=10, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SDSOQS', label='Quantity Shipped', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=192, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=0}, {name='SDSOQS_CUR', label='Quantity Shipped - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=200, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDSOQS_PREV', label='Quantity Shipped - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=208, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDSOQS_PREV_PREV', label='Quantity Shipped - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=216, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDAEXP', label='Gross Sales', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=224, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_GROSS_SALES_CUR', label='Gross Sales - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=232, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_GROSS_SALES_PREV', label='Gross Sales - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=240, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_GROSS_SALES_PREV_PREV', label='Gross Sales - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=248, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDECST_GROSS_COST', label='Gross Cost', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=256, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDECST_GROSS_COST_CUR', label='Gross Cost - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=264, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDECST_GROSS_COST_PREV', label='Gross Cost - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=272, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDECST_GROSS_COST_PREV_PREV', label='Gross Cost - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=280, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDRCD', label='Reason Code', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=288, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='SDRCD_UDC', label='Reason Code Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=296, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SHTKBY', label='Order Taken By', length=15, rType='CHAR', offset=344, formattedLength=10, format='$', nfl=10, nfd=0}, {name='SHURRF', label='User Reserved Reference', length=15, rType='CHAR', offset=360, formattedLength=10, format='$', nfl=10, nfd=0}, {name='SHURRF_UDC', label='User Reserved Reference Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=376, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SHIR01', label='Integration Reference 01', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=424, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='_PRC_NET_SALES', label='Net Sales', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=472, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_SALES_CUR', label='Net Sales - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=480, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_SALES_PREV', label='Net Sales - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=488, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_SALES_PREV_PREV', label='Net Sales - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=496, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_COST', label='Net Cost', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=504, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_COST_CUR', label='Net Cost - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=512, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_COST_PREV', label='Net Cost - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=520, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_COST_PREV_PREV', label='Net Cost - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=528, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SCHNL', label='Sales Channel', length=24, rType='CHAR', offset=536, formattedLength=16, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_SCHNL', label='BU Sales Channel', length=10, rType='CHAR', offset=560, formattedLength=7, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_SCHNL_NAME', label='BU Sales Channel Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=576, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_AC20', label='BU Region', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=624, formattedLength=3, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_AC20_UDC', label='BU Region Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=632, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_CO', label='BU Company', length=7, rType='CHAR', offset=680, formattedLength=5, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_CO_NAME', label='BU Company Name', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=688, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC04_SCD', label='Price condition group code (SCD)', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=736, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC04_SCD_UDC', label='Price condition group code Description (SCD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=744, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC04_SCD_KAM', label='Price condition group key accountmanager', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=792, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC03', label='Sales Person', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=840, formattedLength=3, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC03_UDC', label='Sales Person Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=848, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC03_AUTH', label='Sales Person SAS Authorization', length=15, rType='CHAR', offset=896, formattedLength=10, format='$', nfl=10, nfd=0}, {name='SDLITM', label='2nd Item Number', length=37, rType='CHAR', offset=912, formattedLength=25, format='$', nfl=25, nfd=0}, {name='IMDSC1', label='Description (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=952, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='IMDSC2', label='Description - Line 2 (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1000, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC23', label='Customer Segment', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=1048, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC23_UDC', label='Customer Segment Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1056, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP1', label='Sales Catalog Section (MD)', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=1104, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP1_UDC', label='Sales Catalog Section Description (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1112, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP2', label='Sub Section (MD)', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=1160, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP2_UDC', label='Sub Section Description (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1168, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP6', label='Category Code 6', length=9, rType='CHAR', offset=1216, formattedLength=6, format='$', nfl=6, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP6_UDC', label='Category Code 6 Description (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1232, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='SDITM', label='Item Number - Short', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=1280, formattedLength=8, format='F', nfl=8, nfd=0}, {name='I1$DSSB', label='Description Supplier/Brand', length=75, rType='CHAR', offset=1288, formattedLength=50, form
I don't find error's om specific time when I run the code.
Are you sure that is everything? I do not see any attempts to save an in-memory table.
Here are some more lines of the log, ut i don't see a related:
2021-02-22T11:03:53,980 INFO [00000007] cas localhost 15111 cas 492096 [cas.c:1801] - Starting Cloud Analytic Services driver, host=XXXXX, id=0, role=session controller.
2021-02-22T11:03:53,982 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcsesinst.c:725] - Successfully created session 10a14c02-1cbc-9e4b-aa3d-73f1957e946b.
2021-02-22T11:03:53,983 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkhttpserver.c:1293] - Starting HTTP server 'XXXXX', minPort=0 maxPort=0
2021-02-22T11:03:53,984 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkhttpserver.c:1376] - HTTP Server '' listening on port 35120.
2021-02-22T11:03:53,986 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [cashttp.c:1783] - HTTP server is authenticating connections.
2021-02-22T11:03:53,986 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [cashttp.c:1830] - HTTP server listening on HTTPS port 35120.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,379 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action sessionProp.setFmtSearch / fmtLibNames={'SASSuppliedFormats'};
2021-02-22T11:03:54,379 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'setFmtSearch' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,379 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action sessionProp.getSessOpt / name='caslib';
2021-02-22T11:03:54,379 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'getSessOpt' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,381 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action sessionProp.getSessOpt / name='nWorkers';
2021-02-22T11:03:54,381 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'getSessOpt' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,382 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action session.sessionName / name='CAS_MARLO';
2021-02-22T11:03:54,382 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'sessionname' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,383 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action builtins.about;
2021-02-22T11:03:54,383 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasalic.c:465] - Opening license file '/opt/sas/viya/config/etc/cas/default/sas_license.txt'.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,384 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'builtins.about' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,385 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.caslibInfo / caslib='SASDATA';
2021-02-22T11:03:54,386 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'table.caslibInfo' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,388 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.dropTable / name='CAS_SALES_AGG_2', caslib='SASData', quiet=true;
2021-02-22T11:03:54,388 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcastabi.c:2586] - Removed global table CAS_SALES_AGG_2 from caslib SASData.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,388 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'dropTable' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,390 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.dropTable / name='CAS_SALES_AGG_2', caslib='SASData', quiet=true;
2021-02-22T11:03:54,391 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcastabi.c:2586] - Removed global table CAS_SALES_AGG_2 from caslib SASData.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,391 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'dropTable' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,393 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.deleteSource / source='CAS_SALES_AGG_2.sashdat', caslib='SASData', quiet=true;
2021-02-22T11:03:54,393 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'deleteSource' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:03:54,399 INFO [00000007] cas local 15111 cas 492096 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action table.addTable / table='CAS_SALES_AGG_2', caslib='SASData', vars={{name='_SOURCE', label='Source', length=12, rType='CHAR', offset=0, formattedLength=8, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SDAN8', label='Customer', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=16, formattedLength=8, format='F', nfl=8, nfd=0}, {name='SDAN8_NAME', label='Customer Name', length=60, rType='CHAR', offset=24, formattedLength=40, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SDSHAN', label='Ship To', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=88, formattedLength=8, format='F', nfl=8, nfd=0}, {name='SDSHAN_NAME', label='Ship To Name', length=60, rType='CHAR', offset=96, formattedLength=40, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='_MONTH', label='Month', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=160, formattedLength=12, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='_YEAR', label='Year', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=168, formattedLength=12, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='_MONTH_NAME', label='Month name', length=15, rType='CHAR', offset=176, formattedLength=10, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SDSOQS', label='Quantity Shipped', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=192, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=0}, {name='SDSOQS_CUR', label='Quantity Shipped - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=200, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDSOQS_PREV', label='Quantity Shipped - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=208, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDSOQS_PREV_PREV', label='Quantity Shipped - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=216, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDAEXP', label='Gross Sales', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=224, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_GROSS_SALES_CUR', label='Gross Sales - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=232, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_GROSS_SALES_PREV', label='Gross Sales - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=240, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_GROSS_SALES_PREV_PREV', label='Gross Sales - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=248, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDECST_GROSS_COST', label='Gross Cost', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=256, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDECST_GROSS_COST_CUR', label='Gross Cost - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=264, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDECST_GROSS_COST_PREV', label='Gross Cost - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=272, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDECST_GROSS_COST_PREV_PREV', label='Gross Cost - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=280, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SDRCD', label='Reason Code', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=288, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='SDRCD_UDC', label='Reason Code Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=296, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SHTKBY', label='Order Taken By', length=15, rType='CHAR', offset=344, formattedLength=10, format='$', nfl=10, nfd=0}, {name='SHURRF', label='User Reserved Reference', length=15, rType='CHAR', offset=360, formattedLength=10, format='$', nfl=10, nfd=0}, {name='SHURRF_UDC', label='User Reserved Reference Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=376, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='SHIR01', label='Integration Reference 01', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=424, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='_PRC_NET_SALES', label='Net Sales', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=472, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_SALES_CUR', label='Net Sales - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=480, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_SALES_PREV', label='Net Sales - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=488, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_SALES_PREV_PREV', label='Net Sales - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=496, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_COST', label='Net Cost', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=504, formattedLength=15, format='F', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_COST_CUR', label='Net Cost - Current', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=512, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_COST_PREV', label='Net Cost - Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=520, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='_PRC_NET_COST_PREV_PREV', label='Net Cost - Previous Previous', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=528, formattedLength=15, format='COMMA', nfl=15, nfd=2}, {name='SCHNL', label='Sales Channel', length=24, rType='CHAR', offset=536, formattedLength=16, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_SCHNL', label='BU Sales Channel', length=10, rType='CHAR', offset=560, formattedLength=7, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_SCHNL_NAME', label='BU Sales Channel Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=576, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_AC20', label='BU Region', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=624, formattedLength=3, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_AC20_UDC', label='BU Region Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=632, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_CO', label='BU Company', length=7, rType='CHAR', offset=680, formattedLength=5, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='BU_CO_NAME', label='BU Company Name', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=688, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC04_SCD', label='Price condition group code (SCD)', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=736, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC04_SCD_UDC', label='Price condition group code Description (SCD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=744, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC04_SCD_KAM', label='Price condition group key accountmanager', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=792, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC03', label='Sales Person', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=840, formattedLength=3, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC03_UDC', label='Sales Person Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=848, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC03_AUTH', label='Sales Person SAS Authorization', length=15, rType='CHAR', offset=896, formattedLength=10, format='$', nfl=10, nfd=0}, {name='SDLITM', label='2nd Item Number', length=37, rType='CHAR', offset=912, formattedLength=25, format='$', nfl=25, nfd=0}, {name='IMDSC1', label='Description (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=952, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='IMDSC2', label='Description - Line 2 (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1000, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC23', label='Customer Segment', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=1048, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='AIAC23_UDC', label='Customer Segment Description', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1056, formattedLength=30, nfl=0, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP1', label='Sales Catalog Section (MD)', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=1104, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP1_UDC', label='Sales Catalog Section Description (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1112, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP2', label='Sub Section (MD)', length=4, rType='CHAR', offset=1160, formattedLength=3, format='$', nfl=3, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP2_UDC', label='Sub Section Description (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1168, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP6', label='Category Code 6', length=9, rType='CHAR', offset=1216, formattedLength=6, format='$', nfl=6, nfd=0}, {name='IMSRP6_UDC', label='Category Code 6 Description (MD)', length=45, rType='CHAR', offset=1232, formattedLength=30, format='$', nfl=30, nfd=0}, {name='SDITM', label='Item Number - Short', length=8, rType='NUMERIC', offset=1280, formattedLength=8, format='F', nfl=8, nfd=0}, {name='I1$DSSB', label='Description Supplier/Brand', length=75, rType='CHAR', offset=1288, formattedLength=50, form
2021-02-22T11:03:57,067 INFO [00000007] cas localhost 6301 sas.reportImages 489837 [tkcsesinst.c:810] - Destroying session 9ec2521f-af20-6745-9e47-98d9cb7bfd65.
2021-02-22T11:03:57,272 INFO [05179961] sas.reportImages local MAIN NoUser [tkcsesinst.c:810] - Destroying session 9ec2521f-af20-6745-9e47-98d9cb7bfd65.
2021-02-22T11:03:57,762 INFO [00000007] cas localhost 6202 sas.reportImages 489833 [tkcsesinst.c:810] - Destroying session e22ca1fa-8490-db49-a660-ad072431a8ae.
2021-02-22T11:03:57,774 INFO [05179948] sas.reportImages local MAIN NoUser [tkcsesinst.c:810] - Destroying session e22ca1fa-8490-db49-a660-ad072431a8ae.
2021-02-22T11:04:06,288 INFO [00000007] cas localhost 8805 sas.reportImages 489854 [tkcsesinst.c:810] - Destroying session 4253d99c-aa78-5147-85a4-ab3340d97534.
2021-02-22T11:04:06,535 INFO [05180048] sas.reportImages local MAIN NoUser [tkcsesinst.c:810] - Destroying session 4253d99c-aa78-5147-85a4-ab3340d97534.
2021-02-22T11:04:06,686 INFO [00000007] cas localhost 9169 sas.reportImages 489864 [tkcsesinst.c:810] - Destroying session 8306774b-f938-0e4a-b754-ac3f39e34498.
2021-02-22T11:04:06,784 INFO [05180096] sas.reportImages local MAIN NoUser [tkcsesinst.c:810] - Destroying session 8306774b-f938-0e4a-b754-ac3f39e34498.
2021-02-22T11:04:06,990 INFO [00000007] cas localhost 8605 sas.reportImages 489852 [tkcsesinst.c:810] - Destroying session fb836563-7d01-b84b-95de-8658eabc38b7.
2021-02-22T11:04:07,034 INFO [05180014] sas.reportImages local MAIN NoUser [tkcsesinst.c:810] - Destroying session fb836563-7d01-b84b-95de-8658eabc38b7.
2021-02-22T11:04:20,665 INFO [00000007] cas local 3561 VEVJH 491253 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action session.endSession;
2021-02-22T11:04:20,665 INFO [00000007] cas local 3561 VEVJH 491253 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'session.endSession' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:04:20,667 INFO [00000007] cas local 3446 VEVJH 491249 [tkcasaimp.c:4250] - ++ action session.endSession;
2021-02-22T11:04:20,667 INFO [00000007] cas local 3446 VEVJH 491249 [tkcasaimp.c:6105] - -- 'session.endSession' SUCCESSFUL.
2021-02-22T11:04:20,667 INFO [00000007] cas localhost 3561 VEVJH 491253 [tkcsesinst.c:810] - Destroying session 37f9d75f-a30c-c845-8805-440a1ad078ac.
2021-02-22T11:04:20,669 INFO [00000007] cas local 3446 VEVJH 491249 [tkcsesinst.c:810] - Destroying session 106677c6-37da-6c45-89a9-462e69a072dc.
Yes, those aren't related. Enable the following option in your client program:
options set=CASCLIENTDEBUG=1;
Reproduce the problem and show SAS log from the client as well as the CAS server logs (as files).
We ve restarted the sas server and now the codes is working again.
Thanks for the help!
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