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Fluorite | Level 6

Good morning all. I'm an experienced SAS user/programmer, but new to Viya.


I'm attempting to replicate a Sankey / pathway analysis I've created using another tool, so that I can take advantage of the interactivity and ease of sharing that Viya should offer, but haven't quite managed to get it to look how I'd like.


I would like for all 'paths' to finish/converge at the last event node and for paths with fewer events/nodes, I'd like to skip the missing event nodes and go straight to the final level.


This is what I've built using the other tool. Pathway's are mapped for as many events/nodes as they have and then migrate to the final status.


Want (not from Viya).png

This is where I'm up to with Viya at the moment. It seems that paths either end wherever they end, so I end up with the final 'status' of the pathway on multiple event levels, depending on how many events each pathway had, or I need to create 'dummy' events in order to get all the pathways to tie up with a final status.

Have (from Viya).png

Is there an option I'm missing in order to 'hide' or skip missing events from the graph, or can this not be done?





Fluorite | Level 6

I realize this is an old post but I'm seeking the same type of assistance.  I cannot format the Sankey in Viya in a way that can closely mimic other program outputs.  I'd love to know if anyone can provide more information if they've had success with this.  Thanks!