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Obsidian | Level 7

There is very little documentation that I can find on how to connect the Azure marketplace SAS Viya (Pay-as-you-go) with the Azure SQL within the same subscription.

Please could someone share the steps required.

Fluorite | Level 6
I am stuck on this too, did you solve this issue? @rich_sas
Obsidian | Level 7

Hello @eastChase,


We were able to connect using the following:


1. Enable SQL Server Authentication on the database. Noting to keep the DB credentials safe.

2. Create the odbc.ini file within /export/<path>/data/db on the NFS server.

3. Within the standard variables of the odbc.ini, we found that these worked:


4. Update the odbc.ini variable in the Kubernetes ConfigMap so that SAS knows about the new odbc.ini file that is on the JUMP server.

kubectl -n <name> edit configmap sas-access-config-<uid>

This will open up an editor to map change to the configMap.

5. This may take a few minutes to take effect.


I hope this helps.

SAS Employee

Below are the steps for connecting to Azure SQL server:

1. In the odbc.ini file that is located in the jump vm of the deployment (/viya-share/access-clients/odbc/odbc.ini), under section [ODBC Data Sources] section, add the bold font for Azure Synapse. Then add the block for Azure synapse [SQL Server Wire Protocol - Azure Synapse/SSL Enabled Example].


[ODBC Data Sources]
SQL Server Legacy Wire Protocol=SAS ACCESS to MS SQL Server Legacy
SQL Server Wire Protocol=SAS ACCESS to MS SQL Server
Amazon RedShift Wire Protocol=SAS ACCESS to Amazon Redshift
Greenplum Wire Protocol=SAS ACCESS to Greenplum
SQL Server Wire Protocol - Azure Synapse/SSL Enabled Example=SAS ACCESS to MS SQL Server

[SQL Server Wire Protocol - Azure Synapse/SSL Enabled Example] Driver=/opt/sas/viya/home/lib64/accessclients/lib/ Description=SAS Institute, Inc 8.0 SQL Server Wire Protocol AEKeyCacheTTL=-1 AEKeystorePrincipalId= AEKeystoreClientSecret= AlternateServers= AlwaysReportTriggerResults=0 AnsiNPW=1 ApplicationIntent=0 ApplicationName= ApplicationUsingThreads=1 AuthenticationMethod=1 BulkBinaryThreshold=32 BulkCharacterThreshold=-1 BulkLoadBatchSize=1024 BulkLoadFieldDelimiter= BulkLoadOptions=2 BulkLoadRecordDelimiter= BulkLoadThreshold=2 ColumnEncryption=Disabled ConnectionReset=0 ConnectionRetryCount=0 ConnectionRetryDelay=3 CryptoProtocolVersion=TLSV1,TLSV1.1,TLSV1.2 Database= Domain= EnableBulkLoad=0 EnableQuotedIdentifiers=0 EnableServerSideCursors=1 EnableScrollableCursors=4 EncryptionMethod=1 FailoverGranularity=0 FailoverMode=0 FailoverPreconnect=0 FetchTSWTZasTimestamp=0 FetchTWFSasTime=1 GSSClient=native HostName=<SQL_Server_host> HostNameInCertificate= #IANAAppCodePage= InitializationString= KeepAlive=0 Language= LoadBalanceTimeout=0 LoadBalancing=0 LoginTimeout=15 LogonID= MaxPoolSize=100 MinPoolSize=0 MultiSubnetFailover=0 PacketSize=-1 Pooling=0 PortNumber=<SQL_Server_server_port> PRNGSeedFile=/dev/random PRNGSeedSource=0 ProxyHost= ProxyMode=0 ProxyPassword= ProxyPort= ProxyUser= QueryTimeout=0 ReportCodepageConversionErrors=0 SnapshotSerializable=0 TrustStore= TrustStorePassword= ValidateServerCertificate=1 WorkStationID= XMLDescribeType=-10 SSLLibName=/usr/lib64/ CryptoLibName=/usr/lib64/

2. In Azure portal for SQL server, make sql db accesible to all azure services as shown below. 



3. Make sure there is a sql database exists in the SQL server created, else create a new database. 


4. In the libname statement, use these options:


libname paygsql sqlsvr noprompt="DRIVER=SAS ACCESS to MS SQL Server;;

With these steps, the connection to Azure SQL server is successful. Please let us know if you have further questions.