Hello All,
Suddenly eSri Map Services are stopped showing on SAS VIYA and all existing dashboard maps are configured with OpenStreet.
Any quick suggestions to check on the application please?
Has there been any changes in network configuration recently? Esri map services are received from https://services.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services. Typically if SAS Visual Analytics falls back to default OpenStreetMap - it indicates a network issue connecting to this URL. Sometimes firewall changes for instance could prevent access. You may also ask your SAS administrator to check whether the above URL is still listed in the white list as part of the cross-domain configuration (should be default). You can find more details about related configuration options in the admin doc: https://go.documentation.sas.com/?docsetId=calcld&docsetTarget=n04003sascloudfoundry00admin.htm&docs...
Hope this helps. Regards, Falko
Have you maybe declined the Esri terms and conditions in user settings? Can you open the user settings and navigate to SAS Visual Analytics -> Geographic Mapping? It should have a check box next to the 'Accept Esri ArcGIS Online Services T&C'.
If this doesn't help - let's try something else. Can you open SAS Visual Analytics in Chrome and open the Chrome developer tools (F12 on Win)? With the developer tools open - open the network tab and type in 'services.arcgis' in the top filter box (makes it easier to find the related requests). Once VA is fully loaded - you should see a few related requests. Each of those should have a status 200 - but I suspect it isn't in your case. If you see something else - you can click on the related request and may be able to see some more details on why it failed.
If this all doesn't help - you may have to get in touch with SAS Technical Support. I suspect they have more ideas on how to debug this further.
Cheers, Falko
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