My Aggregated post-manipulation data looks like this:
<please see attachment>
There and thousands of customers, multiple products, 60 + months. Profit is calculated using a complex formula.
I want to plot the return using bar-chart/ Histogram and have a list control on the side as a filter so that check a check box provides me that specific product. If I select multiple Product types in the list control. SAS-VA will sum (aggregate it). But since net profit is a %. The sum of % will not make any sense. I can calculate % for all product type combinations in the ETL:
<please see attachment>
Is there any way that I can create a functionality where I select multiple product type say X and Y in list-control and (by using a parameter or something else) the bar chart shows me 13% as compared to 15% (which will be summing up 2 returns) ?