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Calcite | Level 5


How to get data labels for all bars if i select grouping style is stack.




Barite | Level 11
SAS: Stacked Vertical Bar chart(histogram) with bar segmants labeled

for sqgplot see

inspired by

HAVE DATA and Format

Up to 40 obs from bargrf total obs=9

Obs    substatus    frequency    statusdes                   des

 1     BBB01          6.0005       New Students        PreK 3(1.8%)
 2     BBB11         37.0010       New Students        1st 37(22.3%)
 3     BBB21         11.0015       New Students        2nd 11(6.6%)
 4     BBB31         13.0020       New Students        3rd 13(7.8%)
 5     BBB41         13.0025       New Students        4th 13(7.8%)
 6     EEE16_40       4.0035        OutOfDistrict      1st-8th 1(0.6%)
 7     EEE1_15       12.0040        OutOfDistrict      2nd-8th 12(7.2%)
 8     ALLCHA        33.0030         Local Students    All 33(19.9%)
 9     ALLNA         43.0045          N/A              All 43(25.9%)

Thi sis the cntlin for proc formats

Up to 40 obs from barfmt total obs=9

Obs    fmtname    fuzz     start       end           label

 1     lbl2pnt      0      6.0005     6.0005    PreK 3(1.8%)
 2     lbl2pnt      0     37.0010    37.0010    1st 37(22.3%)
 3     lbl2pnt      0     11.0015    11.0015    2nd 11(6.6%)
 4     lbl2pnt      0     13.0020    13.0020    3rd 13(7.8%)
 5     lbl2pnt      0     13.0025    13.0025    4th 13(7.8%)
 6     lbl2pnt      0      4.0035     4.0035    1st-8th 1(0.6%)
 7     lbl2pnt      0     12.0040    12.0040    2nd-8th 12(7.2%)
 8     lbl2pnt      0     33.0030    33.0030    All 33(19.9%)
 9     lbl2pnt      0     43.0045    43.0045    All 43(25.9%)

WANT (example not the data)

frequency Sum

   |       BBBBBBB
   |       B     B
   |       B 28  B
20 +       B     B
   |       B     B       BBBBBBB
   |       BBBBBBB       B     B
   |       AAAAAAA       B 15  B
   |       A     A       B     B
10 +       A     A       B     B
   |       A 13  A       BBBBBBB
   |       A     A       AAAAAAA
   |       A     A       A 5   A
   |       AAAAAAA       AAAAAAA

       New Students  Out of District

Symbol substatus     Symbol substatus

   A   1st Grade           B  1nd Grade


proc sgplot data=bargrf noautolegend ;
vbar statusdes/group=substatus  response=frequency seglabel
      seglabelattrs=(family="Arial" size=12pt)  seglabelformat=lbl2pnt.;


* macro on end;
proc datasets lib=work kill;

%let outpdf01=d:/pdf/bargrf.pdf;

options orientation=landscape validvarname=v7;

ods listing close;
ods pdf close;
ods path work.templat(update) sasuser.templat(update) sashelp.tmplmst(read);
ods noptitle;
ods escapechar='^';
ods listing close;
ods graphics on / width=10in  height=7in ;
ods pdf file="&outpdf01." style=utl_pielan100 notoc;

proc sql;
create table bargrf(substatus varchar(10), frequency float,
  statusdes varchar(18), des varchar(24));
Insert into bargrf(substatus, frequency, statusdes, des)
Values('BBB01', 6.0005, '  New Students', 'PreK 3(1.8%)');
Insert into bargrf(substatus, frequency, statusdes, des)
Values('BBB11', 37.001, '  New Students', '1st 37(22.3%)');
Insert into bargrf(substatus, frequency, statusdes, des)
Values('BBB21', 11.0015, '  New Students', '2nd 11(6.6%)');
Insert into bargrf(substatus, frequency, statusdes, des)
Values('BBB31', 13.002, '  New Students', '3rd 13(7.8%)');
Insert into bargrf(substatus, frequency, statusdes, des)
Values('BBB41', 13.0025, '  New Students', '4th 13(7.8%)');
Insert into bargrf(substatus, frequency, statusdes, des)
Values('EEE16_40', 4.0035, '   OutOfDistrict', '1st-8th 1(0.6%)');
Insert into bargrf(substatus, frequency, statusdes, des)
Values('EEE1_15', 12.004, '   OutOfDistrict', '2nd-8th 12(7.2%)');
Insert into bargrf(substatus, frequency, statusdes, des)
Values('ALLCHA', 33.003, '    Local Students', 'All 33(19.9%)');
Insert into bargrf(substatus, frequency, statusdes, des)
Values('ALLNA', 43.0045, '     N/A', 'All 43(25.9%)');

data barfmt;
 retain fmtname "lbl2pnt" fuzz 1e-10;
 set bargrf;
 keep fmtname fuzz start end label;

proc format cntlin=barfmt;

* output the graph;
proc sgplot data=bargrf noautolegend ;
title "Minority Percentages for Local Schoold(fake data)";
vbar statusdes/group=substatus  response=frequency seglabel
      seglabelattrs=(family="Arial" size=12pt)  seglabelformat=lbl2pnt.;
yaxis labelattrs=(size=15pt) valueattrs=(size=13pt)
      label="Number of Students"  DISCRETEORDER=Data;;
xaxis labelattrs=(size=12pt) valueattrs=(size=12pt) display=(nolabel) ;

ods graphics off;
ods pdf close;
ods listing;

%Macro utl_pielan100
      ,cellpadding = 2pt
      ,cellspacing = .2pt
      ,borderwidth = .2pt
    ) /  Des="SAS PDF Template for PDF";

ods path work.templat(update) sasuser.templat(update) sashelp.tmplmst(read);

Proc Template;

   define style &Style;

        replace body from Document /

               topmargin   =&topmargin
               rightmargin =&rightmargin
               leftmargin  =&leftmargin

        replace color_list /
              'link' = blue
               'bgH'  = _undef_
               'fg'  = black
               'bg'   = _undef_;

        replace fonts /
               'TitleFont2'           = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&titlefont,Bold)
               'TitleFont'            = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&titlefont,Bold)

               'HeadingFont'          = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&titlefont)
               'HeadingEmphasisFont'  = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&titlefont,Italic)

               'StrongFont'           = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&titlefont,Bold)
               'EmphasisFont'         = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&titlefont,Italic)

               'FixedFont'            = ("Courier New, Courier",&fixedfont)
               'FixedEmphasisFont'    = ("Courier New, Courier",&fixedfont,Italic)
               'FixedStrongFont'      = ("Courier New, Courier",&fixedfont,Bold)
               'FixedHeadingFont'     = ("Courier New, Courier",&fixedfont,Bold)
               'BatchFixedFont'       = ("Courier New, Courier",&fixedfont)

               'docFont'              = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&docfont)

               'FootFont'             = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv", 9pt)
               'StrongFootFont'       = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",8pt,Bold)
               'EmphasisFootFont'     = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",8pt,Italic)
               'FixedFootFont'        = ("Courier New, Courier",8pt)
               'FixedEmphasisFootFont'= ("Courier New, Courier",8pt,Italic)
               'FixedStrongFootFont'  = ("Courier New, Courier",7pt,Bold);

        replace GraphFonts /
               'GraphDataFont'        = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&fixedfont)
               'GraphValueFont'       = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&fixedfont)
               'GraphLabelFont'       = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&fixedfont,Bold)
               'GraphFootnoteFont'    = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",8pt)
               'GraphTitleFont'       = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&titlefont,Bold)
               'GraphAnnoFont'        = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&fixedfont)
               'GraphUnicodeFont'     = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&fixedfont)
               'GraphLabel2Font'      = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&fixedfont)
               'GraphTitle1Font'      = ("Arial, Helvetica, Helv",&fixedfont);

        style Graph from Output/
                outputwidth = 100% ;

        style table from table /

                background = colors('tablebg')
                cellheight  = &cellheight
                cellpadding = &cellpadding
                cellspacing = &cellspacing
                bordercolor = colors('tableborder')
                borderwidth = &borderwidth;

         replace Footer from HeadersAndFooters

                / font = fonts('FootFont')  just=left asis=on protectspecialchars=off ;

                replace FooterFixed from Footer
                / font = fonts('FixedFootFont')  just=left asis=on protectspecialchars=off;

                replace FooterEmpty from Footer
                / font = fonts('FootFont')  just=left asis=on protectspecialchars=off;

                replace FooterEmphasis from Footer
                / font = fonts('EmphasisFootFont')  just=left asis=on protectspecialchars=off;

                replace FooterEmphasisFixed from FooterEmphasis
                / font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFootFont')  just=left asis=on protectspecialchars=off;

                replace FooterStrong from Footer
                / font = fonts('StrongFootFont')  just=left asis=on protectspecialchars=off;

                replace FooterStrongFixed from FooterStrong
                / font = fonts('FixedStrongFootFont')  just=left asis=on protectspecialchars=off;

                replace RowFooter from Footer
                / font = fonts('FootFont')  asis=on protectspecialchars=off just=left;

                replace RowFooterFixed from RowFooter
                / font = fonts('FixedFootFont')  just=left asis=on protectspecialchars=off;

                replace RowFooterEmpty from RowFooter
                / font = fonts('FootFont')  just=left asis=on protectspecialchars=off;

                replace RowFooterEmphasis from RowFooter
                / font = fonts('EmphasisFootFont')  just=left asis=on protectspecialchars=off;

                replace RowFooterEmphasisFixed from RowFooterEmphasis
                / font = fonts('FixedEmphasisFootFont')  just=left asis=on protectspecialchars=off;

                replace RowFooterStrong from RowFooter
                / font = fonts('StrongFootFont')  just=left asis=on protectspecialchars=off;

                replace RowFooterStrongFixed from RowFooterStrong
                / font = fonts('FixedStrongFootFont')  just=left asis=on protectspecialchars=off;

                replace SystemFooter from TitlesAndFooters / asis=on
                        protectspecialchars=off just=left;

%Mend utl_pielan100;

Example histogram

proc sql;
create table bargrf(substatus varchar(10), frequency float,
  statusdes varchar(18), des varchar(24));
Insert into bargrf(substatus, frequency, statusdes, des)
Values('BB1', 13.002, 'New Students', '3rd 13(7.8%)');
Insert into bargrf(substatus, frequency, statusdes, des)
Values('BB2', 13.0025, 'New Students', '4th 13(7.8%)');
Insert into bargrf(substatus, frequency, statusdes, des)
Values('BB1', 4.0035, 'OutOfDistrict', '1st-8th 1(0.6%)');
Insert into bargrf(substatus, frequency, statusdes, des)
Values('BB2', 12.004, 'OutOfDistrict', '2nd-8th 12(7.2%)');

proc chart data=bargrf ;
  vbar statusdes/ sumvar=frequency subgroup=substatus;


Recent releases of PROC SGPLOT support the SEGLABEL option on the VBAR statement.  By default, labels are "thinned" if a bar is extremely small, but you can use SEGLABELFITPOLIFY=NONE to force labels for all bars:


proc sgplot;
vbar type / group=origin groupdisplay=stack
            seglabel seglabelfitpolicy=none;
Barite | Level 11

If you don't have a new enough version of SAS to use SEGLABEL, there are several options - annotate, GTL, High-Low plots, etc.


I cover some in my paper Labelling Without the Hassle:

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