As you ask within the Visual Analytics theme, I would suggest that you cannot do in VA at least without preparing beforehand the density of the distrubution or kernel function you want to display.
This one should get you started, it's a SAS Studio code solution.
data kms;
do kms=0 to 200000 by 10000;
/* ods graphics on; */
ods output UnivariateStatistics=lvs;
proc kde data=AS.COST_MATRIX;
where orig='global';
format Fecha_Aceptacion year.;
by Cobertura_Elemento;
freq invoice_acum;
univar kms / percentiles unistats ;
score data=kms out=kms_X;
ods graphics on;
proc sgpanel data=kms_x;
panelby Cobertura_Elemento / rows=3;
series x=value y=density / smoothconnect ;
band x=value lower=0 upper=density / fill group=Cobertura_Elemento;
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See how to use one filter for multiple data sources by mapping your data from SAS’ Alexandria McCall.
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