Is there a best-practice or built in feature in VA on Viya to deploy reports between "datasources" and folder-structures? I'll try to explain:
We have a DEV structure in VA containing datasource and folders. Only developers have access to this structure. When the developer is happy with his work, we would like to move the report and data to a different structure (datasources and folder) to let the testers look into the reports. Other access rights are set to this structure. The developer still needs to be able to continue developing on the report. At the end we would like to deploy the report to the production structure, where our organizations users can access it. And this structure has a different access right structure as well.
Today we are manually copying and re-applying connections between report and datasources on the way from Dev. to Prod. Luckily we only have Dev. and Prod, but when introducing a qa level we find it very useful to have some auto-features to help us in this process.
In our perfect world we would like to deploy the report and data from dev to qa, and the approved report from qa to production. The report running in our production environment is “live”, but in dev and qa we use a subset. That’s why we do not want the datasource to be the same.
Anyone have any idea how to make such a process work?