Using SAS Viya 3.05, VA 8.5.2
Experience level: Novice
Hi, and thanks for any help.
I am successfully using the method noted here to reset most filters in a VA report using a single button:
However, it doesn't seem to work for text input filters. Is there any way to apply this, or a similar solution, to a text input filter?
Ideally, I'd combine this with a CSV filter, using an approach similar to this:
The end result I'm looking for is a CSV text box (contains) filter, where the user can enter 1-20 filters, i.e.
Filter = "Toyo, Nissan, Honda, Chev"
Returns Toyota, Nissan, Honda, Chevy, Chevrolet
Which can then be reset using a button.
But if I can't achieve that, a series of text input filters will be my fallback...but I still can't seem to get text boxes to reset with the button
Code for resetting filter:
parameter: reset_all, reset_tab, reset_subtab
calc_field_1 (repeated for tab, subtab):
IF ( 'reset_all'p = NOT)
RETURN 'reset_filters'
ELSE 'resetting'
calc_field_2 (actual filter):
IF ( ( 'reset_all'n = 'reset_filters' ) OR
( 'reset_tab'n = 'reset_filters' ) OR
( 'reset_subtab'n = 'reset_filters' ) )
RETURN 'car_make'n
ELSE 'click again to reset'
Advanced Filter Code for CSV filter:
'car_make'n Contains GetWord ( 'car_make_input'n,1 ) OR
( 'car_make'n Contains GetWord ( 'car_make_input'p,2 ) AND ( GetWord ( 'car_make_input'p,2 ) NotMissing ) OR
( 'car_make'n Contains GetWord ( 'car_make_input'p,3 ) AND ( GetWord ( 'car_make_input'p,3 ) NotMissing ) OR
... to 20
This is the simplified version, there's also text tidy up stuff (UpCase, etc.) embedded as well.
WHY am I doing this, and why can't I use a different approach?
I have dashboard with a LOT of filters, spread across multiple tabs, subtabs, scrolling containers, etc. to allow the users to slice and dice many different ways. Many of the input values are narrative text and/or have numerous values, so drop downs wouldn't work. It'd be horrendous for the users to try and hunt down all the filters to manually reset them, and I want to provide the option to reset all, reset tab, reset subtab, etc.
Thanks very much!