Level up your skills with tutorials
Talented, recognized and experienced instructors will share their knowledge in a variety of pre-conference and post-conference tutorials.
These four-hour sessions cover a range of topics and skill levels and include:
Take Advantage of Public Use Datasets (PUFs) to Learn SAS Analytical, Graphical and Reporting Techniques, Analytic and Data Management Tools, and Explore Specialized Techniques
Louise S. Hadden
Advanced SAS Macro Language Techniques for Building Dynamic Programs
Josh M. Horstman
Hands-On Data-Driven Design: Developing More Flexible, Reusable, Configurable SAS Software
Troy Martin Hughes
Creating Reports in R Using the SASSY System
David J. Bosak
Advanced DATA Step Programming Techniques
Josh M. Horstman
Why You Are Using PROC GLM Too Much (and What You Should Be Using Instead) Part 1 & Part 2
Deanna Schreiber-Gregory & Peter Flom
Data Cleaning Techniques Using SAS
Kirk Paul Lafler
Professional Reporting: Beyond the Basics of PROC REPORT
Jonathan Duggin
Favorite FunKey Functions: Functions for Your Programming Toolbox
Richann Jean Watson
Advanced Topics in ODS Graphics
James Blum