This macro returns 1 if the specified directory exists, 0 if not. It takes advantage of the fact that the fexist can check for the existence of both directories and files.
%macro DirExist(dir) ; %LOCAL rc fileref return; %let rc = %sysfunc(filename(fileref,&dir)) ; %if %sysfunc(fexist(&fileref)) %then %let return=1; %else %let return=0; &return %mend DirExist; |
/* Usage */ option noxwait; /* SAS 8.2 only */ %put %DirExist(C:\Documents and Settings\); %put %DirExist(aaa); |
This tip was originally posted by Adrien Vallee on
Thats a lot of faff for what is:
%if %sysfunc(fexist("c:\temp")) %then %do;
Thanks. But that just checks if the path exists, but not whether it is really a directory or a normal file. To really test if a path is a directory I like to use this macro:
In addition to returning 1 (true) or 0 (false) it will also set SYsrc=1 to let you know that the path is a normal file instead of a directory.
%macro direxist
Test if directory exists
(path /* Name of directory to test for existance */
Test if directory exists. Returns value 1 or 0.
1 - Directory exists
0 - Directory does not exist
Global macro variable SYSRC will be set to 1 when a file is found
instead of a directory.
%local return rc did fileref;
Set up return values as normal failure to find path.
%let return=0;
%let sysrc=0;
If path is not specified or does not exist then return normal failure.
%if (%bquote(&path) = ) %then %goto quit;
%if ^%sysfunc(fileexist(&path)) %then %goto quit;
Try to open it using DOPEN function.
Return 1 if it can be opened.
Otherwise set SYsrc=1 to mean that PATH exists but is not a directory.
%if (0=%sysfunc(filename(fileref,&path))) %then %do;
%let did=%sysfunc(dopen(&fileref));
%if (&did) %then %do;
%let return=1;
%let rc=%sysfunc(dclose(&did));
%else %let sysrc=1;
%let rc=%sysfunc(filename(fileref));
Return the value as the result of the macro.
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