The title speaks for itself here. I would like to see output tables for investigative purposes but without having to go back and re-run the code that created the table to begin with. Is there a simple way to view the tables in my program?
If your processes are designed as such yes. This is the difference between a permanent and temporary data set.
Data set in WORK libraries do not exist once that session is closed. However, if you store you results in another library you can open those data sets again later as desired. So for data sets that you may want to view later, move them to the a permanent library at the end of your process.
@sastuck wrote:
The title speaks for itself here. I would like to see output tables for investigative purposes but without having to go back and re-run the code that created the table to begin with. Is there a simple way to view the tables in my program?
If your processes are designed as such yes. This is the difference between a permanent and temporary data set.
Data set in WORK libraries do not exist once that session is closed. However, if you store you results in another library you can open those data sets again later as desired. So for data sets that you may want to view later, move them to the a permanent library at the end of your process.
@sastuck wrote:
The title speaks for itself here. I would like to see output tables for investigative purposes but without having to go back and re-run the code that created the table to begin with. Is there a simple way to view the tables in my program?
If this is the case, then which line of code would you recommend I run so as to recreate the work table (?) ceo_firm2 ? Here's the program:
libname paper "~/425/425_Final_Paper";
*import compustat dataset;
PROC IMPORT out=paper.CompuStat_Execucomp
datafile="~/425/425_Final_Paper/CompuStat_Execucomp.csv" DBMS=CSV replace;
*keep only CEOs;
data paper.Compustat_ExecuComp2;
set paper.Compustat_ExecuComp;
*** extra DATA step for checking previous data step results by comparing number of records selected;
data check_CEOANN;
set paper.Compustat_ExecuComp;
if CEOANN=: 'CEO';
proc sort data=paper.Compustat_ExecuComp2;
by ticker year;
*import csrp dataset;
PROC IMPORT out=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char
datafile="~/425/425_Final_Paper/CSRP_MonthlyStock_char.csv" DBMS=CSV replace;
proc contents data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char;
*remove bad data;
data paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char2;
set paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char (rename=(ret=character_ret));
drop character_ret;
if cusip=' ' then
ret=input(character_ret, ??8.);
if ret=. then
date=input(put(date, z8.), yymmdd8.);
format date yymmdd10.;
if cusip=: '?' then
cusip=substr(cusip, 2);
proc contents data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char;
proc contents data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char2;
proc contents data=paper.multiple_CEOs;
proc sort data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char2;
by ticker year;
proc sort data=paper.Compustat_ExecuComp2;
by ticker year;
*Remove all bad years from both data sources;
data paper.Compustat_ExecuComp3;
length ticker $5;
merge paper.Compustat_ExecuComp2 paper.multiple_CEOs (keep=ticker year
by ticker year;
if had_multiple_CEOs then
data paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char3;
merge paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char2 paper.multiple_CEOs (keep=ticker year
by ticker year;
if had_multiple_CEOs then
*find additional bad data: multiple return records for the same month/year;
proc freq data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char3;
tables ticker * year * month / noprint
out=paper.multiple_returns (where=(count > 1));
*Remove all matching year data for multiple returns;
proc sort data=paper.multiple_returns out=multiple_returns (keep=ticker year)
by ticker year;
data paper.Compustat_ExecuComp4;
merge paper.Compustat_ExecuComp3 (in=keepme)
multiple_returns (in=had_multiple_returns);
by ticker year;
if keepme;
if had_multiple_returns then
data paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char4;
length ticker $5;
merge paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char3
multiple_returns (in=had_multiple_returns);
by ticker year;
if had_multiple_returns then
proc contents data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char3;
proc contents data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char4;
*create new variable annualized growth;
data paper.CSRP_annual_returns;
set paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char4;
by ticker year;
retain annual_return 1;
annual_return=annual_return * (1 + RET);
if month=12 or last.ticker;
annual_return=(annual_return - 1) * 100;
keep ticker year annual_return;
*use proc contents to see if there is a type mismatch;
proc contents data=paper.CSRP_annual_returns;
proc contents data=paper.Compustat_ExecuComp4;
*MERGE statement has more than one data set with repeats of BY values;
proc sort data=paper.CSRP_annual_returns out=paper.CSRP_annual_returns2
by ticker;
*Merge CEO data and firm data;
DATA paper.ceo_firm;
length ticker $5;
merge paper.CSRP_annual_returns2 (in=in1) paper.compustat_execucomp4 (in=in2);
by ticker;
if in1 and in2;
proc contents data=paper.ceo_firm;
proc contents data=paper.ceo_firm2;
*remove missing return data;
data paper.ceo_firm;
set paper.ceo_firm;
if annual_return=. then
proc means data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char3 n nmiss;
var ret;
proc means data=paper.Compustat_ExecuComp4 n nmiss;
var salary;
proc means data=paper.CSRP_annual_returns n nmiss;
var annual_return;
data paper.ceo_firm;
set paper.ceo_firm (rename=(BONUS=_BONUS STOCK_AWARDS=_STOCK_AWARDS));
BONUS=input(_BONUS, ?? 8.);
data paper.ceo_firm2;
set paper.ceo_firm2 (rename=(othcomp=_othcomp));
othcomp=input(_othcomp, ?? 8.);
*create dummy variable that indicates whether the firm's market value increases in a given year;
data paper.ceo_firm;
set paper.ceo_firm;
by ticker year;
if not first.ticker then
increase=(annual_return > last_return);
*create dummy variable that indicates whether the CEO is male or female;
data paper.ceo_firm;
set paper.ceo_firm;
if gender='MALE' then male=1; else male=0;
*bring variable in from other data set;
proc sql;
create table paper.ceo_firm2 as
select a.* , b.VOL
from paper.ceo_firm as a
left join
(select ticker
,sum(VOL) as VOL
from paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char4
group by ticker
) as b
on a.ticker = b.ticker and
a.year = b.year;
data is_dup;
set paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char4; /* dataset origin containing var to add VOL ? */
by ticker year;
if not (first.year and last.year);
*find duplicates: ticker/year combo;
proc freq data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char4;
tables ticker * year / noprint
out=paper.multiple_tyCSRP (where=(count > 1));
proc freq data=paper.ceo_firm;
tables ticker * year / noprint
out=paper.multiple_tyfirm (where=(count > 1));
*create variable log_salary;
data paper.ceo_firm;
set paper.ceo_firm;
if salary=0 then log_salary=0;
else log_salary=log(salary);
*create variable log_annual_return;
data paper.ceo_firm;
set paper.ceo_firm;
if annual_return=0 then log_annual_return=0;
else log_annual_return=log(annual_return);
*create variable log_bonus;
data paper.ceo_firm;
set paper.ceo_firm;
if bonus=0 then log_bonus=0;
else log_bonus=log(bonus);
*create variable log_TOTAL_SEC;
data paper.ceo_firm;
set paper.ceo_firm;
if TOTAL_SEC=0 then log_TOTAL_SEC=0;
else log_TOTAL_SEC=log(TOTAL_SEC);
*create interaction term;
data paper.ceo_firm2;
set paper.ceo_firm2;
1. Assign the library:
libname paper "~/425/425_Final_Paper";
2. Open the data set:
proc print data=paper.ceo_firm2 (obs=5);
@sastuck wrote:
If this is the case, then which line of code would you recommend I run so as to recreate the work table (?) ceo_firm2 ? Here's the program:
libname paper "~/425/425_Final_Paper"; *import compustat dataset; PROC IMPORT out=paper.CompuStat_Execucomp datafile="~/425/425_Final_Paper/CompuStat_Execucomp.csv" DBMS=CSV replace; getnames=yes; guessingrows=2000; run; *keep only CEOs; data paper.Compustat_ExecuComp2; set paper.Compustat_ExecuComp; if CEOANN='CEO'; run; *** extra DATA step for checking previous data step results by comparing number of records selected; data check_CEOANN; set paper.Compustat_ExecuComp; if CEOANN=: 'CEO'; run; proc sort data=paper.Compustat_ExecuComp2; by ticker year; run; *import csrp dataset; PROC IMPORT out=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char datafile="~/425/425_Final_Paper/CSRP_MonthlyStock_char.csv" DBMS=CSV replace; getnames=yes; guessingrows=max; run; proc contents data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char; run; *remove bad data; data paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char2; set paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char (rename=(ret=character_ret)); drop character_ret; if cusip=' ' then delete; ret=input(character_ret, ??8.); if ret=. then delete; date=input(put(date, z8.), yymmdd8.); format date yymmdd10.; year=year(date); month=month(date); if cusip=: '?' then cusip=substr(cusip, 2); run; proc contents data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char; run; proc contents data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char2; run; proc contents data=paper.multiple_CEOs; run; proc sort data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char2; by ticker year; run; proc sort data=paper.Compustat_ExecuComp2; by ticker year; run; *Remove all bad years from both data sources; data paper.Compustat_ExecuComp3; length ticker $5; merge paper.Compustat_ExecuComp2 paper.multiple_CEOs (keep=ticker year in=had_multiple_CEOs); by ticker year; if had_multiple_CEOs then delete; run; data paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char3; merge paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char2 paper.multiple_CEOs (keep=ticker year in=had_multiple_CEOs); by ticker year; if had_multiple_CEOs then delete; run; *find additional bad data: multiple return records for the same month/year; proc freq data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char3; tables ticker * year * month / noprint out=paper.multiple_returns (where=(count > 1)); run; *Remove all matching year data for multiple returns; proc sort data=paper.multiple_returns out=multiple_returns (keep=ticker year) NODUPKEY; by ticker year; run; data paper.Compustat_ExecuComp4; merge paper.Compustat_ExecuComp3 (in=keepme) multiple_returns (in=had_multiple_returns); by ticker year; if keepme; if had_multiple_returns then delete; run; data paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char4; length ticker $5; merge paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char3 multiple_returns (in=had_multiple_returns); by ticker year; if had_multiple_returns then delete; run; proc contents data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char3; run; proc contents data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char4; run; *create new variable annualized growth; data paper.CSRP_annual_returns; set paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char4; by ticker year; retain annual_return 1; annual_return=annual_return * (1 + RET); if month=12 or last.ticker; annual_return=(annual_return - 1) * 100; output; annual_return=1; keep ticker year annual_return; run; *use proc contents to see if there is a type mismatch; proc contents data=paper.CSRP_annual_returns; run; proc contents data=paper.Compustat_ExecuComp4; run; *MERGE statement has more than one data set with repeats of BY values; proc sort data=paper.CSRP_annual_returns out=paper.CSRP_annual_returns2 nodupkey; by ticker; run; *Merge CEO data and firm data; DATA paper.ceo_firm; length ticker $5; merge paper.CSRP_annual_returns2 (in=in1) paper.compustat_execucomp4 (in=in2); by ticker; if in1 and in2; run; proc contents data=paper.ceo_firm; run; proc contents data=paper.ceo_firm2; run; *remove missing return data; data paper.ceo_firm; set paper.ceo_firm; if annual_return=. then delete; run; proc means data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char3 n nmiss; var ret; run; proc means data=paper.Compustat_ExecuComp4 n nmiss; var salary; run; proc means data=paper.CSRP_annual_returns n nmiss; var annual_return; run; data paper.ceo_firm; set paper.ceo_firm (rename=(BONUS=_BONUS STOCK_AWARDS=_STOCK_AWARDS)); BONUS=input(_BONUS, ?? 8.); STOCK_AWARDS=input(_STOCK_AWARDS, ?? 8.); run; data paper.ceo_firm2; set paper.ceo_firm2 (rename=(othcomp=_othcomp)); othcomp=input(_othcomp, ?? 8.); run; *create dummy variable that indicates whether the firm's market value increases in a given year; data paper.ceo_firm; set paper.ceo_firm; by ticker year; last_return=lag(annual_return); if not first.ticker then increase=(annual_return > last_return); else increase=.; run; *create dummy variable that indicates whether the CEO is male or female; data paper.ceo_firm; set paper.ceo_firm; if gender='MALE' then male=1; else male=0; run; *bring variable in from other data set; proc sql; create table paper.ceo_firm2 as select a.* , b.VOL from paper.ceo_firm as a left join (select ticker ,year ,sum(VOL) as VOL from paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char4 group by ticker ,year ) as b on a.ticker = b.ticker and a.year = b.year; quit; /* CHECK FOR DUPLICATES */ data is_dup; set paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char4; /* dataset origin containing var to add VOL ? */ by ticker year; if not (first.year and last.year); run; *find duplicates: ticker/year combo; proc freq data=paper.CSRP_Monthly_Stock_char4; tables ticker * year / noprint out=paper.multiple_tyCSRP (where=(count > 1)); run; proc freq data=paper.ceo_firm; tables ticker * year / noprint out=paper.multiple_tyfirm (where=(count > 1)); run; *create variable log_salary; data paper.ceo_firm; set paper.ceo_firm; if salary=0 then log_salary=0; else log_salary=log(salary); run; *create variable log_annual_return; data paper.ceo_firm; set paper.ceo_firm; if annual_return=0 then log_annual_return=0; else log_annual_return=log(annual_return); run; *create variable log_bonus; data paper.ceo_firm; set paper.ceo_firm; if bonus=0 then log_bonus=0; else log_bonus=log(bonus); run; *create variable log_TOTAL_SEC; data paper.ceo_firm; set paper.ceo_firm; if TOTAL_SEC=0 then log_TOTAL_SEC=0; else log_TOTAL_SEC=log(TOTAL_SEC); run; *create interaction term; data paper.ceo_firm2; set paper.ceo_firm2; annual_return_VOL=(annual_return*VOL); run;
This might be time to clarify what you mean by "table" in this context. If you mean a SAS data set then I think @Reeza has covered the basic bases.
However if by "table" you mean a results table such as from a procedure such as Freq, Means, Reg et. al. then you need to explicitly save the results as generated. Either use of ODS destination statements or Proc Document to save a document composed of multiple outputs in the Results window.
If something else then more details please.
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