I have data set named as have contain 3 variables and 1048579 rows and I am trying to run the following code but allows get the following errors :
If you DELETE the hash at last.acct_id, then you must DECLARE it at first.acct_id.
These actions have to be synchronized.
But from your code, I guess hash objects are not what you are looking for.
Use a double DO loop and a date-indexed array. In the first DO, read all observations into the array.
array dpds {'01jan1900'd:'31dec2099'd} temporary;
do i = '01jan1900'd tom'31dec2099'd;
dpds{i} = .;
do until (last.acct_id);
set have;
by acct_id;
dpds{date} = dpd;
Then, in the second DO loop, re-read the observations, set the flags, and OUTPUT.
do until (last.acct_id);
set have;
by acct_id;
do i = intnx('month',date,-13) to date;
if dpds{i} = 9 then flag1 = 1;
The log explains what the problem is. You run out of memory, which gives an error and stops the data step.
I suspect that the real question here is how to accomplish whatever you try to accomplish without the Data Step giving an error?
If that is the case, please provide a minimum of sample data and explain what the code above is suppose to do and the desired result.
You are probably creating a lot more hash objects than you delete. In particular, you have:
if acct_id >= 1 then do;
dcl hash h1(dataset:cats('have (where=(acct_id="', acct_id, '"))'),ordered:'y');
h1.defineKey('acct_id', 'date');
declare hiter hh1 ('h1');
if acct_id >= 1 then do;
dcl hash h11(dataset:cats('have (where=(acct_id="', acct_id, '"))'),ordered:'descending');
h11.defineKey('acct_id', 'date');
declare hiter hh11 ('h11');
which creates an H1 and H11 hash object for every observation with an acct_id>1. When you create a new hash object having the same name as an existing hash object, the memory used by the old object is not released, and its content is no longer accessible. So you should delete before redeclaring. Or better yet, just use the CLEAR method, then re-use without declaring a new identically named hash object.
Back to your error message" your removal of these hash objects from memory are done via
if last.acct_id then h1.delete();
if last.acct_id then h11.delete();
So if you have multiple observations per acct_id (suggested by your use of set have; by acct_id date;), you are not doing proper housekeeping. You are constantly increasing memory demands for hash objects to hold content that you can no longer access.
Hi Thank you for feedback but I am doing two hash using same info but one is sorted ascending and the other is descending.
could you let me know how to use the clear option that you mentioned .
You constantly re-declare the hash object(s), but delete them only when last.acct_id is true. This keeps the old objects in memory.
Instead of re-declaring the objects, declare them once at _n_ = 1, and use the CLEAR method to re-initialize them.
I suspect you should use
if first.acct_id
instead of
if acct_id >= 1
Since acct_id is character in your dataset, you should also use a character literal in the comparison, if you really want
if acct_id >= "1"
If you DELETE the hash at last.acct_id, then you must DECLARE it at first.acct_id.
These actions have to be synchronized.
But from your code, I guess hash objects are not what you are looking for.
Use a double DO loop and a date-indexed array. In the first DO, read all observations into the array.
array dpds {'01jan1900'd:'31dec2099'd} temporary;
do i = '01jan1900'd tom'31dec2099'd;
dpds{i} = .;
do until (last.acct_id);
set have;
by acct_id;
dpds{date} = dpd;
Then, in the second DO loop, re-read the observations, set the flags, and OUTPUT.
do until (last.acct_id);
set have;
by acct_id;
do i = intnx('month',date,-13) to date;
if dpds{i} = 9 then flag1 = 1;
Note that you need to give the ARRAY statement actual integer values for the bounds. And include the _'s in _temporary_.
1 data test; 2 array dpds {'01jan1900'd:'31dec2099'd} temporary; ------------ 22 200 ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: an integer constant, *. ERROR 200-322: The symbol is not recognized and will be ignored. 3 run; NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. WARNING: The data set WORK.TEST may be incomplete. When this step was stopped there were 0 observations and 1 variables. WARNING: Data set WORK.TEST was not replaced because this step was stopped. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 4 data test; 5 array dpds {%sysevalf('01jan1900'd) :%sysevalf('31dec2099'd)} temporary; ERROR: Too few variables defined for the dimension(s) specified for the array dpds. 6 run; NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. WARNING: The data set WORK.TEST may be incomplete. When this step was stopped there were 0 observations and 0 variables. WARNING: Data set WORK.TEST was not replaced because this step was stopped. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 7 data test; 8 array dpds {%sysevalf('01jan1900'd) :%sysevalf('31dec2099'd)} _temporary_; 9 run; NOTE: The data set WORK.TEST has 1 observations and 0 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds
I would recommend a minor tweak to @Tom 's suggestion for using date values as array bounds. Instead of
7 data test; 8 array dpds {%sysevalf('01jan1900'd) :%sysevalf('31dec2099'd)} _temporary_; 9 run;
you could use double quotes instead of single quotes. Unlike the single quotes, the double quotes will allow the macro interpreter to examine the quoted value. If the quoted value is literal text as above, there is no difference (assuming you don't have nested quotes). But if the quoted value is a macro variable or expression, you can use macro assignments that become usable in the array statement, as in
%let date1=01jan1900;
%let date2=31dec2099;
data test;
array dpds {%sysevalf("&date1"d) :%sysevalf("&date2"d)} _temporary_;
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