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Calcite | Level 5

Good morning,

My name is Ram. I am not able to run SAS in Jupyter notebook. 
I have installed the SAS kernel.But,it is giving me an error while I run the code.I have attached the picture of the error. Please take a look.I am wondering if I can get some technical assistance to resolve this. Thank you.
Barite | Level 11

Have you also installed SASPy, Ram? SASPy is a Python package that provides part of the underlying communication between Jupyter and SAS when using the SAS kernel.

SAS Employee

SAS_kernel depends on SASPy, so when you install it, it will install SASPy if it's not already there; so that part should be ok.

The error implies that you haven't configured saspy to have any idea what SAS deployment it's supposed to be connecting to. The documentation for configuring SASPy is here:

There are different access methods for connecting to different kinds of SAS deployments. w/in that configuration doc will be a section that helps you identify which access method to configure depending upon where your client is and where/what kind of SAS deployment you're trying to connect to.