I am sure others can add to this but a few differences:
Viya for Learners is currently using Viya 3.5, commercial release is Viya 4.0. We are working on upgrading to Viya 4.0. https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Global-Forum-Proceedings/SAS-Viya-3-5-and-SAS-Viya-4-A-Side-by-Si...
There are a few release changes… we are currently using Visual Analytics 8.5. you can check out the documentation to see the differences in the application over the update releases.
Viya for Learners is for ‘learning’ not research or business use so we have a file upload limit of 100MB and total upload storage limit is 5GB.
Viya for Leaners is a multi-tenant environment, which means everyone logs in and gets assigned a tenant (machine), that is your machine and you can save stuff to your folders but sharing reports requires a little work https://communities.sas.com/t5/SAS-Communities-Library/Sharing-Reports-in-SAS-Viya-for-Learners/ta-p...
As far as missing features…
-auto tune is turned off for building models
-custom shapefiles/polygons are not enabled
Those are the two off the top of my head. Again, others will add to this.