I am trying to do the SAS Programming 1: Essentials course for a university assignment, I have absolutely no experience programming so I'm very new to this and sorry if I'm just being stupid! But the instructions say this:
Start SAS Studio.
In the Files and Folders panel, navigate to the EPG1V2 folder that you created in Task 1.
Double-click setup.sas to open it. Don't run the code yet - you must edit the first line of code before you run it.
Expand the EPG1V2 folder in the Files and Folders pane. Right-click the data folder and select Properties. Highlight the file path shown in Location and copy it. Close the Folder Properties window.
In the Code window, edit the program as follows:
- Highlight FILEPATH and paste the file path that you copied in the previous step.
- Do not make any other changes to the program.
but when I click on setup.sas I get this code:
%let path=~/EPG1V2/data;
libname PG1 "&path";
%include "&path/pg1v2.sas";
proc contents data=pg1._all_ nods;
Which I assume isn't what I'm meant to get as it says not to edit it and doesn't say FILEPATH anywhere but I'm not sure why or what to do?
Thanks in advance!