Can someone explain to me the process of Monte Carlo simulation?
Marcov Chain transition matrix (Mortage model)
CtoD model: Current to Delinquent (Logistic Model)
CtoP model: Current to Prepay (Logistic Model).
Converting to multinomial format
P[Current] = 1/(1+CtoD + CtoP) = 0.96
P[Delinquent] = CtoD/(1+CtoD + CtoP) = 0.03
P[Prepay] = CtoP/(1+CtoD + CtoP) = 0.01
At first projection month, how are these probabilities converted to 1,0,0 (0r 0,1,0 or 0,0,1)?
Using uniform distribution and decide if the probability is less than 0.96 then the loan will be current (C =1, 0, P=0)?
Just wanted to understand the conversion of probabilities to a unique state.