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Obsidian | Level 7

Does anybody face similar problems with IRM 3.6 (with latest official HFX package) when executing RCM RWA Calculations. In the beginning after some web-server restart starting of such an instance is quite ok, takes several (~25) seconds. But over time (within one month) we do have hundreds of calculations and the time needed for get such RWA instance started increases to some minutes in worst case. Also then the GUI is getting inaccessible. If doing such an exercise with some other IRM - Flows (created by our own having much less complexity then the RWA flows from SAS)  there is not such an issue. So it seems to be related with registering tons of objects/files etc. in the postgres or whatever. We are already in contact with SAS Support and with some specialists but it's a long discussion. So I would be curious if somebody else is facing similar issues and how you handle this (aggressive deleting of instances after they are finished, etc.)


Br Arnold

Obsidian | Level 7

Pushing up the thread - cannot believe that nobody uses RCM (v10.2021 or newer) and is not annoyed by starting time of instances. Would be happy to exchange a bit.


Cheers Arnold

Opal | Level 21

The latest hotfix got only released some weeks ago and includes also performance fixes. May be worth checking if this could also address what you are facing. 


What made a big impact at our site for RGF was the fix provided via: 

Problem Note 67301: You experience slow performance when you execute a cycle or an analysis run in a...


This fix adds an index to one of the Postgres tables. From what you describe the root cause for insufficient performance at your site could have similar root causes.


Obsidian | Level 7

@Patrick : 

Thx a lot for the info. Yes hotfix list I checked - doesn't sound promising. Nevertheless tomorrow I get my system updated by these hotfixes. Let's see. Maybe some topics not in the list are also within the hotfix-package. 

The Problem note is interesting - but imho not appropriate for the RCM. As the topic is known to SAS (at least we have a long running track history on that and tons of logs exchanged - but maybe we are not taken serious) I would expect that they should have proposed something already .... 

I'll try tomorrow with the hotfix package installed.

Opal | Level 21

@ArnoldP Applying the change as per problem note resolved the major performance issues for us and also another site I know of. I strongly recommend you apply this also at your site if not already done so. 

I've also provided feedback so hopeful this problem note change will make it into some future HF. 

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