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SAS Employee

Hi Everyone,


I'm trying to update subset maps in the risk modeling solution. 

I'm on the step to configure joins. 

This is the code that I've used: 


proc sql;
insert into apdm.Subset_Table_Join_Condition
(Subset_Table_Join_Condition_Sk, Subset_From_Path_Sk,
Join_Condition_Sequence_Number, Join_Type,
Left_Table_Sk, Left_Column_Sk, Right_Table_Sk,
Right_Column_Sk, created_dttm,
created_by_user, last_processed_dttm, last_processed_by_user)
values(1111114, 13, 1, 'LEFT', 1100013, 1100014, 1100015, 1100016, "%sysfunc(datetime(),DATETIME.)"dt,
"&sysuserid", "%sysfunc(datetime(),DATETIME.)"dt,"sysuserid");

I get the error below:


ERROR: During insert: ERROR: insert or update on table "subset_table_join_condition" violates foreign key constraint 
DETAIL: Key (left_column_sk)=(1100014) is not present in table

 I checked the table and I know for a fact that left_column_sk exists in the table. When I tried to omit it, it wouldn't let me do that either because of the null constraint. What am I doing wrong here?





SAS Moderator

Have you checked to make sure that the specific key the join  is looking for, 1100014 exists for that column?

SAS Employee
I’m not sure if I interpreted you correctly. This is a new record, so I’m trying to add that value. Was this what you were asking for?

SAS Moderator

If I understand this correctly, you are trying to insert a row, but if the column is referencing a column in another table (a foreign key), that key must exist in the other table. If the key doesn't exist in that table, then you'll get a foreign key violation. 


I'm unfortunately not specifically familiar with this product.

SAS Employee
Yes, I understand that. But the key exists in the table that im trying to insert. I’m just trying to put a value to the respecting key
SAS Moderator

Do the data types match for both between the tables? For example, NUMERIC(8) i believe is the data type that the columns should be using.

SAS Employee
I’m not sure what you mean by that. There is no mismatch of Char-Numeric though. All columns have proper entries. When a mismatch happens another error pops up telling me there is a mismatch between the columns.