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Obsidian | Level 7

Context: I already have a datamart in Oracle and Hadoop with very large information for many years (partitioned, indexed, etc.) and I need to use those datasources in the construction of my ABT to train/deploy our credit risk models.


Currently, I am using SAS as database to my Foundation Mart, so I loaded some tables in SAS successfully, but the ABT/Backtesting/Scoring process is becoming very slow due to the lack of partitions (>30 minutes, since Credit Scoring requires a star-model schema, all the data is bulked into a single .sas7bdat file resulting in files with 1TB size) and also lack of in-database/pass throught processing of my Oracle/Hadoop clusters.


I tried to insert a record with a libname to Oracle in the apdm.Library_master with no luck (error message). Is there a way to accomplish this? Can I connect to Oracle as a datasource in SAS Credit Scoring 6.3? @sanchit013 thank you in advance.


Best regards,


SAS Employee

Hi Javier,


FYI, Credit Scoring 6.3 supports IN-DB processing for Hadoop and Teradata as an external database. While deployment, you are supposed to decide your datamart engine(SAS/TD/Hadoop), and accordingly software gets different prompts to capture schema information. Later on once the user starts creating ABT using tables from external database, execution will be relatively fast ABT builder will use IN-DB technologies. 


In CS 6.3, IN-DB will not be supported. It was available till CS 6.2, later on, it was deprecated. But you can create a SAS library pointing to an oracle database/schema and configure that library in the CS solution. I don't think, there should be any challenge in inserting records in the library_master table. It will help me to debug if you can share a query or error.





Obsidian | Level 7

Sorry for late reply. First, I created a pre-assigned library in SAS Management Console and tested in Enterprise Guide and Data Integration in the same server that Credit Scoring uses. Connection is ok. Then, I updated the library_master table (code below). I tried leaving libname_statement empty too, but no effect, so I added the libname statement.


set library_reference="fm_orcl",
    libname_statement='LIBNAME fm_orcl ORACLE PATH=XXXXX  SCHEMA=XXXXX  AUTHDOMAIN="OraAuth" ',
where library_sk=1000001;


Unfortunately, in the Data Sources tab from Credit Scoring, I got the following error (see below). Do you know if there any log or a way/check-list to figure out the problem?



By the way, if this connection works, it wouldn't be necessary to have a Foundation Mart to make Credit Scoring build ABTs, right? We already have a datamart in another databases and it would simplify the huge data movement we need to do the Foundation Mart in SAS.


Thank you @sanchit013 for your help as always.