Is it possible to change a range of variables (namepers1-namepers3) currently a character string spearated by delimiter "/"
I was able to do it for one variable at a time...but for efficiency, is there a way to do Namepers1-namepsers3 in one datastep?
All the values in each variable are the same character string format...
data rr.namepers2006;
set sar_raw.rr2006 (keep=namepers1-namepers3) ;
array new_var(*)$ last rank grade;
do while(scan(namepers1, i, "/") ne "");
new_var(i) =scan(namepers1, i, "/");
thank you!
data want;;
infile cards dlm=',';
informat per1-per3 $20.;
input per1 per2 per3;
array name(3) $20. name1-Name3 ;
array grade(3) $20. grade1-grade3;
array rank(3) $20. rank1-rank3;
array old_var(3) per1-per3;
do i=1 to 3;
name(i)=scan(old_var(i), 1, ".");
grade(i)=scan(old_var(i), 2, "/");
rank(i)=scan(old_var(i), 3, "/");
Sample J ./0-3/ LT , Sample A ./0-1/ LT, Sample E ./0-4/ CDR
although I'm not 100% sure I understand the problem, I believe the CATX function does what you want
but show us an example of the input, and what the output will look like for this situation
current data looks like this
namepers1 | namepers2 | namepers3 |
Sample J ./0-3/ LT | Sample A ./0-1/ LT | Sample E ./0-4/ CDR |
Want new colums to look like this
last1 | grade1 | rank1 | last2 | grade2 | rank2 | last3 | grade3 | rank3 |
Sample J. | 0-3 | LT | Sample A. | 0-1 | LT | Sample E. | 0-4 | CDR |
You can use the SCAN function to separate the variables into "words" where the delimiter is a slash.
You'd want to put this into a data step loop, probably with namepers1 through namepers8 in an array.
I can get the san to work....just not with a range of variables. I'm not soing something right...
data rr.namepers2006;
set sar_raw.rr2006 (keep=namepers1-namepers3);
array new_var(*)$ name1-Name3 grade1-grade3 rank1-rank3; *not sure if you can use array dimensions like this??;
do while(scan(namepers1-namepers3, i, "/") ne "");
new_var(i) =scan(namepers1-namepers3, i, "/"); *trying to scan range of variables;
Does the number of items vary, or is it always 3?
Here is one way:
data need (keep=id _name_ i data); set rr2006; array rec(*) $ namepers1-namepers8; array new_var(*) $ last rank grade; id=_n_; do i=1 to dim(rec); if rec(i) ne '' then do; j=1; do while(scan(rec(i), j, "/") ne ""); data =scan(rec(i), j, "/"); _name_=vname(new_var(j)); output; j+1; end; end; end; run; proc transpose data=need out=namepers2006 (drop=id _name_); var data; by id; id _name_ i; run;
Art, CEO, AnalystFinder.com
data want;;
infile cards dlm=',';
informat per1-per3 $20.;
input per1 per2 per3;
array name(3) $20. name1-Name3 ;
array grade(3) $20. grade1-grade3;
array rank(3) $20. rank1-rank3;
array old_var(3) per1-per3;
do i=1 to 3;
name(i)=scan(old_var(i), 1, ".");
grade(i)=scan(old_var(i), 2, "/");
rank(i)=scan(old_var(i), 3, "/");
Sample J ./0-3/ LT , Sample A ./0-1/ LT, Sample E ./0-4/ CDR
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Learn how use the CAT functions in SAS to join values from multiple variables into a single value.
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