Dear all,
How can I retain variable as character value?
when I running following codes,
%MACRO CompnayNameM(no=,Company_name=);
data step9.Patstat_total_hrm_Step34;
set step9.Patstat_total_hrm_Step34;
&COMPANY_NAME._S34=cat(' ',strip(&COMPANY_NAME._S34),' ');
if find(&COMPANY_NAME._S34,' A B ')>0 then do;
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34,' A B ',' AB ');FlagSingle=1;end;
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34,' A CALIFORNIA CORP ',' CORP ');
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34,' A DELAWARE CORP ',' CORP ');
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34,' AKTIEBOLAGET ',' AB ');
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34, ' CURATORS ',' ');FlagCLEAN_UNI_NAME=1;end; /* GM */
if find(&Company_name._S34,' THE ' )>0 then do;
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34, ' THE ',' ');FlagCLEAN_UNI_NAME=1; FlagTHE=1;end;
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34, ' ',' ');
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34, ' ',' ');
c&Company_name._33v34=(&Company_name._S34 ne &Company_name._S33);
%MEND CompnayNameM;
I got the result like
6759 %CompnayNameM(no=1,Company_name=HRM_L2)
NOTE: Numeric values have been converted to character values at the places given by: (Line):(Column).
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NOTE: Character values have been converted to numeric values at the places given by: (Line):(Column).
439:21 439:150 441:54 441:211 442:124 443:26 443:177 445:73 445:220
446:114 447:21 447:162 449:60 449:194 450:85 450:219 451:101 451:236
453:132 454:21 454:155 455:50 455:200 457:98 457:244 458:139 459:30
459:174 461:64 461:204 462:88 462:226 463:110 463:244 465:132 466:21
466:157 467:46 467:188 469:75 469:213 470:105 470:238 471:133 473:21
473:161 474:62 474:198 475:90 475:232 477:135 478:21 478:157 479:41
479:173 481:62 481:198 482:84 482:221 483:109 483:247 485:131 486:21
486:153 487:30 487:166 489:63 489:201 490:86 490:220 491:100 491:238
493:139 494:26 494:166 495:60 495:192 497:68 497:207 498:115 499:21
499:163 501:63 501:215 502:132 503:55 503:215 505:127 506:30 506:184
507:81 507:231 509:143 510:47 510:191 511:96 511:242 513:137 514:26
514:164 515:61 515:195 517:82 517:220 518:119 519:21 519:173 521:73
521:221 522:115 523:21 523:163 525:63 525:201 526:86 526:228 527:120
529:21 529:163 530:65 530:207 531:109 531:247 533:131 534:21 534:153
535:30 535:162 537:44 537:182 538:68 538:210 539:115 541:21 541:176
542:67 542:214
NOTE: There were 113707 observations read from the data set STEP9.PATSTAT_TOTAL_HRM_STEP34.
NOTE: The data set STEP9.PATSTAT_TOTAL_HRM_STEP34 has 113707 observations and 50 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 4:45.73
cpu time 3:05.20
I really confused about how to retain all variable as a character value rather than automatically convert to a numeric value? Could you please give me some suggestions about this?
It's hard to know if you have any variables that are numeric, but you treat as strings in the table and the opposit. So, first you can verify that the variables &COMPANY_NAME._S34, &COMPANY_NAME._S33 and c&Company_name._33v34 are strings. And that the variables FlagSingle, FlagCLEAN_UNI_NAME and FlagTHE are numeric.
I can't see what you are doing with the macro input variable No.
Try using
options mprint mlogic symbolgen;
Btw, should it be c&Company_name._33v34? that is, should the c be infront of the company name?
Another way to find the culprits would be to temporarily remove half the code it to try to find the row that gives the error. Then remove half of the code again and so on, till you find it! 🙂
Also, I would probably use the compbl(stringVar) function, it removes multiple blanks from a character string. So, no need to have double checks for double and triple spaces.
Remove the macro bits:
data step9.Patstat_total_hrm_Step34;
set step9.Patstat_total_hrm_Step34;
&COMPANY_NAME._S34=cat(' ',strip(&COMPANY_NAME._S34),' ');
if find(&COMPANY_NAME._S34,' A B ')>0 then do;
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34,' A B ',' AB ');FlagSingle=1;end;
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34,' A CALIFORNIA CORP ',' CORP ');
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34,' A DELAWARE CORP ',' CORP ');
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34,' AKTIEBOLAGET ',' AB ');
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34, ' CURATORS ',' ');FlagCLEAN_UNI_NAME=1;end; /* GM */
if find(&Company_name._S34,' THE ' )>0 then do;
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34, ' THE ',' ');FlagCLEAN_UNI_NAME=1; FlagTHE=1;end;
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34, ' ',' ');
&Company_name._S34= tranwrd(&Company_name._S34, ' ',' ');
c&Company_name._33v34=(&Company_name._S34 ne &Company_name._S33);
Do a search and replace of "&Company_name" with one of your representative values, such as "HRM_L2".
Resubmit - you'll get better line and column numbers in the log indicating the problem statements.
More than likely your problem variables are not contained in your source dataset and are defaulting to numeric values. If that is the case, declare them as character via length or attrib statements. Use the PUT() and INPUT() functions to explicitly convert character to numeric and vice versa.
Fully debug your SAS code, then convert to macro.
Along those lines:
1) You declare no= as a macro parameter but never reference it in your code.
2) Minor: I assume the macro name CompnayNameM is misspelled.
FWIW, RETAIN is a specific statement in SAS regarding keeping values from one observation to the next in a data step.
Since that is not the context you are using the word retain it would be better to come up with a better phrase to avoid possible confusion.
You do not mention which "variable" is supposed to be "retained" as character.
Please note that every time you use this construct:
data step9.Patstat_total_hrm_Step34; set step9.Patstat_total_hrm_Step34;
where the output data set and one on the SET statement is the same that you completely rewrite the data set. So if you have "reused" this data set such as calling the macro multiple times there is no way to know when you may have first changed a variable from character to numeric (if you did) or completely removed a variable from the data set or created a numeric variable because you reference a variable that had not actually previously existed.
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