I have the following macro which I call using a data STEP:
%macro htmlexport(md=,var=,curr=,prev=);
proc sql;
create table a3 as select * from sasuser.production
where branchID ="&var" and mandantid="&md" and generation in ("&curr","&prev");
%mend htmlexport;
Call execute Macro Step:
1) Prepare list of variables:
proc sql;
create table temp as select distinct mandantid, branchid, '202007' as curr, '202006' as prev from sasuser.production
where mandantid='196' and branchid<>'?';
this creates the following table:
2) Running Call Execute
data _null_;
set temp;
call execute(str);
However i get the following error and I don't understand what is wrong. It drives me crazy 🙂
does anybody has an idea what I am doing wrong with this call execute ?
thank you very much
Please run all three parts (macro definition, SQL, DATA step) in a single code and post the log from that. Copy/paste the log into a window opened with this button:
Such text is easier to read than pictures. Use the icon right next to it ("little running man") for SAS code.
please see below log results. the first macro works (html3) while for the second (html9) i get the respective error.
1 Das SAS System 1 ;*';*";*/;quit;run; 2 OPTIONS PAGENO=MIN; 3 %LET _CLIENTTASKLABEL='HTML Export Level 3'; 4 %LET _CLIENTPROCESSFLOWNAME='Process Flow'; 5 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATH=''; 6 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATHHOST=''; 7 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTNAME=''; 8 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILE='L:\Daten\Work\SAS Production Report\HTML Export Level 3.sas'; 9 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILEHOST='W0196Z01095'; 10 11 ODS _ALL_ CLOSE; 12 OPTIONS DEV=PNG; 13 GOPTIONS XPIXELS=0 YPIXELS=0; 14 FILENAME EGSR TEMP; 15 ODS tagsets.sasreport13(ID=EGSR) FILE=EGSR 16 STYLE=HTMLBlue 17 STYLESHEET=(URL="file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/SAS94/x86/SASEnterpriseGuide/7.1/Styles/HTMLBlue.css") 18 NOGTITLE 19 NOGFOOTNOTE 20 GPATH=&sasworklocation 21 ENCODING=UTF8 22 options(rolap="on") 23 ; NOTE: Writing TAGSETS.SASREPORT13(EGSR) Body file: EGSR 24 25 GOPTIONS ACCESSIBLE; 26 data _null_; 27 set sasuser.prodrun; 28 str=catt('%',proc,'(md=',mandantid,',var=',var,',curr=',curr,',prev=',prev,');'); 29 call execute(str); 30 run; WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: There were 25 observations read from the data set SASUSER.PRODRUN. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.02 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds 2 Das SAS System NOTE: CALL EXECUTE generated line. 1 + proc sql; 1 + create table a3 as select * from sasuser.production where branchID ="DE" and mandantid="196" and generation in ("202007","202006"); NOTE: Table WORK.A3 created, with 1 rows and 59 columns. 1 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 51.18 seconds cpu time 9.54 seconds 1 + proc sql; create table a3_1 as select branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, 2 + dealend,riskproduct1name, sum(Eoutstanding) as Eoutstanding1 from a3 where generation="202007" group by branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name; NOTE: Table WORK.A3_1 created, with 0 rows and 8 columns. 2 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.04 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds 2 + proc sql; create table a3_2 as select 3 + branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name, sum(Eoutstanding) as Eoutstanding1 from a3 where generation="202006" group by branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name; NOTE: Table WORK.A3_2 created, with 1 rows and 8 columns. 3 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.03 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds 3 + proc sql; 4 + create table a3_3 as select a3_1.branchid, a3_1.customername, a3_1.dealid, a3_1.dealstart, a3_1.dealend, a3_1.riskproduct1name, a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration, a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20., a3_2.generation as 5 + PreviousGeneration, a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20. from a3_1 x inner join a3_2 y on x.dealid=y.dealid; NOTE: Table WORK.A3_3 created, with 0 rows and 10 columns. 5 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.03 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds 5 + proc sql; create table a3_4 as select a3_1.branchid, a3_1.customername, a3_1.dealid, a3_1.dealstart, 3 Das SAS System 6 + a3_1.dealend, a3_1.riskproduct1name, a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration, a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20., a3_2.generation as PreviousGeneration, a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20. from a3_1 x left join 7 + a3_2 y on x.dealid=y.dealid where x.dealid<>y.dealid; NOTE: Der Operator "<>" wird als "not equals" interpretiert. NOTE: Table WORK.A3_4 created, with 0 rows and 10 columns. 7 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.07 seconds cpu time 0.06 seconds 7 + proc sql; create table a3_5 as select a3_2.branchid, a3_2.customername, a3_2.dealid, a3_2.dealstart, a3_2.dealend, a3_2.riskproduct1name, a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration, 8 + a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20., a3_2.generation as PreviousGeneration, a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20. from a3_1 x right join a3_2 y on x.dealid=y.dealid where x.dealid<>y.dealid; NOTE: Der Operator "<>" wird als "not equals" interpretiert. NOTE: Table WORK.A3_5 created, with 1 rows and 10 columns. 8 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.09 seconds cpu time 0.06 seconds 8 + proc append 9 + base=a3_5 data=a3_4; run; proc append base=a3_5 data=a3_3; run; data a3_5; set a3_5; array change _numeric_; do over change; if change=. then change=0; end; run ; proc sql outobs=100; create table a3_6 as select NOTE: Appending WORK.A3_4 zu WORK.A3_5. NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_4. NOTE: 0 observations added. NOTE: The data set WORK.A3_5 has 1 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: PROZEDUR APPEND used (Total process time): real time 0.02 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds NOTE: Appending WORK.A3_3 zu WORK.A3_5. NOTE: There were 0 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_3. NOTE: 0 observations added. NOTE: The data set WORK.A3_5 has 1 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: PROZEDUR APPEND used (Total process time): real time 0.02 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds NOTE: There were 1 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_5. NOTE: The data set WORK.A3_5 has 1 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.08 seconds cpu time 0.07 seconds 4 Das SAS System 10 + branchid, customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend, riskproduct1name, CurrentGeneration, CurrentOutstanding, PreviousGeneration, PreviousOutstanding, abs(currentoutstanding-previousoutstanding) as deviation from a3_5 order by deviation desc; NOTE: Table WORK.A3_6 created, with 1 rows and 11 columns. 10 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.15 seconds cpu time 0.11 seconds 11 + options nodate; ods html file="M:\OE0979\01 Systems\Cognos monthly testing\Cognos output\SAS Production Report\report_196_analysis3_DE.html"; options nobyline; title "Drill Down Branches - Tenant ID=196 & Branch ID=DE"; footnote "top 100 observations NOTE: Writing HTML Body file: M:\OE0979\01 Systems\Cognos monthly testing\Cognos output\SAS Production Report\report_196_analysis3_DE.html 12 + sorted by deviation descending"; proc report data=a3_6 nowd list headline headskip spacing=2 split='~'; by branchid; column (obs branchid customername dealid dealstart dealend riskproduct1name PreviousOutstanding CurrentOutstanding dev Deviation); 13 + define branchid / group noprint; define customername / display 'Customer Name'; define dealid / display 'Deal ID'; define Dealstart / Display 'Deal Start'; define Dealend / Display 'Deal End'; define Riskproduct1name / Display 'Risk Product Name'; define 14 + previousoutstanding / display f=comma20. "Outstanding 202006"; define currentoutstanding / display f=comma20. "Outstanding 202007"; define deviation / display f=comma20. 'Absolute Deviation'; define dev / computed f=comma20. 15 + style=[backgroundcolor=colora.] 'Relative Deviation'; define obs / computed ; compute dev; dev=currentoutstanding-previousoutstanding; endcomp; compute obs; _obs_ + 1; obs = _obs_; endcomp; run; options byline; title2; ods html close;; NOTE: Groups are not created because the usage of CustomerName is DISPLAY. To avoid this note, change all GROUP variables to ORDER variables. PROC REPORT DATA=WORK.A3_6 LS=132 PS=60 SPLIT="~" HEADLINE HEADSKIP CENTER ; COLUMN ( ( obs BranchID CustomerName DealID DealStart DealEnd RiskProduct1Name PreviousOutstanding CurrentOutstanding dev deviation ) ); DEFINE obs / COMPUTED FORMAT= BEST9. WIDTH=9 SPACING=2 RIGHT "obs" ; DEFINE BranchID / GROUP FORMAT= $3. WIDTH=3 SPACING=2 NOPRINT LEFT "BranchID" ; DEFINE CustomerName / DISPLAY FORMAT= $50. WIDTH=50 SPACING=2 LEFT "Customer Name" ; DEFINE DealID / DISPLAY FORMAT= $30. WIDTH=30 SPACING=2 LEFT "Deal ID" ; DEFINE DealStart / DISPLAY FORMAT= $20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 LEFT "Deal Start" ; DEFINE DealEnd / DISPLAY FORMAT= $20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 LEFT "Deal End" ; DEFINE RiskProduct1Name / DISPLAY FORMAT= $50. WIDTH=50 SPACING=2 LEFT "Risk Product Name" ; DEFINE PreviousOutstanding / DISPLAY FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Outstanding 202006" ; DEFINE CurrentOutstanding / DISPLAY FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Outstanding 202007" ; DEFINE dev / COMPUTED FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Relative Deviation" ; DEFINE deviation / DISPLAY FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Absolute Deviation" ; COMPUTE obs; _obs_ +1; obs = _obs_; ENDCOMP; COMPUTE dev; dev = currentoutstanding - previousoutstanding; ENDCOMP; RUN; NOTE: There were 1 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_6. NOTE: PROZEDUR REPORT used (Total process time): 5 Das SAS System real time 0.28 seconds cpu time 0.04 seconds 16 + proc sql; 16 + create table a3 as select * from sasuser.production where branchID ="HK" and mandantid="196" and generation in ("202007","202006"); NOTE: Table WORK.A3 created, with 1635 rows and 59 columns. 16 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 55.34 seconds cpu time 11.84 seconds 16 + proc sql; create table a3_1 as select branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, 17 + dealend,riskproduct1name, sum(Eoutstanding) as Eoutstanding1 from a3 where generation="202007" group by branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name; NOTE: Table WORK.A3_1 created, with 561 rows and 8 columns. 17 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.08 seconds cpu time 0.07 seconds 17 + proc sql; create table a3_2 as select 18 + branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name, sum(Eoutstanding) as Eoutstanding1 from a3 where generation="202006" group by branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name; NOTE: Table WORK.A3_2 created, with 521 rows and 8 columns. 18 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.07 seconds cpu time 0.12 seconds 18 + proc sql; 19 + create table a3_3 as select a3_1.branchid, a3_1.customername, a3_1.dealid, a3_1.dealstart, a3_1.dealend, a3_1.riskproduct1name, a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration, a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20., a3_2.generation as 20 + PreviousGeneration, a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20. from a3_1 x inner join a3_2 y on x.dealid=y.dealid; NOTE: Table WORK.A3_3 created, with 494 rows and 10 columns. 20 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.04 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds 20 + 6 Das SAS System proc sql; create table a3_4 as select a3_1.branchid, a3_1.customername, a3_1.dealid, a3_1.dealstart, 21 + a3_1.dealend, a3_1.riskproduct1name, a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration, a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20., a3_2.generation as PreviousGeneration, a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20. from a3_1 x left join 22 + a3_2 y on x.dealid=y.dealid where x.dealid<>y.dealid; NOTE: Der Operator "<>" wird als "not equals" interpretiert. NOTE: Table WORK.A3_4 created, with 67 rows and 10 columns. 22 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.05 seconds cpu time 0.04 seconds 22 + proc sql; create table a3_5 as select a3_2.branchid, a3_2.customername, a3_2.dealid, a3_2.dealstart, a3_2.dealend, a3_2.riskproduct1name, a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration, 23 + a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20., a3_2.generation as PreviousGeneration, a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20. from a3_1 x right join a3_2 y on x.dealid=y.dealid where x.dealid<>y.dealid; NOTE: Der Operator "<>" wird als "not equals" interpretiert. NOTE: Table WORK.A3_5 created, with 27 rows and 10 columns. 23 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.05 seconds cpu time 0.04 seconds 23 + proc append 24 + base=a3_5 data=a3_4; run; proc append base=a3_5 data=a3_3; run; data a3_5; set a3_5; array change _numeric_; do over change; if change=. then change=0; end; run ; proc sql outobs=100; create table a3_6 as select NOTE: Appending WORK.A3_4 zu WORK.A3_5. NOTE: There were 67 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_4. NOTE: 67 observations added. NOTE: The data set WORK.A3_5 has 94 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: PROZEDUR APPEND used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds NOTE: Appending WORK.A3_3 zu WORK.A3_5. NOTE: There were 494 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_3. NOTE: 494 observations added. NOTE: The data set WORK.A3_5 has 588 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: PROZEDUR APPEND used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds NOTE: There were 588 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_5. NOTE: The data set WORK.A3_5 has 588 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.03 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds 7 Das SAS System 25 + branchid, customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend, riskproduct1name, CurrentGeneration, CurrentOutstanding, PreviousGeneration, PreviousOutstanding, abs(currentoutstanding-previousoutstanding) as deviation from a3_5 order by deviation desc; WARNING: Statement terminated early due to OUTOBS=100 option. NOTE: Table WORK.A3_6 created, with 100 rows and 11 columns. 25 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.07 seconds cpu time 0.07 seconds 26 + options nodate; ods html file="M:\OE0979\01 Systems\Cognos monthly testing\Cognos output\SAS Production Report\report_196_analysis3_HK.html"; options nobyline; title "Drill Down Branches - Tenant ID=196 & Branch ID=HK"; footnote "top 100 observations NOTE: Writing HTML Body file: M:\OE0979\01 Systems\Cognos monthly testing\Cognos output\SAS Production Report\report_196_analysis3_HK.html 27 + sorted by deviation descending"; proc report data=a3_6 nowd list headline headskip spacing=2 split='~'; by branchid; column (obs branchid customername dealid dealstart dealend riskproduct1name PreviousOutstanding CurrentOutstanding dev Deviation); 28 + define branchid / group noprint; define customername / display 'Customer Name'; define dealid / display 'Deal ID'; define Dealstart / Display 'Deal Start'; define Dealend / Display 'Deal End'; define Riskproduct1name / Display 'Risk Product Name'; define 29 + previousoutstanding / display f=comma20. "Outstanding 202006"; define currentoutstanding / display f=comma20. "Outstanding 202007"; define deviation / display f=comma20. 'Absolute Deviation'; define dev / computed f=comma20. 30 + style=[backgroundcolor=colora.] 'Relative Deviation'; define obs / computed ; compute dev; dev=currentoutstanding-previousoutstanding; endcomp; compute obs; _obs_ + 1; obs = _obs_; endcomp; run; options byline; title2; ods html close;; NOTE: Groups are not created because the usage of CustomerName is DISPLAY. To avoid this note, change all GROUP variables to ORDER variables. PROC REPORT DATA=WORK.A3_6 LS=132 PS=60 SPLIT="~" HEADLINE HEADSKIP CENTER ; COLUMN ( ( obs BranchID CustomerName DealID DealStart DealEnd RiskProduct1Name PreviousOutstanding CurrentOutstanding dev deviation ) ); DEFINE obs / COMPUTED FORMAT= BEST9. WIDTH=9 SPACING=2 RIGHT "obs" ; DEFINE BranchID / GROUP FORMAT= $3. WIDTH=3 SPACING=2 NOPRINT LEFT "BranchID" ; DEFINE CustomerName / DISPLAY FORMAT= $50. WIDTH=50 SPACING=2 LEFT "Customer Name" ; DEFINE DealID / DISPLAY FORMAT= $30. WIDTH=30 SPACING=2 LEFT "Deal ID" ; DEFINE DealStart / DISPLAY FORMAT= $20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 LEFT "Deal Start" ; DEFINE DealEnd / DISPLAY FORMAT= $20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 LEFT "Deal End" ; DEFINE RiskProduct1Name / DISPLAY FORMAT= $50. WIDTH=50 SPACING=2 LEFT "Risk Product Name" ; DEFINE PreviousOutstanding / DISPLAY FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Outstanding 202006" ; DEFINE CurrentOutstanding / DISPLAY FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Outstanding 202007" ; DEFINE dev / COMPUTED FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Relative Deviation" ; DEFINE deviation / DISPLAY FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Absolute Deviation" ; COMPUTE obs; _obs_ +1; obs = _obs_; ENDCOMP; COMPUTE dev; dev = currentoutstanding - previousoutstanding; ENDCOMP; RUN; 8 Das SAS System NOTE: There were 100 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_6. NOTE: PROZEDUR REPORT used (Total process time): real time 0.49 seconds cpu time 0.12 seconds 31 + proc sql; 31 + create table a3 as select * from sasuser.production where branchID ="LO" and mandantid="196" and generation in ("202007","202006"); NOTE: Table WORK.A3 created, with 310 rows and 59 columns. 31 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 50.38 seconds cpu time 9.96 seconds 31 + proc sql; create table a3_1 as select branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, 32 + dealend,riskproduct1name, sum(Eoutstanding) as Eoutstanding1 from a3 where generation="202007" group by branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name; NOTE: Table WORK.A3_1 created, with 78 rows and 8 columns. 32 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.04 seconds cpu time 0.04 seconds 32 + proc sql; create table a3_2 as select 33 + branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name, sum(Eoutstanding) as Eoutstanding1 from a3 where generation="202006" group by branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name; NOTE: Table WORK.A3_2 created, with 104 rows and 8 columns. 33 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.03 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds 33 + proc sql; 34 + create table a3_3 as select a3_1.branchid, a3_1.customername, a3_1.dealid, a3_1.dealstart, a3_1.dealend, a3_1.riskproduct1name, a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration, a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20., a3_2.generation as 35 + PreviousGeneration, a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20. from a3_1 x inner join a3_2 y on x.dealid=y.dealid; NOTE: Table WORK.A3_3 created, with 70 rows and 10 columns. 35 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.05 seconds 9 Das SAS System cpu time 0.04 seconds 35 + proc sql; create table a3_4 as select a3_1.branchid, a3_1.customername, a3_1.dealid, a3_1.dealstart, 36 + a3_1.dealend, a3_1.riskproduct1name, a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration, a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20., a3_2.generation as PreviousGeneration, a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20. from a3_1 x left join 37 + a3_2 y on x.dealid=y.dealid where x.dealid<>y.dealid; NOTE: Der Operator "<>" wird als "not equals" interpretiert. NOTE: Table WORK.A3_4 created, with 8 rows and 10 columns. 37 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.04 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds 37 + proc sql; create table a3_5 as select a3_2.branchid, a3_2.customername, a3_2.dealid, a3_2.dealstart, a3_2.dealend, a3_2.riskproduct1name, a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration, 38 + a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20., a3_2.generation as PreviousGeneration, a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20. from a3_1 x right join a3_2 y on x.dealid=y.dealid where x.dealid<>y.dealid; NOTE: Der Operator "<>" wird als "not equals" interpretiert. NOTE: Table WORK.A3_5 created, with 34 rows and 10 columns. 38 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.04 seconds cpu time 0.04 seconds 38 + proc append 39 + base=a3_5 data=a3_4; run; proc append base=a3_5 data=a3_3; run; data a3_5; set a3_5; array change _numeric_; do over change; if change=. then change=0; end; run ; proc sql outobs=100; create table a3_6 as select NOTE: Appending WORK.A3_4 zu WORK.A3_5. NOTE: There were 8 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_4. NOTE: 8 observations added. NOTE: The data set WORK.A3_5 has 42 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: PROZEDUR APPEND used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds NOTE: Appending WORK.A3_3 zu WORK.A3_5. NOTE: There were 70 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_3. NOTE: 70 observations added. NOTE: The data set WORK.A3_5 has 112 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: PROZEDUR APPEND used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds NOTE: There were 112 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_5. NOTE: The data set WORK.A3_5 has 112 observations and 10 variables. 10 Das SAS System NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.04 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds 40 + branchid, customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend, riskproduct1name, CurrentGeneration, CurrentOutstanding, PreviousGeneration, PreviousOutstanding, abs(currentoutstanding-previousoutstanding) as deviation from a3_5 order by deviation desc; WARNING: Statement terminated early due to OUTOBS=100 option. NOTE: Table WORK.A3_6 created, with 100 rows and 11 columns. 40 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.07 seconds cpu time 0.07 seconds 41 + options nodate; ods html file="M:\OE0979\01 Systems\Cognos monthly testing\Cognos output\SAS Production Report\report_196_analysis3_LO.html"; options nobyline; title "Drill Down Branches - Tenant ID=196 & Branch ID=LO"; footnote "top 100 observations NOTE: Writing HTML Body file: M:\OE0979\01 Systems\Cognos monthly testing\Cognos output\SAS Production Report\report_196_analysis3_LO.html 42 + sorted by deviation descending"; proc report data=a3_6 nowd list headline headskip spacing=2 split='~'; by branchid; column (obs branchid customername dealid dealstart dealend riskproduct1name PreviousOutstanding CurrentOutstanding dev Deviation); 43 + define branchid / group noprint; define customername / display 'Customer Name'; define dealid / display 'Deal ID'; define Dealstart / Display 'Deal Start'; define Dealend / Display 'Deal End'; define Riskproduct1name / Display 'Risk Product Name'; define 44 + previousoutstanding / display f=comma20. "Outstanding 202006"; define currentoutstanding / display f=comma20. "Outstanding 202007"; define deviation / display f=comma20. 'Absolute Deviation'; define dev / computed f=comma20. 45 + style=[backgroundcolor=colora.] 'Relative Deviation'; define obs / computed ; compute dev; dev=currentoutstanding-previousoutstanding; endcomp; compute obs; _obs_ + 1; obs = _obs_; endcomp; run; options byline; title2; ods html close;; NOTE: Groups are not created because the usage of CustomerName is DISPLAY. To avoid this note, change all GROUP variables to ORDER variables. PROC REPORT DATA=WORK.A3_6 LS=132 PS=60 SPLIT="~" HEADLINE HEADSKIP CENTER ; COLUMN ( ( obs BranchID CustomerName DealID DealStart DealEnd RiskProduct1Name PreviousOutstanding CurrentOutstanding dev deviation ) ); DEFINE obs / COMPUTED FORMAT= BEST9. WIDTH=9 SPACING=2 RIGHT "obs" ; DEFINE BranchID / GROUP FORMAT= $3. WIDTH=3 SPACING=2 NOPRINT LEFT "BranchID" ; DEFINE CustomerName / DISPLAY FORMAT= $50. WIDTH=50 SPACING=2 LEFT "Customer Name" ; DEFINE DealID / DISPLAY FORMAT= $30. WIDTH=30 SPACING=2 LEFT "Deal ID" ; DEFINE DealStart / DISPLAY FORMAT= $20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 LEFT "Deal Start" ; DEFINE DealEnd / DISPLAY FORMAT= $20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 LEFT "Deal End" ; DEFINE RiskProduct1Name / DISPLAY FORMAT= $50. WIDTH=50 SPACING=2 LEFT "Risk Product Name" ; DEFINE PreviousOutstanding / DISPLAY FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Outstanding 202006" ; DEFINE CurrentOutstanding / DISPLAY FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Outstanding 202007" ; DEFINE dev / COMPUTED FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Relative Deviation" ; DEFINE deviation / DISPLAY FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Absolute Deviation" ; COMPUTE obs; _obs_ +1; obs = _obs_; ENDCOMP; COMPUTE dev; dev = currentoutstanding - previousoutstanding; 11 Das SAS System ENDCOMP; RUN; NOTE: There were 100 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_6. NOTE: PROZEDUR REPORT used (Total process time): real time 0.46 seconds cpu time 0.14 seconds 46 + proc sql; 46 + create table a3 as select * from sasuser.production where branchID ="NY" and mandantid="196" and generation in ("202007","202006"); NOTE: Table WORK.A3 created, with 1088 rows and 59 columns. 46 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 51.29 seconds cpu time 10.12 seconds 46 + proc sql; create table a3_1 as select branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, 47 + dealend,riskproduct1name, sum(Eoutstanding) as Eoutstanding1 from a3 where generation="202007" group by branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name; NOTE: Table WORK.A3_1 created, with 355 rows and 8 columns. 47 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.05 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 47 + proc sql; create table a3_2 as select 48 + branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name, sum(Eoutstanding) as Eoutstanding1 from a3 where generation="202006" group by branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name; NOTE: Table WORK.A3_2 created, with 356 rows and 8 columns. 48 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.04 seconds cpu time 0.04 seconds 48 + proc sql; 49 + create table a3_3 as select a3_1.branchid, a3_1.customername, a3_1.dealid, a3_1.dealstart, a3_1.dealend, a3_1.riskproduct1name, a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration, a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20., a3_2.generation as 50 + PreviousGeneration, a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20. from a3_1 x inner join a3_2 y on x.dealid=y.dealid; NOTE: Table WORK.A3_3 created, with 247 rows and 10 columns. 50 + 12 Das SAS System quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.04 seconds cpu time 0.04 seconds 50 + proc sql; create table a3_4 as select a3_1.branchid, a3_1.customername, a3_1.dealid, a3_1.dealstart, 51 + a3_1.dealend, a3_1.riskproduct1name, a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration, a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20., a3_2.generation as PreviousGeneration, a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20. from a3_1 x left join 52 + a3_2 y on x.dealid=y.dealid where x.dealid<>y.dealid; NOTE: Der Operator "<>" wird als "not equals" interpretiert. NOTE: Table WORK.A3_4 created, with 108 rows and 10 columns. 52 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.05 seconds cpu time 0.06 seconds 52 + proc sql; create table a3_5 as select a3_2.branchid, a3_2.customername, a3_2.dealid, a3_2.dealstart, a3_2.dealend, a3_2.riskproduct1name, a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration, 53 + a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20., a3_2.generation as PreviousGeneration, a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20. from a3_1 x right join a3_2 y on x.dealid=y.dealid where x.dealid<>y.dealid; NOTE: Der Operator "<>" wird als "not equals" interpretiert. NOTE: Table WORK.A3_5 created, with 109 rows and 10 columns. 53 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.05 seconds cpu time 0.06 seconds 53 + proc append 54 + base=a3_5 data=a3_4; run; proc append base=a3_5 data=a3_3; run; data a3_5; set a3_5; array change _numeric_; do over change; if change=. then change=0; end; run ; proc sql outobs=100; create table a3_6 as select NOTE: Appending WORK.A3_4 zu WORK.A3_5. NOTE: There were 108 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_4. NOTE: 108 observations added. NOTE: The data set WORK.A3_5 has 217 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: PROZEDUR APPEND used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds NOTE: Appending WORK.A3_3 zu WORK.A3_5. NOTE: There were 247 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_3. NOTE: 247 observations added. NOTE: The data set WORK.A3_5 has 464 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: PROZEDUR APPEND used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 13 Das SAS System NOTE: There were 464 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_5. NOTE: The data set WORK.A3_5 has 464 observations and 10 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.04 seconds cpu time 0.03 seconds 55 + branchid, customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend, riskproduct1name, CurrentGeneration, CurrentOutstanding, PreviousGeneration, PreviousOutstanding, abs(currentoutstanding-previousoutstanding) as deviation from a3_5 order by deviation desc; WARNING: Statement terminated early due to OUTOBS=100 option. NOTE: Table WORK.A3_6 created, with 100 rows and 11 columns. 55 + quit; NOTE: PROZEDUR SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.09 seconds cpu time 0.09 seconds 56 + options nodate; ods html file="M:\OE0979\01 Systems\Cognos monthly testing\Cognos output\SAS Production Report\report_196_analysis3_NY.html"; options nobyline; title "Drill Down Branches - Tenant ID=196 & Branch ID=NY"; footnote "top 100 observations NOTE: Writing HTML Body file: M:\OE0979\01 Systems\Cognos monthly testing\Cognos output\SAS Production Report\report_196_analysis3_NY.html 57 + sorted by deviation descending"; proc report data=a3_6 nowd list headline headskip spacing=2 split='~'; by branchid; column (obs branchid customername dealid dealstart dealend riskproduct1name PreviousOutstanding CurrentOutstanding dev Deviation); 58 + define branchid / group noprint; define customername / display 'Customer Name'; define dealid / display 'Deal ID'; define Dealstart / Display 'Deal Start'; define Dealend / Display 'Deal End'; define Riskproduct1name / Display 'Risk Product Name'; define 59 + previousoutstanding / display f=comma20. "Outstanding 202006"; define currentoutstanding / display f=comma20. "Outstanding 202007"; define deviation / display f=comma20. 'Absolute Deviation'; define dev / computed f=comma20. 60 + style=[backgroundcolor=colora.] 'Relative Deviation'; define obs / computed ; compute dev; dev=currentoutstanding-previousoutstanding; endcomp; compute obs; _obs_ + 1; obs = _obs_; endcomp; run; options byline; title2; ods html close;; NOTE: Groups are not created because the usage of CustomerName is DISPLAY. To avoid this note, change all GROUP variables to ORDER variables. PROC REPORT DATA=WORK.A3_6 LS=132 PS=60 SPLIT="~" HEADLINE HEADSKIP CENTER ; COLUMN ( ( obs BranchID CustomerName DealID DealStart DealEnd RiskProduct1Name PreviousOutstanding CurrentOutstanding dev deviation ) ); DEFINE obs / COMPUTED FORMAT= BEST9. WIDTH=9 SPACING=2 RIGHT "obs" ; DEFINE BranchID / GROUP FORMAT= $3. WIDTH=3 SPACING=2 NOPRINT LEFT "BranchID" ; DEFINE CustomerName / DISPLAY FORMAT= $50. WIDTH=50 SPACING=2 LEFT "Customer Name" ; DEFINE DealID / DISPLAY FORMAT= $30. WIDTH=30 SPACING=2 LEFT "Deal ID" ; DEFINE DealStart / DISPLAY FORMAT= $20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 LEFT "Deal Start" ; DEFINE DealEnd / DISPLAY FORMAT= $20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 LEFT "Deal End" ; DEFINE RiskProduct1Name / DISPLAY FORMAT= $50. WIDTH=50 SPACING=2 LEFT "Risk Product Name" ; DEFINE PreviousOutstanding / DISPLAY FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Outstanding 202006" ; DEFINE CurrentOutstanding / DISPLAY FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Outstanding 202007" ; DEFINE dev / COMPUTED FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Relative Deviation" ; DEFINE deviation / DISPLAY FORMAT= COMMA20. WIDTH=20 SPACING=2 RIGHT "Absolute Deviation" ; COMPUTE obs; _obs_ +1; obs = _obs_; ENDCOMP; 14 Das SAS System COMPUTE dev; dev = currentoutstanding - previousoutstanding; ENDCOMP; RUN; NOTE: There were 100 observations read from the data set WORK.A3_6. NOTE: PROZEDUR REPORT used (Total process time): real time 0.49 seconds cpu time 0.12 seconds WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 61 + %html9(md=196,var=A,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 62 + %html9(md=196,var=C,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 63 + %html9(md=196,var=F,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 64 + %html9(md=196,var=I,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 65 + %html9(md=196,var=L,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 66 + %html9(md=196,var=N,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 15 Das SAS System ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 67 + %html9(md=196,var=O,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 68 + %html9(md=196,var=S,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 69 + %html9(md=196,var=U,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 70 + %html9(md=196,var=X,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 71 + %html9(md=196,var=Y,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 72 + %html9(md=198,var=A,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 73 + %html9(md=198,var=C,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. 16 Das SAS System WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 74 + %html9(md=198,var=F,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 75 + %html9(md=198,var=I,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 76 + %html9(md=198,var=L,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 77 + %html9(md=198,var=N,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 78 + %html9(md=198,var=O,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 79 + %html9(md=198,var=S,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 80 + %html9(md=198,var=U,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro HTML9 not resolved. 17 Das SAS System NOTE: Line generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine. 81 + %html9(md=198,var=Y,curr=202007,prev=202006); _ 180 ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order. 31 32 GOPTIONS NOACCESSIBLE; 33 %LET _CLIENTTASKLABEL=; 34 %LET _CLIENTPROCESSFLOWNAME=; 35 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATH=; 36 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTPATHHOST=; 37 %LET _CLIENTPROJECTNAME=; 38 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILE=; 39 %LET _SASPROGRAMFILEHOST=; 40 41 ;*';*";*/;quit;run; 42 ODS _ALL_ CLOSE; 43 44 45 QUIT; RUN; 46
this is the complete code: i can run macro html3 as soon as i add another one (in this case macro html9) i get the error
/* <<< Analysis for Report No. 3 >>> */
%macro html3(md=,var=,curr=,prev=);
proc sql;
create table a3 as select * from sasuser.production
where branchID ="&var" and mandantid="&md" and generation in ("&curr","&prev");
proc sql;
create table a3_1 as select branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name, sum(Eoutstanding) as Eoutstanding1 from a3
where generation="&curr"
group by branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name;
proc sql;
create table a3_2 as select branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name, sum(Eoutstanding) as Eoutstanding1 from a3
where generation="&prev"
group by branchid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,riskproduct1name;
proc sql;
create table a3_3 as select
a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration,
a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20.,
a3_2.generation as PreviousGeneration,
a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20.
from a3_1 x inner join a3_2 y
on x.dealid=y.dealid;
proc sql;
create table a3_4 as select
a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration,
a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20.,
a3_2.generation as PreviousGeneration,
a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20.
from a3_1 x left join a3_2 y
on x.dealid=y.dealid where x.dealid<>y.dealid;
proc sql;
create table a3_5 as select
a3_1.generation as CurrentGeneration,
a3_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20.,
a3_2.generation as PreviousGeneration,
a3_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20.
from a3_1 x right join a3_2 y
on x.dealid=y.dealid where x.dealid<>y.dealid;
proc append base=a3_5 data=a3_4; run;
proc append base=a3_5 data=a3_3; run;
data a3_5;
set a3_5;
array change _numeric_;
do over change;
if change=. then change=0;
run ;
proc sql outobs=100;
create table a3_6 as select
abs(currentoutstanding-previousoutstanding) as deviation
from a3_5
order by deviation desc;
options nodate;
ods html file="M:\OE0979\01 Systems\Cognos monthly testing\Cognos output\SAS Production Report\report_196_analysis3_&var..html";
options nobyline;
title "Drill Down Branches - Tenant ID=&md. & Branch ID=&var.";
footnote "top 100 observations sorted by deviation descending";
proc report data=a3_6 nowd list headline headskip spacing=2 split='~';
by branchid;
column (obs branchid customername dealid dealstart dealend riskproduct1name PreviousOutstanding CurrentOutstanding dev Deviation);
define branchid / group noprint;
define customername / display 'Customer Name';
define dealid / display 'Deal ID';
define Dealstart / Display 'Deal Start';
define Dealend / Display 'Deal End';
define Riskproduct1name / Display 'Risk Product Name';
define previousoutstanding / display f=comma20. "Outstanding &prev.";
define currentoutstanding / display f=comma20. "Outstanding &curr.";
define deviation / display f=comma20. 'Absolute Deviation';
define dev / computed f=comma20. style=[backgroundcolor=colora.] 'Relative Deviation';
define obs / computed ;
compute dev;
compute obs;
_obs_ + 1;
obs = _obs_;
options byline;
ods html close;
%mend html3;
/* <<< Analysis for Report No. 9 >>> */
%macro html9(md=,var=,curr=,prev=);
proc sql;
create table a9 as select * from sasuser.production
where exposureid ="&var" and mandantid="&md" and generation in ("&curr","&prev");
proc sql;
create table a9_1 as select exposureid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,Riskproduct1name, sum(Eoutstanding) as Eoutstanding1 from a9
where generation="&curr"
group by exposureid, generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,Riskproduct1name;
proc sql;
create table a9_2 as select exposureid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,Riskproduct1name, sum(Eoutstanding) as Eoutstanding1 from a9
where generation="&prev"
group by exposureid,generation,customername, dealid, dealstart, dealend,Riskproduct1name;
proc sql;
create table a9_3 as select
a9_1.generation as CurrentGeneration,
a9_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20.,
a9_2.generation as PreviousGeneration,
a9_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20.
from a9_1 x inner join a9_2 y
on x.dealid=y.dealid;
proc sql;
create table a9_4 as select
a9_1.generation as CurrentGeneration,
a9_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20.,
a9_2.generation as PreviousGeneration,
a9_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20.
from a9_1 x left join a9_2 y
on x.dealid=y.dealid where x.dealid<>y.dealid;
proc sql;
create table a9_5 as select
a9_1.generation as CurrentGeneration,
a9_1.Eoutstanding1 as CurrentOutstanding format comma20.,
a9_2.generation as PreviousGeneration,
a9_2.Eoutstanding1 as PreviousOutstanding format comma20.
from a9_1 x right join a9_2 y
on x.dealid=y.dealid where x.dealid<>y.dealid;
proc append base=a9_5 data=a9_4; run;
proc append base=a9_5 data=a9_3; run;
data a9_5;
set a9_5;
array change _numeric_;
do over change;
if change=. then change=0;
run ;
proc sql outobs=100;
create table a9_6 as select
abs(currentoutstanding-previousoutstanding) as deviation
from a9_5
order by deviation desc;
options nodate;
ods html file="M:\OE0979\01 Systems\Cognos monthly testing\Cognos output\SAS Production Report\report_&md._analysis9_&var..html";
options nobyline;
proc format;
value colora -999999999999<-0='red' 0<-999999999999='green' other='white';
title "Drill Down Exposure Class - Tenant ID=&md. Exposure Class ID=&var.";
footnote "top 100 observations sorted by absolute deviation descending";
proc report data=a9_6 nowd list headline headskip spacing=2 split='~';
column (obs exposureid customername dealid dealstart dealend Riskproduct1name PreviousOutstanding CurrentOutstanding dev Deviation);
define exposureid / group noprint;
define customername / display 'Customer Name';
define dealid / display 'Deal ID';
define Dealstart / Display 'Deal Start';
define Dealend / Display 'Deal End';
define riskproduct1name / Display 'Risk Product Name';
define previousoutstanding / display f=comma20. "Outstanding &prev.";
define currentoutstanding / display f=comma20. "Outstanding &curr.";
define deviation / display f=comma20. 'Absolute Deviation';
define dev / computed f=comma20. style=[backgroundcolor=colora.] 'Relative Deviation';
define obs / computed ;
compute dev;
compute obs;
_obs_ + 1;
obs = _obs_;
options byline;
ods html close;
%mend html9;
/* Create Macro Run Table */
proc datasets library=sasuser;
delete prodrun;
proc sql;
create table temp as select distinct 'html3' as proc, mandantid, branchid as var, '202007' as curr, '202006' as prev from sasuser.production
where branchid<>'?';
proc append base=sasuser.prodrun data=temp;
proc sql;
create table temp as select distinct 'html9' as proc, mandantid, exposureid as var,'202007' as curr, '202006' as prev from sasuser.production;
proc append base=sasuser.prodrun data=temp;
/* Execute Macro Run Table */
data _null_;
set sasuser.prodrun;
call execute(str);
even more strange: if i put each macro in a separate program, so html3 in a program, and html9 in another program they both work with no problems... as soon as both macros are in the same program the first one works, the second one gets the respective error.
Shame on me, i have not read all code you have posted and i am not sure to be 100% up-to-date, but some time ago each marcro had to be stored in a file named exactly like the macro for the autocall-mechanism to find the macros.
If you use the autocall facility, each file must contain exactly one macro, and the macro- and filename must be identical (save the .sas extension of the file).
Sound like you have not defined the macro before calling it. Make sure that HMTL9 macro has been defined.
Also when using CALL EXECUTE to run a macro (especially a macro that is large or complex) make sure to use %NRSTR() so that just the CALL to the macro is pushed onto stack to run after the data step. Otherwise the macro runs immediately when the CALL EXECUTE statement runs and all of the code statements that the macro generates are pushed onto the stack instead. So instead of generating this command to pass to CALL EXECUTE:
Wrap the macro name into %NRSTR() so you generate this instead:
You can do this by changing your data step like this:
data _null_;
set sasuser.prodrun;
length str $200;
call execute(str);
You will see impact in the log lines with the + at the start.
You will see one line like:
1 + %html3(md=196,var=A,curr=202007,prev=202006);
instead of multiple lines like:
1 + proc sql; 1 + create table a3 as select * from sasuser.production where branchID ="DE" and mandantid="196" and generation in ("202007","202006");
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