Dear community,
I'm using this code to import a specific textfile - which worked very well for years: (it's part of a macro)
data WORK.ONE_FILE ; %let _EFIERR_ = 0; /* set the ERROR detection macro variable */ infile "&path_in.&&bestand&ii." delimiter='09'x MISSOVER DSD lrecl=32767 firstobs=2 ; informat var1 best12. ; informat var2 best12.; /* informat var3, var4, etc... */ format var1 best12.; format var2 best12. ; /* format var3, var4, etc... */ input var1 var2 /* input var3, var4, etc... */ ; if _ERROR_ then call symputx('_EFIERR_',1); /* set ERROR detection macro variable */ run;
With my last textfile, there was a problem: SAS stopped importing after 3.000 lines, while there are 20.000 lines in the textfile, and SAS did not generate an error in the log.
After looking into the textfile, I saw the problem. There was a weird character in the textfile. I've made two screenshots (attached to this post). One taken from notepad and one taken from notepad++.
The weird character is visualized different in those 2 screenshots.
(i've saved the screenshot in a worddoc because this forum doesn't allow jpg-files)
My question is: is there a way that I can adapt my code so that SAS will import the whole textfile (and not stopping after 3000 lines), so basically that SAS ignores that weird character?
Or at least that it generates an error when it encounters such weird characters (and not stopping without warning)?
Try adding the IGNOREDOSEOF option to the INFILE statement.
Hi Dave, thank you for your reply.
In the SAS log, I can see ENCODING = UTF8
In Notepad++, I can see this matches (also UTF-8).
I didn't find the option to view the hex value, I've attached the piece of text that contains this weird character, hopefully you can see the hex value this way. It has to be an accent or something like that, I guess.
Try adding the IGNOREDOSEOF option to the INFILE statement.
Indeed, the option IGNOREDOSEOF did the trick.
Thank you very much.
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