The following is a csv file
Name,Hire Date,Company,Country,Date of Birth
Gisela S. Santos,8/12/17,Pede Nunc Sed Limited,Micronesia,8/21/1971
Maxwell L. Cooley,9/4/17,A LLP,Somalia,4/30/1975
Thane P. Obrien,10/28/17,Consectetuer Limited,Jamaica,4/23/1988
Minerva C. Conley,1/5/18,Feugiat Tellus Lorem Institute,Fiji,2/18/1975
Kylee R. Finch,10/31/17,Magna Incorporated,Myanmar,5/18/1973
Calista F. Chambers,9/11/17,Facilisis Incorporated,Libya,3/4/1972
Fuller X. Bradford,1/27/18,Morbi Incorporated,Saint Pierre and Miquelon,12/1/1976
the following is my code:
data ABC;
infile 'C:\Users\liaodong\Documents\My SAS Files\prep guide\base
\practice data\cert\new_hires.csv' dsd firstobs=2;
input name $16. hire_date company $ country $ date_of_birth;
proc print data = ABC;
the following is output:
how to read the hire_date and date_of_birth ?
the length is not enough, you are right.
data ABC;
infile 'C:\Users\liaodong\Documents\My SAS Files\prep guide\base
\practice data\cert\new_hires.csv' dsd firstobs=2;
length name $ 20 company $ 32;
input name $ hire_date company $ country $ date_of_birth;
informat hire_date date_of_birth mmddyy10.;
format hire_date date_of_birth mmddyy10.;
proc print data = ABC;
now it is correct.
does not work.
Please post the complete SAS log of your program so we can see more clearly what is happening.
138 data ABC;
139 infile 'C:\Users\liaodong\Documents\My SAS Files\prep guide\base
140 \practice data\cert\new_hires.csv' dsd firstobs=2;
141 input name $16. hire_date company $ country $ date_of_birth;
142 informat hire_date date_of_birth mmddyy10.;
143 format hire_date date_of_birth mmddyy10.;
144 run;
NOTE: The infile 'C:\Users\liaodong\Documents\My SAS Files\prep guide\base\practice
data\cert\new_hires.csv' is:
Filename=C:\Users\liaodong\Documents\My SAS Files\prep guide\base\practice
RECFM=V,LRECL=32767,File Size (bytes)=15802,
Last Modified=07May2021:17:08:56,
Create Time=11Jan2021:18:37:55
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 2 48-57.
RULE: ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9
2 Gisela S. Santos,8/12/17,Pede Nunc Sed Limited,Micronesia,8/21/1971 80
name=Gisela S. Santos hire_date=. company=8/12/17 country=Pede Nun date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=1
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 3 17-17.
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 3 32-38.
3 Maxwell L. Cooley,9/4/17,A LLP,Somalia,4/30/1975 80
name=Maxwell L. Coole hire_date=. company=9/4/17 country=A LLP date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=2
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 5 17-17.
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 5 57-60.
5 Minerva C. Conley,1/5/18,Feugiat Tellus Lorem Institute,Fiji,2/18/1975 80
name=Minerva C. Conle hire_date=. company=1/5/18 country=Feugiat date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=4
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 6 17-23.
6 Kylee R. Finch,10/31/17,Magna Incorporated,Myanmar,5/18/1973 80
name=Kylee R. Finch,1 hire_date=. company=Magna In country=Myanmar date_of_birth=05/18/1973
_ERROR_=1 _N_=5
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 7 17-19.
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 7 52-56.
7 Calista F. Chambers,9/11/17,Facilisis Incorporated,Libya,3/4/1972 80
name=Calista F. Chamb hire_date=. company=9/11/17 country=Facilisi date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=6
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 8 17-18.
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 8 47-71.
8 Fuller X. Bradford,1/27/18,Morbi Incorporated,Saint Pierre and Miquelon,12/1/1976
91 160
name=Fuller X. Bradfo hire_date=. company=1/27/18 country=Morbi In date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=7
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 10 17-17.
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 10 44-48.
10 Melinda Y. Burton,2/23/18,Neque Industries,Japan,1/4/1992
91 160
name=Melinda Y. Burto hire_date=. company=2/23/18 country=Neque In date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=9
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 11 17-21.
11 Alan V. Gibbs,1/16/18,Metus Vitae Company,Kyrgyzstan,10/29/1982
91 160
name=Alan V. Gibbs,1/ hire_date=. company=Metus Vi country=Kyrgyzst date_of_birth=10/29/1982
_ERROR_=1 _N_=10
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 12 17-17.
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 12 48-51.
12 Raphael W. Carter,4/21/18,Magna Ut Corporation,Fiji,4/3/1993
RULE: ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9
91 160
name=Raphael W. Carte hire_date=. company=4/21/18 country=Magna Ut date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=11
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 14 43-59.
14 Anjolie P. Finch,1/25/18,Justo Foundation,Equatorial Guinea,9/10/1972
91 160
name=Anjolie P. Finch hire_date=. company=1/25/18 country=Justo Fo date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=13
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 15 17-17.
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 15 44-53.
15 Ciaran I. Salazar,12/6/17,Ipsum Associates,Montenegro,10/23/1987
91 160
name=Ciaran I. Salaza hire_date=. company=12/6/17 country=Ipsum As date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=14
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 17 17-20.
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 17 58-65.
17 Kimberly L. Randolph,9/28/17,Quam Curabitur Incorporated,Botswana,2/1/1996
91 160
name=Kimberly L. Rand hire_date=. company=9/28/17 country=Quam Cur date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=16
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 18 17-17.
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 18 50-58.
18 Camden G. Rosales,4/18/18,Ac Eleifend Foundation,Guatemala,5/26/1976
91 160
name=Camden G. Rosale hire_date=. company=4/18/18 country=Ac Eleif date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=17
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 19 57-85.
19 Skyler D. Larsen,8/27/17,Curabitur Consequat Industries,"Virgin Islands, United States",9/
91 20/1980 160
name=Skyler D. Larsen hire_date=. company=8/27/17 country=Curabitu date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=18
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 20 17-21.
20 Jacob C. Noel,5/11/18,Non Lobortis Foundation,Mauritania,1/20/1976
91 160
name=Jacob C. Noel,5/ hire_date=. company=Non Lobo country=Mauritan date_of_birth=01/20/1976
_ERROR_=1 _N_=19
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 21 49-56.
21 Scott C. Estrada,4/9/18,Ac Eleifend Corporation,Botswana,2/14/1972
91 160
name=Scott C. Estrada hire_date=. company=4/9/18 country=Ac Eleif date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=20
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 22 17-17.
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 22 47-59.
22 Alana P. Reynolds,3/4/18,Vitae Dolor Donec PC,Liechtenstein,3/19/1991
91 160
name=Alana P. Reynold hire_date=. company=3/4/18 country=Vitae Do date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=21
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 23 17-19.
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 23 47-51.
23 Carson D. Castaneda,4/3/18,Sit Amet Massa LLP,India,9/12/1977
91 160
name=Carson D. Castan hire_date=. company=4/3/18 country=Sit Amet date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=22
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 24 17-21.
24 Arden W. Pena,8/29/17,Dignissim Corporation,Gambia,2/18/1988
91 160
name=Arden W. Pena,8/ hire_date=. company=Dignissi country=Gambia date_of_birth=02/18/1988 _ERROR_=1
NOTE: Invalid data for hire_date in line 25 17-17.
NOTE: Invalid data for date_of_birth in line 25 38-67.
WARNING: Limit set by ERRORS= option reached. Further errors of this type will not be printed.
25 Laurel J. Rosales,1/29/18,Nisi Corp.,Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands,8/4/1992
91 160
name=Laurel J. Rosale hire_date=. company=1/29/18 country=Nisi Cor date_of_birth=. _ERROR_=1 _N_=24
NOTE: 100 records were read from the infile 'C:\Users\liaodong\Documents\My SAS Files\prep
guide\base\practice data\cert\new_hires.csv'.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 160.
NOTE: The data set WORK.ABC has 100 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.05 seconds
cpu time 0.04 seconds
145 proc print data = ABC;
146 run;
NOTE: There were 100 observations read from the data set WORK.ABC.
NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
real time 0.04 seconds
cpu time 0.04 seconds
notice : there are no quotation mark around values of the name variable , this is the key point why this question is hard to code .
data ABC;
informat hire_date date_of_birth mmddyy10.;
infile 'C:\Users\liaodong\Documents\My SAS Files\prep guide\base
\practice data\cert\new_hires.csv' dsd firstobs=2;
input name $ hire_date company $ country $ date_of_birth;
format hire_date date_of_birth mmddyy10.;
proc print data = ABC;
Now , the code is closer to the correct , leave the name and company variables is not read properly.
data ABC;
informat hire_date date_of_birth mmddyy10.;
infile 'C:\Users\liaodong\Documents\My SAS Files\prep guide\base
\practice data\cert\new_hires.csv' dsd firstobs=2;
length name $ 16 company $ 25;
input name $ hire_date company $ country $ date_of_birth;
format hire_date date_of_birth mmddyy10.;
proc print data = ABC;
Perfect .
Your NAME and COUNTRY variables aren't long enough. Try this:
length name company country $ 25;
the length is not enough, you are right.
data ABC;
infile 'C:\Users\liaodong\Documents\My SAS Files\prep guide\base
\practice data\cert\new_hires.csv' dsd firstobs=2;
length name $ 20 company $ 32;
input name $ hire_date company $ country $ date_of_birth;
informat hire_date date_of_birth mmddyy10.;
format hire_date date_of_birth mmddyy10.;
proc print data = ABC;
now it is correct.
You missed making country bigger.
what I have done ? I am so careless.
Thank you for your remind.
data ABC;
infile 'C:\Users\liaodong\Documents\My SAS Files\prep guide\base
\practice data\cert\new_hires.csv' dsd firstobs=2;
length name $ 20 company $ 32 country $10;
input name $ hire_date company $ country $ date_of_birth;
informat hire_date date_of_birth mmddyy10.;
format hire_date date_of_birth mmddyy10.;
proc print data = ABC;
My my my !
data ABC;
infile 'C:\Users\liaodong\Documents\My SAS Files\prep guide\base
\practice data\cert\new_hires.csv' dsd firstobs=2;
length name $ 20 company $ 32 country $ 25;
input name $ hire_date company $ country $ date_of_birth;
informat hire_date date_of_birth mmddyy10.;
format hire_date date_of_birth mmddyy10.;
proc print data = ABC;
They never were read properly. What do you think would happen if you also specified the informats for your character variables?
Try it and let us know.
I don't understand what you mean , but the output of my code (above) is right ,isn't it ?
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