I usually add \ in front of a command to disable aliases.
That way I don't need to know where in the search path the command actually lives.
infile "\ls -A /mydir" pipe truncover ;
Hello Darryl - I just found your macro get_folder_info and I really liked it. However, I wanted file size too, so I tweaked it...
...I hope you don't mind. I really like the fact that exactly the same code runs on my AIX box and Windows box.
/* Program Name: get_folder_info (macro of the same name) */
/* */
/* Description: SAS Utility: */
/* Dump the contents of folder into a SAS data set (user defined) */
/* Output data set contains the input folder name, all the files inside the folder, and */
/* whether those files are a directory or file. */
/* */
/* If a file is input, the program stops with a message in the log stating that the input */
/* directory is not a directory. */
/* */
/* */
/* Macro Input Parameters: dir = Unquoted Full Directory Path ending in \ or /. */
/* output_ds = SAS data set containing the directory information. */
/* */
%macro get_folder_info(dir=,output_ds=);
%*put &dir;
** Check for Existence of directory path ;
%if %sysfunc(fileexist(&dir)) %then %do;
* create output table;
data &output_ds (drop=t_:);
attrib DirName length=$512. label='Name of Input Directory'
FileName length=$1024. label='Full File Name with Path of Directory Member'
MemberName length=$512. label='File Name of Directory Member'
FileType length=$9. label='Directory Member: File or Directory'
FileSize length=8. label='File Size (Bytes)' format=COMMA14.;
* Try to open the input directory;
t_rc = filename('dref',"&dir.");
t_topdir = dopen('dref');
if t_topdir > 0 then do;
* Top directory was opened, so get number of members;
t_memct = dnum(t_topdir);
do t_i=1 to t_memct;
FileName=cats("&dir.",MemberName); * create full path of directory/file;
* Get fileref;
* open file/folder;
* Get the size;
if t_fid>0 then FileSize=finfo(t_fid,'File Size (bytes)');
else FileSize=.;
if (t_did=0 and t_fid>0) then FileType='File';
else FileType='Directory';
* close files;
else put "Folder &dir. could not be opened";
%else %do;
%put "Folder &dir. does not exist";
%mend get_folder_info;
TimArm, Thanks for this. I made some modifications to get file modified and the file created times, which was working well in SAS 9.4 TS Level 1M3 X64_DSRV12 platform. Now I'm in SAS 9.4 TS Level 1M7 X64_10PRO platform and this macro no longer pulls the file size, modified, and created dates. Any ideas on what is causing the finfo-derived information to no longer work?
/* Program Name: get_folder_info (macro of the same name)
/* Description: SAS Utility:
/* Dump the contents of folder into a SAS data set (user defined)
/* Output data set contains the input folder name, all the files inside the folder, and
/* whether those files are a directory or file.
/* If a file is input, the program stops with a message in the log stating that the input
/* directory is not a directory.
/* Macro Input Parameters: dir = Unquoted Full Directory Path ending in \ or /.
/* output_ds = Desired name for SAS data set containing the directory information.
%macro get_folder_info(dir=,output_ds=);
%*put &dir;
** Check for Existence of directory path ;
%if %sysfunc(fileexist(&dir)) %then %do;
* create output table;
data &output_ds (drop = t_:);
attrib DirName length=$512. label='Name of Input Directory'
FileName length=$1024. label='Full File Name with Path of Directory Member'
MemberName length=$512. label='File Name of Directory Member'
FileCr length=8. label='Create Time' format = DATETIME16.
FileMod length=8. label='Last Modified' format = DATETIME16.
FileType length=$9. label='Directory Member: File or Directory'
FileEx length=$20. label='File Extension'
FileSize length=8. label='File Size (bytes)' format=COMMA14.;
* Try to open the input directory;
t_rc = filename('dref',"&dir.");
t_topdir = dopen('dref');
if t_topdir > 0 then do;
* Top directory was opened, so get number of members;
t_memct = dnum(t_topdir);
do t_i=1 to t_memct;
FileName=cats("&dir.",MemberName); * create full path of directory/file;
FileEx = scan(MemberName, -1, .); * find extension of file
* Get fileref;
* open file/folder;
* Get the modified date;
if t_fid>0 then FileMod = input(finfo(t_fid,'Last Modified'), ANYDTDTM.);
else FileMod=.;
* Get the created date;
if t_fid>0 then FileCr = input(finfo(t_fid,'Create Time'), ANYDTDTM.);
else FileCr=.;
* Get the size;
if t_fid>0 then FileSize=finfo(t_fid,'File Size (bytes)');
else FileSize=.;
* Directory or file;
if (t_did=0 and t_fid>0) then FileType='File';
else FileType='Directory';
* close files;
else put "Folder &dir. could not be opened";
%else %do;
%put "Folder &dir. does not exist";
%mend get_folder_info;
In your code change from...
Not sure how this code would have worked in your previous environment without this backslash.
Btw: Suggest in the future to not add to old discussions but to create a new question instead where you then reference the old discussion. This will help to keep this forum more useful and easier to search (ideally: a single question and then an answer marked as solution).
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